The most deeply loved of God human being Who has ever walked the face of this earth was not given an earthly spouse by His Heavenly Father.
Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah . . . has conquered . . . Revelation 5:5
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ . . . Galatians 6:14
You have been very angry with your Anointed One. Psalm 89:38
For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2
Let the motto upon your whole ministry be - "Christ is All!" - Cotton Mather
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Friday, December 26, 2014
Christ Is All When She Said No!
She said no
So He would firm and deeply know
That Christ is all and all let go
And in the low this truth would grow
And Christ's great blessings ever flow
For when you priase Him in the low
His greatest value you will show
So "Christ is all!" - all else forgo
Now He is all I need I know!
That's my King!
So He would firm and deeply know
That Christ is all and all let go
And in the low this truth would grow
And Christ's great blessings ever flow
For when you priase Him in the low
His greatest value you will show
So "Christ is all!" - all else forgo
Now He is all I need I know!
That's my King!
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
It's Christmas, But The Cross Is Comin'!
It's Christmas
A virgin is pregnantJoseph is wonderin' what happened
The Angel Gabriel is makin' the story clear
But the cross is comin'!
It's Christmas
Women who can't get pregnant are rejoicin'
The impossible is becoming possible
God is actin'
The Holy Spirit is overshadowin'
Songs of praise are being written
But the cross is comin'!
It's Christmas
The Mighty One has done great things
His mercy is from generation to generation
He's scattering the proud
He's toppling the mighty
He's satisfying the hungry
And sending the rich away empty
Because they don't know
That the cross is comin'!
It's Christmas
The God of Israel has visited to provide redemption for His people
He has raised up a horn of salvation to save us from our enemies and all who hate us
He'll bring us knowledge of salvation and forgiveness of our sins
Light is going to shine in darkness
Because the cross is comin'!
It's Christmas
Caesar Augustus is decreeing
Joseph and Mary are traveling
The cattle are feeding
Herod is conniving
The Star is shining
Angels are speaking
The shepherds are praising
But the cross is comin'!
It's Christmas
No room was found in the inn for my King
No bed was available where He could lay His head
He's homeless
He's laying in the feeding trough of a cow
But they don't even know
That the cross is comin'!
It's Christmas
The glory of the Lord is shinin'
Good news of great joy for all people is being proclaimed
A Savior Who is Christ the Lord is born
Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth
Because the cross is comin'!
It's Christmas
The shepherds are preachin' about the glory of my King
All who hear them are amazed
Mary is treasurin' and meditatin'
But she doesn't know yet
That the cross is comin'!
It's Christmas
Wise men are seeking Him
The star He created
The star He upholds by the Word of His power
The star that can't compare with the brightness of His glory
That star is leading them to Him – the Savior of the world
And they shower Him with gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh
But let me tell you something
The cross is comin'!
It's Christmas
Wickedness is abounding
Sin has no remedy
Herod is killing all the little babies
Mothers are weeping
Fathers are stumbling
There's no peace on earth
No justice is being done
But you see, it's only Christmas
The cross is comin'!
It's Christmas
Hope is born
Salvation has come
Prophecy has been fulfilled
God has become man
Yet He's the Sign Who will be opposed
And a sword will pierce Mary's heart
Because the cross is comin'!
It's Christmas
Joy to the world, the Lord has come
Sing choirs of angels, sing in exultation
Glory to the new born King
He rules the world with truth and grace
See within a manger laid, Jesus, Lord of heaven and earth
Oh come let us adore Him
Let every heart prepare Him room
And go tell it on the mountain
Because the cross is comin'!
It's Christmas
It's only Christmas
But the cross is comin'!
"That's my King!" The Word Made Flesh
With Sin And Evil He Won't Mesh
His Body They Would Kill And Thresh
Then Rise To All The World Refresh!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
This poem is based on S. M. Lockridge's poem "It's Friday, But Sunday's Coming!"
S. M. Lockridge is well know for his poem "That's My King!"
God And The Gospel
To learn more about the great and true Triune God, the God-Man, Jesus Christ, His cross, and His glorious Gospel message and everlasting Kingship, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.
My Other Christmas Blog Posts
Saturday, December 20, 2014
"That's My King!" Between Two Thieves And Mocking Jeers From All Receives He Died To Free From All That Grieves And Save Each Sinner Who Believes!
You're being crucified
You're in unimaginable pain
You're alone
You're suffering
But today you will be with Me in paradise!
You're being crucified
You're naked
You're ashamed
You're bleeding
You mocked the Son of God
But today you will be with Him in paradise!
You're being crucified
You're the worst of the worst condemned to die
You're a sinner
You're guilty
You deserve crucifixion and you know it
But today you will be with Me in paradise!
You're being crucified
You see Jesus mocked
Something in you changes
God's Spirit grants you a new heart
You defend Jesus as the innocent One
And today you will be with Him in paradise!
You're being crucified
You are moments away from everlasting torment and suffering in hell
You see a Man on a cross Who seems not even able to save Himself
All His followers have forsaken Him
He's all alone
He's totally forsaken
His circumstances seem as totally hopeless as yours
Yet you trust in Him!
You understand Him to be the King Whose Kingdom will have no end!
And today you will be with Him in paradise!
You're being crucified
You have no good works to offer to God
You have no righteousness to earn God's favor
You've been very bad in your life, and you deserve only hell
But you take the name above all names upon your lips
And say: "Jesus, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom."
And He says to you
"Today you will be with Me in paradise!"
Christian, you've been crucified
You deserve to die
Just like the robber on the cross
And you did die
You died in Christ
And someday you will be with Him in paradise!
You've been crucified
All your sins have been punished
The wrath of God has been poured out on all your wrong doing
For Christ was made your sin
And you are forgiven
You are free
You are righteous in Christ
And someday you will be with Him in paradise!
You've been crucified
You've died to sin and its power over your life
You are no longer a slave to sin but a slave to righteousness
Jesus breaks the power of canceled sin
Jesus is your greatest Pleasure and Treasure
Jesus is your Lover and Living LORD
Jesus is your Brother and Best Man
Jesus is your Friend and Fascination
Jesus is your Shepherd, Savior, and Satisfaction
Jesus is your all in all
Jesus is your paradise in heaven
And someday you will be with Him in paradise!
You're in unimaginable pain
You're alone
You're suffering
But today you will be with Me in paradise!
You're being crucified
You're naked
You're ashamed
You're bleeding
You mocked the Son of God
But today you will be with Him in paradise!
You're being crucified
You're the worst of the worst condemned to die
You're a sinner
You're guilty
You deserve crucifixion and you know it
But today you will be with Me in paradise!
You're being crucified
You see Jesus mocked
Something in you changes
God's Spirit grants you a new heart
You defend Jesus as the innocent One
And today you will be with Him in paradise!
You're being crucified
You are moments away from everlasting torment and suffering in hell
You see a Man on a cross Who seems not even able to save Himself
All His followers have forsaken Him
He's all alone
He's totally forsaken
His circumstances seem as totally hopeless as yours
Yet you trust in Him!
You understand Him to be the King Whose Kingdom will have no end!
And today you will be with Him in paradise!
You're being crucified
You have no good works to offer to God
You have no righteousness to earn God's favor
You've been very bad in your life, and you deserve only hell
But you take the name above all names upon your lips
And say: "Jesus, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom."
And He says to you
"Today you will be with Me in paradise!"
Christian, you've been crucified
You deserve to die
Just like the robber on the cross
And you did die
You died in Christ
And someday you will be with Him in paradise!
You've been crucified
All your sins have been punished
The wrath of God has been poured out on all your wrong doing
For Christ was made your sin
And you are forgiven
You are free
You are righteous in Christ
And someday you will be with Him in paradise!
You've been crucified
You've died to sin and its power over your life
You are no longer a slave to sin but a slave to righteousness
Jesus breaks the power of canceled sin
Jesus is your greatest Pleasure and Treasure
Jesus is your Lover and Living LORD
Jesus is your Brother and Best Man
Jesus is your Friend and Fascination
Jesus is your Shepherd, Savior, and Satisfaction
Jesus is your all in all
Jesus is your paradise in heaven
And someday you will be with Him in paradise!
Saturday, December 13, 2014
"That's My King!" Who Couldn't Carry His Cross To The Place Of The Skull Where All Seemed Loss The Wrath Of God He Would Exhaust To Purchase Us At Greatest Cost!
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
He was whipped with a scourging cord
Spit from wicked mouths was on Him poured
Soldiers mocked Him who were bored
He was hated and abhorred
"Crucify!" the crowd had roared
And this – this should leave us totally floored
Like our hearts are cut with a sword
Our anger burns with one accord
For Him Who should be full adored
As heaven and earth's greatest reward
But you were there when they crucified my Lord
It was our sin that left Him gored
It was our sin that killed our Lord
Yet for us all He was abhorred
His love – so great – is our award
So trust Him now and be restored!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
When we come and assemble
It should cause us to tremble
Our Christ they'd disassemble
So badly not even a man did He resemble!
Jesus they would fully demean
The site of Him became obscene
On a slave He'd have to lean
To bear His cross Simon Cyrene
To help the Lord he'd intervene
The first to bear his cross we've seen
To follow Christ – this is routine
It's death to self – no in between
All or nothing is the scene
So die to self and on Him lean!
That's my King!
They took our Lord outside the gate
The place of the skull to meet His fate
And on the way He'd face the hate
Of those He made and did create
Toward the prize His face was straight
The joy before Him would elate
He'd die and bear sin's wicked freight
Then rise alive as heaven's Great
Now trust the Lord and on Him wait
He'll save your soul and change your state
He'll take away your sin and hate
He'll bear your load and take your weight
So you can enter heaven's gate!
Our glorious Lord suffered crucifixion
An unspeakable physical affliction
But the physical was almost like a fiction
Compared to the spiritual eviction
He endured from His Father's infliction
Of everlasting wrath conviction
So that you would never face eviction
From His eternal jurisdiction
He'll save from all your dereliction
Free you from every addiction
And sing over you a love song benediction!
That's my King!
Of all His clothes our Lord was stripped
Like an animal He was whipped
From His back the flesh was ripped
The sour wine He couldn't have sipped
In chains of wrath His soul was gripped
But He arose and death He flipped
For from its hold He finally slipped
So we forever won't be stripped
In righteous robes we'll be equipped
And by His love forever gripped!
That's my King! That's my King!
He was whipped with a scourging cord
Spit from wicked mouths was on Him poured
Soldiers mocked Him who were bored
He was hated and abhorred
"Crucify!" the crowd had roared
And this – this should leave us totally floored
Like our hearts are cut with a sword
Our anger burns with one accord
For Him Who should be full adored
As heaven and earth's greatest reward
But you were there when they crucified my Lord
It was our sin that left Him gored
It was our sin that killed our Lord
Yet for us all He was abhorred
His love – so great – is our award
So trust Him now and be restored!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
When we come and assemble
It should cause us to tremble
Our Christ they'd disassemble
So badly not even a man did He resemble!
Jesus they would fully demean
The site of Him became obscene
On a slave He'd have to lean
To bear His cross Simon Cyrene
To help the Lord he'd intervene
The first to bear his cross we've seen
To follow Christ – this is routine
It's death to self – no in between
All or nothing is the scene
So die to self and on Him lean!
That's my King!
They took our Lord outside the gate
The place of the skull to meet His fate
And on the way He'd face the hate
Of those He made and did create
Toward the prize His face was straight
The joy before Him would elate
He'd die and bear sin's wicked freight
Then rise alive as heaven's Great
Now trust the Lord and on Him wait
He'll save your soul and change your state
He'll take away your sin and hate
He'll bear your load and take your weight
So you can enter heaven's gate!
Our glorious Lord suffered crucifixion
An unspeakable physical affliction
But the physical was almost like a fiction
Compared to the spiritual eviction
He endured from His Father's infliction
Of everlasting wrath conviction
So that you would never face eviction
From His eternal jurisdiction
He'll save from all your dereliction
Free you from every addiction
And sing over you a love song benediction!
That's my King!
Of all His clothes our Lord was stripped
Like an animal He was whipped
From His back the flesh was ripped
The sour wine He couldn't have sipped
In chains of wrath His soul was gripped
But He arose and death He flipped
For from its hold He finally slipped
So we forever won't be stripped
In righteous robes we'll be equipped
And by His love forever gripped!
That's my King! That's my King!
Saturday, December 6, 2014
"That's My King!" Who Was Severely Mocked And On His Head They Spit And Knocked By Death Our Lowly King Was Rocked But In Three Days They'll All Be Shocked He Rose And Heaven's Gates Unlocked!
To mock they clothed Him like a king
Vile insults at our King they fling
The words are piercing deep with sting
They treat Him like the unclean thing
But only good from Him will spring
To the Just One He would cling
And take the worst that they could sling
Then die so to Him we could sing
All praise and glory to our King
Who rose to end death's bitter sting
All thanks and honor to Him bring!
That's my King!
They clothed Him in a purple cloak
To make His royalty a joke
With spit His face and beard they'd soak
They tried to provoke
All His dignity revoke
And leave His spirit broke
And all His hope choke
By the wicked words they spoke
But in all this He was not broke
But stood like a mighty, unshakable oak
He took their joke
And bore the yoke
To die and rise to give us hope!
That's My King! Do you know Him?
They put on Him a thorny crown
And laughed and jeered like He's a clown
Though He's the greatest Man around
They'd mock and curse and put Him down
He'd even face His Father's frown
And in His wrath He'd finally drown
Then rise so we could have a crown!
That's my King!
They drenched His head with phlegm and spit
And all vile words that tongues emit
Even on His head they hit
And though they all should Him acquit
For nothing bad did He commit
To all His Father's will submit
Not one Word or jot omit
To do what's right He never quit
And died the temple curtain split
So He with God would with us knit
And in His presence we would sit
Where joy and pleasures keep us lit
All because He took our hit
Oh He's the best we must admit!
That's my King! That's my King!
Vile insults at our King they fling
The words are piercing deep with sting
They treat Him like the unclean thing
But only good from Him will spring
To the Just One He would cling
And take the worst that they could sling
Then die so to Him we could sing
All praise and glory to our King
Who rose to end death's bitter sting
All thanks and honor to Him bring!
That's my King!
They clothed Him in a purple cloak
To make His royalty a joke
With spit His face and beard they'd soak
They tried to provoke
All His dignity revoke
And leave His spirit broke
And all His hope choke
By the wicked words they spoke
But in all this He was not broke
But stood like a mighty, unshakable oak
He took their joke
And bore the yoke
To die and rise to give us hope!
That's My King! Do you know Him?
They put on Him a thorny crown
And laughed and jeered like He's a clown
Though He's the greatest Man around
They'd mock and curse and put Him down
He'd even face His Father's frown
And in His wrath He'd finally drown
Then rise so we could have a crown!
That's my King!
They drenched His head with phlegm and spit
And all vile words that tongues emit
Even on His head they hit
And though they all should Him acquit
For nothing bad did He commit
To all His Father's will submit
Not one Word or jot omit
To do what's right He never quit
And died the temple curtain split
So He with God would with us knit
And in His presence we would sit
Where joy and pleasures keep us lit
All because He took our hit
Oh He's the best we must admit!
That's my King! That's my King!
Saturday, November 29, 2014
"That's My King!" Who's Our Perfect Substitute He Was Killed Like A Murderous Brute Though He's Innocent Without Dispute Yet Silent And Mute Our Sin God Did To Him Impute So We'll Have And Bear His Righteous Fruit!
Barabbas is guilty
He's in prison
He's a rebel
He's a murderer
He revolted against the government
But Jesus took Barabbas' place!
Barabbas is guilty
He deserves to die
He's sinned against others
He's sinned against God
He deserves hell forever
Yet Jesus took Barabbas' place!
Barabbas is guilty
But Jesus died and rose to save the guilty
Barabbas is in prison
But Jesus came to set the prisoners free
Barabbas is a rebel
But Jesus came to spread out His hands all the day long to a rebellious people
Barabbas is a murderer
But Jesus came to be murdered in order to save murderers who repent and believe in Him
Barabbas revolted against the government
But Jesus came to establish an everlasting and perfect government where He would be King forever
Because Jesus took Barabbas' place!
Barabbas is guilty
I am Barabbas
You are Barabbas
We are Barabbas
We deserve everlasting prison in hell
We have rebelled against our Creator Who has been nothing but good to us
We have murdered and murdered in our hearts
We have revolted against authority in numerous ways
We are Barabbas
But Jesus took Barabbas' place!
Jesus took our place!
Barabbas is guilty
But by grace through faith in Jesus, the guilty can go free
Jesus was made guilt, though He knew no guilt
Jesus was a prisoner, though He did nothing deserving of prison
Jesus was counted as the rebel of all rebels, though He knew not an ounce of rebellion in His life
Jesus was counted murder, though He knew no murder
Jesus was treated as a threat to the government, though He upholds all things, including government, by the Word of His power
Jesus was found guilty and Barabbas was set free
Because Jesus took Barabbas' place!
Barabbas is guilty
But Barabbas was set free
And by faith in Christ, you get even better than Barabbas
You're forgiven of all your sins
You're given the very righteousness of Christ
You're set free from sin
You're set free from hell
You're set free from the bondage of the devil
You're given eternal life in the presence of God where there's fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore
You're given Christ as your all in all
Because Jesus took Barabbas' place!
Because Jesus took your place!
Because Jesus died and rose and conquered all!
He's in prison
He's a rebel
He's a murderer
He revolted against the government
But Jesus took Barabbas' place!
Barabbas is guilty
He deserves to die
He's sinned against others
He's sinned against God
He deserves hell forever
Yet Jesus took Barabbas' place!
Barabbas is guilty
But Jesus died and rose to save the guilty
Barabbas is in prison
But Jesus came to set the prisoners free
Barabbas is a rebel
But Jesus came to spread out His hands all the day long to a rebellious people
Barabbas is a murderer
But Jesus came to be murdered in order to save murderers who repent and believe in Him
Barabbas revolted against the government
But Jesus came to establish an everlasting and perfect government where He would be King forever
Because Jesus took Barabbas' place!
Barabbas is guilty
I am Barabbas
You are Barabbas
We are Barabbas
We deserve everlasting prison in hell
We have rebelled against our Creator Who has been nothing but good to us
We have murdered and murdered in our hearts
We have revolted against authority in numerous ways
We are Barabbas
But Jesus took Barabbas' place!
Jesus took our place!
Barabbas is guilty
But by grace through faith in Jesus, the guilty can go free
Jesus was made guilt, though He knew no guilt
Jesus was a prisoner, though He did nothing deserving of prison
Jesus was counted as the rebel of all rebels, though He knew not an ounce of rebellion in His life
Jesus was counted murder, though He knew no murder
Jesus was treated as a threat to the government, though He upholds all things, including government, by the Word of His power
Jesus was found guilty and Barabbas was set free
Because Jesus took Barabbas' place!
Barabbas is guilty
But Barabbas was set free
And by faith in Christ, you get even better than Barabbas
You're forgiven of all your sins
You're given the very righteousness of Christ
You're set free from sin
You're set free from hell
You're set free from the bondage of the devil
You're given eternal life in the presence of God where there's fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore
You're given Christ as your all in all
Because Jesus took Barabbas' place!
Because Jesus took your place!
Because Jesus died and rose and conquered all!
Saturday, November 22, 2014
My King Can't Be Bound!
Meditation on this: "And they bound Jesus . . . ." Mark 15:1
They bound my Jesus?
He can't be bound
Nobody like Him can be found
Pilate He would confound and finally astound
But He let Himself be bound
And His enemies surround
On that cross He'd be downed
With the greatest sufferings around
Yet He didn't stay in the ground
But rose up to be crowned
So His grace would abound
To the lost and found
His name is the most beautiful sound
May His praises forever resound!
That's my King!
They bound my Jesus?
He can't be bound
Nobody like Him can be found
Pilate He would confound and finally astound
But He let Himself be bound
And His enemies surround
On that cross He'd be downed
With the greatest sufferings around
Yet He didn't stay in the ground
But rose up to be crowned
So His grace would abound
To the lost and found
His name is the most beautiful sound
May His praises forever resound!
That's my King!
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Thanksgiving 2014
I didn't deserve to be born.
I didn't deserve to be born in a country where the Gospel is freely preached.
I didn't deserve to be brought up under the influence of the Gospel.
I don't deserve the family I have.
I don't deserve the friends I have.
I don't deserve the education I have.
I don't deserve the job I have.
I don't deserve the life experiences I've enjoyed.
I don't deserve the health I've been given.
I don't deserve the food, clothes, and shelter I've enjoyed these many years of life.
I don't deserve the material resources I've been given.
I don't deserve the gift of marriage.
I don't deserve the gift of children.
I don't deserve the gift of singleness.
I don't deserve joy, peace, and happiness.
I don't deserve any of the pleasures this life or the next has to offer.
I don't deserve for things to go my way.
I don't deserve health, wealth, and prosperity.
Because of my sin, all I do deserve is death, judgment, curse, loneliness, ridicule, slander, joblessness, homelessness, nakedness, starvation, pain, suffering, depression, despair, brokenness, and everlasting torment away from the presence of the LORD in His love and mercy and in the presence of the LORD in His everlasting wrath and fury for all eternity.
But in Christ, I get what I don't deserve!
I'm born again!
I'm reminded of the Gospel daily!
I have friends and family who love Jesus and point me to Him!
I get educated in the Word of God!
My job is to study and preach God's Word!
Christ is my health, my clothing, my food, and my shelter!
Christ is more valuable than all the earth!
Christ is my great heavenly Spouse Who is more beautiful than all and loves and satisfies like no other!
Christ allows me to disciple spiritual children!
Christ allows me to receive singleness as a gift and cry: “Whom have I in heaven but You! And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides You!” Psalm 73:25
Christ is all joy, all peace, and all happiness in and of Himself!
Christ is the pleasure and treasure of life!
Christ makes all things go my way for He works all things for my good!
Christ is my health, wealth, and prosperity!
Christ has forgiven and saved me for Himself!
Christ is all!
Thank You my Eternal Lover!
I didn't deserve to be born in a country where the Gospel is freely preached.
I didn't deserve to be brought up under the influence of the Gospel.
I don't deserve the family I have.
I don't deserve the friends I have.
I don't deserve the education I have.
I don't deserve the job I have.
I don't deserve the life experiences I've enjoyed.
I don't deserve the health I've been given.
I don't deserve the food, clothes, and shelter I've enjoyed these many years of life.
I don't deserve the material resources I've been given.
I don't deserve the gift of marriage.
I don't deserve the gift of children.
I don't deserve the gift of singleness.
I don't deserve joy, peace, and happiness.
I don't deserve any of the pleasures this life or the next has to offer.
I don't deserve for things to go my way.
I don't deserve health, wealth, and prosperity.
Because of my sin, all I do deserve is death, judgment, curse, loneliness, ridicule, slander, joblessness, homelessness, nakedness, starvation, pain, suffering, depression, despair, brokenness, and everlasting torment away from the presence of the LORD in His love and mercy and in the presence of the LORD in His everlasting wrath and fury for all eternity.
But in Christ, I get what I don't deserve!
I'm born again!
I'm reminded of the Gospel daily!
I have friends and family who love Jesus and point me to Him!
I get educated in the Word of God!
My job is to study and preach God's Word!
Christ is my health, my clothing, my food, and my shelter!
Christ is more valuable than all the earth!
Christ is my great heavenly Spouse Who is more beautiful than all and loves and satisfies like no other!
Christ allows me to disciple spiritual children!
Christ allows me to receive singleness as a gift and cry: “Whom have I in heaven but You! And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides You!” Psalm 73:25
Christ is all joy, all peace, and all happiness in and of Himself!
Christ is the pleasure and treasure of life!
Christ makes all things go my way for He works all things for my good!
Christ is my health, wealth, and prosperity!
Christ has forgiven and saved me for Himself!
Christ is all!
Thank You my Eternal Lover!
Saturday, November 15, 2014
"That's My King!" Who Was Wickedly Denied By A Close Friend On The Inside With Curse And Swearing “No!” He Cried In Pride And Fear To All He Lied But Jesus Faithful Went And Died To Save His Faithless Cheating Bride!
I took this picture when I visited Israel in 2017. On the southeastern slope of Mt Zion is the traditional location for the house of Caiaphas. This statue illustrates Peter's denial at the questioning of a young servant girl. At the top of the pole is the rooster that crowed. Inscribed on the statue is “Non novi illum” which is Latin for: “I do not know Him.” (Luke 22:57)
Jesus is worthy for us to lose all things
All hopes and dreams and diamond rings
All joys this world to your life brings
For all true pleasure from Him springs
He bids us fly and gives us wings
And when the persecution stings
His Bride – to Him – She tighter clings
And of His grace forever sings
For He's the mighty King of kings!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
Peter is a trusted friend
Which makes denial worse offend
Peter's heart to pride does tend
"I'll stay with You until the end!"
But on his words Christ can't depend
He cursed and swore and played pretend
Not once or twice but three times bend
And Jesus' name he won't commend
Denying Christ to hell will send
Before His Father He'll suspend
All knowledge of this wicked friend
But wait – there's mercy to transcend
All failures that our God offend
Because the Christ did condescend
And never once did He offend
But lived God's will as He'd intend
At the cross His wrath expend
And to the grave He'd soon descend
Then rise alive to all death end
On Him alone we must depend
His love we cannot comprehend!
That's my King!
Judas turned away and never came back
But Peter took a different track
Though his faith was slack
And he failed when the devil attacked
Jesus prayed for all he lacked
Christ is all power packed
The devil He smacked, cracked, and destroyed in fact
And showed mercy to poor Peter who lacked
So after his fall he'll never be sacked
But have a strong faith intact
He died for His King – his final act
This King does ravish and attract
And has an eternal impact
He'll supply all you ever lacked
And when you fail He'll never turn back
But turn you back on the right track and that's a fact!
That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!
Jesus the truth would never deny
But every evil He'll defy
Unlike Peter He cannot lie
He's the faithful God on high
He created the sky
From greatest wrath He did not fly
But took the cross and there He'd die
And end His life with bitter cry
My God forsaken, tell me why?!
But then He'd rise to life apply
So death forever say goodbye
For He's the King Who rules the sky
And is beheld by every eye
He's purest beauty – our supply
So come and trust Him – don't deny
And to His every Word comply!
All joys this world to your life brings
For all true pleasure from Him springs
He bids us fly and gives us wings
And when the persecution stings
His Bride – to Him – She tighter clings
And of His grace forever sings
For He's the mighty King of kings!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
Peter is a trusted friend
Which makes denial worse offend
Peter's heart to pride does tend
"I'll stay with You until the end!"
But on his words Christ can't depend
He cursed and swore and played pretend
Not once or twice but three times bend
And Jesus' name he won't commend
Denying Christ to hell will send
Before His Father He'll suspend
All knowledge of this wicked friend
But wait – there's mercy to transcend
All failures that our God offend
Because the Christ did condescend
And never once did He offend
But lived God's will as He'd intend
At the cross His wrath expend
And to the grave He'd soon descend
Then rise alive to all death end
On Him alone we must depend
His love we cannot comprehend!
That's my King!
Judas turned away and never came back
But Peter took a different track
Though his faith was slack
And he failed when the devil attacked
Jesus prayed for all he lacked
Christ is all power packed
The devil He smacked, cracked, and destroyed in fact
And showed mercy to poor Peter who lacked
So after his fall he'll never be sacked
But have a strong faith intact
He died for His King – his final act
This King does ravish and attract
And has an eternal impact
He'll supply all you ever lacked
And when you fail He'll never turn back
But turn you back on the right track and that's a fact!
That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!
Jesus the truth would never deny
But every evil He'll defy
Unlike Peter He cannot lie
He's the faithful God on high
He created the sky
From greatest wrath He did not fly
But took the cross and there He'd die
And end His life with bitter cry
My God forsaken, tell me why?!
But then He'd rise to life apply
So death forever say goodbye
For He's the King Who rules the sky
And is beheld by every eye
He's purest beauty – our supply
So come and trust Him – don't deny
And to His every Word comply!
That's my King!
Christ Jesus Mercy-Heart Denied
The Greatest Sin You’ve Ever Eyed
By Jesus’ Closest Friend Beside
With Swearing, Cursing, Oaths He Lied
“I Do Not Know The Man!” He Cried
Three Times The Truth In Fear He’d Hide
Wept Bitterly And Ran Outside
Yet Even For This Sin Christ Died
And Bore God’s Wrath For All His Bride
Then Rose Alive And Death Defied
So Though Christ’s Warning Sure Applied
If You Deny Me Before Men Worldwide
I’ll Deny You Before My Father’s Side
Christ’s Mercy-Heart Shall Turn The Tide
He Welcomes Peter, Love Spread Wide
Restores Him To His Spotless Bride
Transforms Him, Everywhere He Cried
The Gospel News, For Christ He Died
For You Great Mercy He’ll Provide
So Trust In Christ, In Him Abide
By Him You'll Never Be Denied!
That's my King! That's my King!
God And The Gospel
To learn more about the great and true Triune God, the God-Man, Jesus Christ, His cross, and His glorious Gospel message and everlasting Kingship, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Christ Is All In All Your Pain
"I'm cursed!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm alone!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm sad!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm an outcast!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm rejected!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm beaten."
So was Jesus.
"I'm ridiculed!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm spit on!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm tortured!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm betrayed!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm estranged from my closest friends!"
So was Jesus.
"I"m forsaken by my own father!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm poor!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm blind!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm naked!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm tempted!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm dead!"
So was Jesus.
And now He's alive forevermore so that you will never be those things again for all eternity if you repent and believe in Him!
So was Jesus.
"I'm alone!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm sad!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm an outcast!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm rejected!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm beaten."
So was Jesus.
"I'm ridiculed!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm spit on!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm tortured!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm betrayed!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm estranged from my closest friends!"
So was Jesus.
"I"m forsaken by my own father!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm poor!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm blind!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm naked!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm tempted!"
So was Jesus.
"I'm dead!"
So was Jesus.
And now He's alive forevermore so that you will never be those things again for all eternity if you repent and believe in Him!
Saturday, November 8, 2014
"That's My King!" Who Rules And Reigns Over Sex He Created It For Good Effects To Homosexuality He Objects It Doesn't Meet His Specs These Actions He Rejects But If You Turn And Become His Subjects He Forgives And Protects And Gives Joy Like No One Expects!
The unrighteous won't go to heaven, but they'll go to hell
From God's eternal Kingdom He'll expel
To all joy and peace they'll say farewell
In fire and torment they will wail
Suffer like in a jail with a torture cell
Where there is no bail
But Jesus came to save from hell
And though we're poor and weak and frail
He's the greatest in every detail
His righteousness does far excel
The mission He will never fail
His hands and feet pierced with the nail
And on that cross His body pale
He died as frail with shout and wail
He bore the wrath and seemed to fail
But that's not all – there's more to tell
He rose alive to death expel
He crushed in two the temple veil
For now in Christ with God we dwell
Our sin is gone and all is well
So "Christ is all!" we preach and yell
Our Warrior-King Who did prevail
Above all lovers He'll excel
His love our faithfulness compels!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
While defining sin we must have clarity
And not worry about our popularity
We do so without severity, barbarity, or vulgarity
But with all love and charity in bold temerity
For the sake of God's great verity
With regularity we stand in solidarity
With all Christ's posterity exercising true faith in sincerity
So that His Bride might enjoy prosperity!
That's my King!
We must show compassion and love
When any sin we speak of
For we've all been shown the greatest love
In God the Son Who came from above!
That's my King!
In all these matters to Christ we must look
For our sins He took
Erased them from His book
When He died and the earth shook
We're washed clean like a brook
Sanctified and off the hook
Justified and by righteousness overtook
Filled with the Spirit and written in the Lamb's book
So to our Christ let's forever look!
That's my King! That's my King!
From God's eternal Kingdom He'll expel
To all joy and peace they'll say farewell
In fire and torment they will wail
Suffer like in a jail with a torture cell
Where there is no bail
But Jesus came to save from hell
And though we're poor and weak and frail
He's the greatest in every detail
His righteousness does far excel
The mission He will never fail
His hands and feet pierced with the nail
And on that cross His body pale
He died as frail with shout and wail
He bore the wrath and seemed to fail
But that's not all – there's more to tell
He rose alive to death expel
He crushed in two the temple veil
For now in Christ with God we dwell
Our sin is gone and all is well
So "Christ is all!" we preach and yell
Our Warrior-King Who did prevail
Above all lovers He'll excel
His love our faithfulness compels!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
While defining sin we must have clarity
And not worry about our popularity
We do so without severity, barbarity, or vulgarity
But with all love and charity in bold temerity
For the sake of God's great verity
With regularity we stand in solidarity
With all Christ's posterity exercising true faith in sincerity
So that His Bride might enjoy prosperity!
That's my King!
We must show compassion and love
When any sin we speak of
For we've all been shown the greatest love
In God the Son Who came from above!
That's my King!
In all these matters to Christ we must look
For our sins He took
Erased them from His book
When He died and the earth shook
We're washed clean like a brook
Sanctified and off the hook
Justified and by righteousness overtook
Filled with the Spirit and written in the Lamb's book
So to our Christ let's forever look!
That's my King! That's my King!
Saturday, November 1, 2014
"That's My King!" Who Loves The Dirty Rose And Everything About Us Knows Our Highest Highs And Lowest Lows And Yet In Love Poor Sinners Chose He Died For Us And Then Arose Now All Our Sin He Does Oppose In Doing This His Deep Love Shows!
Oh the love of Christ displayed
When on that cross our King was slayed
No one there to give Him aid
By a friend He was betrayed
The Father turned and wrath conveyed
His Son our evil sin was made
Sin's ugly debt by Christ was paid
And in a tomb all death was laid
But our great King is like a grenade
He broke the chains of death decayed
And rose alive to give us aid
The devil's house He'll fully raid
And if you'll trust the Son Who paid
From God's full wrath He'll give you shade
For now His righteousness you're made
And therefore live just as He prayed
In holiness and grace arrayed
We turn from every sin He slayed
And live for Him as unafraid
May His Word our hearts pervade
In every part He must invade
As our minds on Him are stayed
Let's all the devil's schemes evade
Then follow Christ and not be swayed
And never do what He's forbade
His laws are good and meant to aid
To give us joy in what He's made
They're not a burden heavy weighed
But give the greatest joy surveyed
So trust Him now – don't be delayed
For over you He'll serenade!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
Love does not delight in evil bad
Your sin will always make you sad
It's end is death so don't be mad
When I speak up to make you glad
And call you to repent from bad
For when you die you'll wish you had
Turned to the Son Who died for bad
And rose alive in glory clad
He'll righteousness to your life add
Believe in Him – you won't be sad, mad, or bad
But have the everlasting glad!
That's my King!
Love rejoices in the truth of God's Word
Everything else is sin absurd
And makes His glory dim and blurred
He wants your joy full and stirred
He's on a mission undeterred
In His commands true joy's conferred
So taste and see Him – He's preferred
To give you peace and joy unheard!
That's my King!
Love will tell you when you're wrong
Not like the affirming, hateful throng
It won't stay silent long
But stand for truth strong
And tell you to God you belong
Who will lead you along
Your life eternally prolong
Make you hate the wrong
And sing of all His truth in song!
That's my King!
Jesus is the truth we need
He never did an evil deed
But hated every evil seed
Rejoiced in the truth decreed
For sinners He did die and bleed
Then rose from death we all are freed
And He's our everlasting Creed
Who saves from all despair and greed
And every sexual misdeed
He'll give you life and so we plead
Come to Him with urgent speed!
That's my King! That's my King!
When on that cross our King was slayed
No one there to give Him aid
By a friend He was betrayed
The Father turned and wrath conveyed
His Son our evil sin was made
Sin's ugly debt by Christ was paid
And in a tomb all death was laid
But our great King is like a grenade
He broke the chains of death decayed
And rose alive to give us aid
The devil's house He'll fully raid
And if you'll trust the Son Who paid
From God's full wrath He'll give you shade
For now His righteousness you're made
And therefore live just as He prayed
In holiness and grace arrayed
We turn from every sin He slayed
And live for Him as unafraid
May His Word our hearts pervade
In every part He must invade
As our minds on Him are stayed
Let's all the devil's schemes evade
Then follow Christ and not be swayed
And never do what He's forbade
His laws are good and meant to aid
To give us joy in what He's made
They're not a burden heavy weighed
But give the greatest joy surveyed
So trust Him now – don't be delayed
For over you He'll serenade!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
Love does not delight in evil bad
Your sin will always make you sad
It's end is death so don't be mad
When I speak up to make you glad
And call you to repent from bad
For when you die you'll wish you had
Turned to the Son Who died for bad
And rose alive in glory clad
He'll righteousness to your life add
Believe in Him – you won't be sad, mad, or bad
But have the everlasting glad!
That's my King!
Love rejoices in the truth of God's Word
Everything else is sin absurd
And makes His glory dim and blurred
He wants your joy full and stirred
He's on a mission undeterred
In His commands true joy's conferred
So taste and see Him – He's preferred
To give you peace and joy unheard!
That's my King!
Love will tell you when you're wrong
Not like the affirming, hateful throng
It won't stay silent long
But stand for truth strong
And tell you to God you belong
Who will lead you along
Your life eternally prolong
Make you hate the wrong
And sing of all His truth in song!
That's my King!
Jesus is the truth we need
He never did an evil deed
But hated every evil seed
Rejoiced in the truth decreed
For sinners He did die and bleed
Then rose from death we all are freed
And He's our everlasting Creed
Who saves from all despair and greed
And every sexual misdeed
He'll give you life and so we plead
Come to Him with urgent speed!
That's my King! That's my King!
Saturday, October 18, 2014
"That's My King!" Who's The Son Of The Blessed No Testimony Against Him Past The Test He's The Greatest And Best Who They Beat And Oppressed Undressed And Killed With Jest To Remove Sins As Far As East Is From West Then He Rose With A Quest To Leave Us At Rest And Forever Obsessed With His Glory Possessed!
They tried my King Jesus in a kangaroo court
The leaders of Israel were a wicked sort
His Words they'd distort
Their testimony came up short
And couldn't support
What they tried to purport
Wicked lies they'd import
False accusations snort
And Pilate extort
Jesus' life they'd abort
Mock Him as sport
And His teachings deport
But His mission they could not thwart
Though He died the most gruesome death of any sort
He can't be stopped by any court
No matter their last resort
“He is risen!” is the report!
He conquered all that sins distort
He's alive and strong like the mightiest fort
He's the final and greatest court
And our everlasting escort
Who will never leave or come up short
So now we exhort: Trust in Him as your greatest resort
Your most satisfying, loving, and holy Support!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
He's the great Son of Man
With all dominion in hand
Our worship is His demand
His Kingdom will forever stand
Just as He promised and planned
Not like the sinking sand
Of our sin that's forever banned
It's empty and bland
But He gives joy that will forever expand
And never land
But take you by the hand
And soar forever grand
Every trial it will withstand
All because He's the great God-Man!
That's my King!
They spit on Him in vile disgrace
And beat Him on the back and face
Blinded Him and mocked debase
All we deserve, He took our place
And died for every tongue in Adam’s race
Then rose to save us all by grace
So by faith all Him embrace
Your every sin He will erase
Of your evil there's no trace
And all your sadness soon replace
The bitter guilt that you retrace
“NO CONDEMNATION!” is your case
With mercy He'll forever chase
Christ is all! - the joy Place!
That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!
Christ Jesus Is The Judge Of All
He’s Judge Who’s Judged By Sinners Small
The God-Man, Silent Lamb Would Fall
Yet To False Witnesses He’d Call
Himself The Son Of Man Enthral
He’s Daniel’s God, The LORD Of All
Who’ll Come In Power, Foes Will Fall
He Is The Christ, Yet Him They’d Maul
And Spit And Slap His Face Appall
He’d Die And Bear God’s Hellish Gall
Then Rise Again And Live, Stand Tall
By Faith Alone Please Trust Him Call
He’ll Come Again And Give You All
The Joys And Good Lost In The Fall!
That's my King! That's my King!
God And The Gospel
To learn more about the great and true Triune God, the God-Man, Jesus Christ, His cross, and His glorious Gospel message and everlasting Kingship, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
"That's My King!" Who Was Stripped Down Naked Bare And Men Would Spit And Mock And Glare For Our Great Shame He'd Take And Wear Then Rise To Righteousness Declare And Give Us Clothes That End Despair With Him There's None Who Can Compare!
Disciples must leave all behind
To follow Christ as He designed
He's the greatest of mankind
To human flesh He's been assigned
He raised the dead and healed the blind
The devil strong man He would bind
But this young man was not inclined
To follow when the path's defined
With suffering and life unkind
He fled from Christ – left all behind
To get away and safety find
But Jesus stood – the soldiers bind
And lead Him off to die maligned
They beat and spit and mock combined
And treat Him like the wheat to grind
But He rose and death confined
Now death is dead to hell consigned
Jesus lives to save mankind
He left our sin and shame behind
So to Him run – salvation find
He is worthy and enshrined
As the greatest heart and mind
Leave all behind in Him you'll find all joy, all peace, all love combined!
That's my King!! Do you know Him?!
Nakedness means sin and shame
That, in Adam we became
He ate the fruit and in sin came
The world would never be the same
He fled from God for his own fame
God cut him off with sword aflame
But God would save for His great name
To cover man was His new aim
He gave a hint with skins of game
But man would need a better claim
A God-Man Savior not so tame
He lived and died and overcame
Took upon Him all our blame
His body they'd maim and try to tame
But you can't tame the greatest name
He conquered death to life reclaim
And now we'll never be the same
He covers us and takes our shame
We're clothed in righteous robes acclaim
His righteousness in Him became
Over us God does exclaim:
“My righteous children I will claim!”
We'll give all honor to His name
And when poor sinners come in shame
Deep love for them will be our aim!
That's my King! That's my King!
To follow Christ as He designed
He's the greatest of mankind
To human flesh He's been assigned
He raised the dead and healed the blind
The devil strong man He would bind
But this young man was not inclined
To follow when the path's defined
With suffering and life unkind
He fled from Christ – left all behind
To get away and safety find
But Jesus stood – the soldiers bind
And lead Him off to die maligned
They beat and spit and mock combined
And treat Him like the wheat to grind
But He rose and death confined
Now death is dead to hell consigned
Jesus lives to save mankind
He left our sin and shame behind
So to Him run – salvation find
He is worthy and enshrined
As the greatest heart and mind
Leave all behind in Him you'll find all joy, all peace, all love combined!
That's my King!! Do you know Him?!
Nakedness means sin and shame
That, in Adam we became
He ate the fruit and in sin came
The world would never be the same
He fled from God for his own fame
God cut him off with sword aflame
But God would save for His great name
To cover man was His new aim
He gave a hint with skins of game
But man would need a better claim
A God-Man Savior not so tame
He lived and died and overcame
Took upon Him all our blame
His body they'd maim and try to tame
But you can't tame the greatest name
He conquered death to life reclaim
And now we'll never be the same
He covers us and takes our shame
We're clothed in righteous robes acclaim
His righteousness in Him became
Over us God does exclaim:
“My righteous children I will claim!”
We'll give all honor to His name
And when poor sinners come in shame
Deep love for them will be our aim!
That's my King! That's my King!
Saturday, October 4, 2014
"That's My King!" Who With A Kiss Was Sore Betrayed All Friends Would Flee And Give No Aid But He Our God-Man Can't Be Swayed He Died And In The Tomb Was Laid He Did God's Will Just As He Prayed Then Rose Again Our Debt's Been Paid!
To Jesus Judas was a close friend
This made his sin to deep offend
One He chose and did commend
To do miracles and preach He'd send
The money bags he did attend
And figure how to money spend
Christ's marvelous life He did attend
But Judas' life was all pretend
To wash his feet Christ did descend
How he betrayed none comprehend!
To the cross our LORD he'd send
His perfect life for us expend
But rise above all death ascend
To us and all His grace extend
And give us joy to transcend
For of all pleasure He's the end!
That's my King!
Would you sell Jesus for anything in all creation?
A food or money donation?
Fornication or a sex temptation?
Give Him up for all manner of drug sensation?
Or a never ending beach vacation?
Would you leave Him for a marriage relation or job elevation
All these sales end in condemnation
But He wants your salvation through propitiation
He took your damnation and rose to highest station
To be your preoccupation and your liberation
From all profanation and sin degradation!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
He was betrayed with a kiss
So you could have bliss
And His presence never miss
But He'll give you this
The Christ Who is bliss!
He's the great I AM
The sacrificial Lamb
And when He said “I AM”
To the floor they'd slam!
That's my King!
Christ's Kingdom will spread
Not by cutting off a head
But by preaching and love and mercy instead
See everyone fled
His blood He shed
And was left for dead
But rose to shred
The enemies dread
Captivity captive He lead
He did all He said
His people He'll wed
And give us joy and pleasure ahead!
That's my King!
All the way from the highest throne
He was left alone forsaken on His own
Like a stone in the ocean thrown
Cut and whipped to the bone
With terrible groan
Prayer to His Father flown
But His Son He'd disown
He died with a moan
His suffering we've never known
But He did atone
For all the ways we've blown
The holy life He's shown
So by Him we could be fully known
Totally loved and never disowned
To give Him the glory on His throne!
That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!
Christ Jesus, Son Of Man, Betrayed
All Men Hate God, They’ve Disobeyed
Judas With A Kiss Displayed
The Ultimate Betrayal Played
With A Sword One Came To Aid
But That’s Not Right, Christ Would Dissuade
God’s Mighty Army Could Crusade
And Save His Christ In Power Arrayed
But Jesus Came To Die And Paid
For All Our Sins, God’s Love Conveyed
He Bore God’s Wrath, Would Not Evade
But Suffered, Crushed, He’s Killed Dismayed
Then Rose Alive, Crushed Death, And Saved
He Has Fulfilled All God Portrayed
So Trust In Him, Don’t Be Afraid
He’s Everything For Which You’ve Prayed
His Life In You Will Now Pervade
You’re New Creation He Has Made
By Him You’ll Never Be Betrayed!
That's my King! That's my King!
God And The Gospel
To learn more about the great and true Triune God, the God-Man, Jesus Christ, His cross, and His glorious Gospel message and everlasting Kingship, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
"That's My King!" Who In His Greatest Trial And Stress Would Pray His Father God Address Who Rules And Reigns O'er All Distress Our Loving Savior Seeks To Bless So To God's Will He Did Say Yes!
We've fallen asleep
Jesus' disciples fell asleep
Everyone has fallen asleep
But Jesus never fell asleep!
We've fallen asleep
Adam fell asleep
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob fell asleep
David fell asleep
Peter, James, and John fell asleep
But Jesus never fell asleep!
We've fallen asleep
We've fallen asleep at church
Some of you are asleep right now
We've fallen asleep because the flesh is weak
But Jesus never fell asleep!
We've fallen asleep
And therefore we've fallen into temptation and sin
We've fallen asleep into sexual immorality
We've fallen asleep into lying
We've fallen asleep into lust
We've fallen asleep into murderous anger
We've fallen asleep into pride
We've fallen asleep into selfishness
But Jesus never fell asleep!
We've fallen asleep
We've said to God: “Not Your will but mine be done!”
We've loved our own will more than God's will
We think we know better than God
We think we have better plans for our lives than God does
We think we love ourselves more than God loves us
But Jesus never fell asleep and always said to God: “Not My will but Yours be done!”
We've fallen asleep
We've said to God: “Not Your will but mine be done!”
We've said: “My will be done and not my brothers' or sisters'!”
We've said: “My will be done and not my mother's or father's!”
We've said: “My will be done in marriage!”
We've said: “My will be done in my sex life!”
We've said: “My will be done in my job and career!”
We've said: “My will be done in my use of drugs and alcohol!”
We've said: “My will be done in how much I attend church!”
We've said: “My will be done in church membership!”
We've said: “My will be done in how I use my money!”
We've said: “My will be done in how I use my time!”
We've said: “My will be done in how I do; what I want to do; when I want to do it; and I'll do whatever I want to do!
But oh praise God! Jesus never fell asleep and always said to God: “Not My will but Yours be done!”
And praise God that because Jesus never fell asleep and always said to God: “Not My will but Yours be done!”
We've been awakened!
All who have repented of their sins and believed in Him have been awakened!
We've been awakened from the dead!
We've been awakened through His life, death, and resurrection!
We've been awakened because He took upon Himself all God's wrath and judgment for all of our sleepy sinfulness!
We've been awakened because God has forgiven us all of our sins and counted us righteous in Christ!
We've been awakened, and God's Spirit lives in us to move us and to empower us to say “Not My will but Yours be done!”
We've been awakened to turn from every sin!
We've been awakened from sexual immorality!
We've been awakened from anger!
We've been awakened from violence!
We've been awakened from our pride and selfishness!
We've been awakened from every addiction!
Because Jesus never fell asleep and always said to God: “Not My will but Yours be done!” As the preeminent Son Whose second to none; His reign has begun; And His will shall be done!
Jesus' disciples fell asleep
Everyone has fallen asleep
But Jesus never fell asleep!
We've fallen asleep
Adam fell asleep
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob fell asleep
David fell asleep
Peter, James, and John fell asleep
But Jesus never fell asleep!
We've fallen asleep
We've fallen asleep at church
Some of you are asleep right now
We've fallen asleep because the flesh is weak
But Jesus never fell asleep!
We've fallen asleep
And therefore we've fallen into temptation and sin
We've fallen asleep into sexual immorality
We've fallen asleep into lying
We've fallen asleep into lust
We've fallen asleep into murderous anger
We've fallen asleep into pride
We've fallen asleep into selfishness
But Jesus never fell asleep!
We've fallen asleep
We've said to God: “Not Your will but mine be done!”
We've loved our own will more than God's will
We think we know better than God
We think we have better plans for our lives than God does
We think we love ourselves more than God loves us
But Jesus never fell asleep and always said to God: “Not My will but Yours be done!”
We've fallen asleep
We've said to God: “Not Your will but mine be done!”
We've said: “My will be done and not my brothers' or sisters'!”
We've said: “My will be done and not my mother's or father's!”
We've said: “My will be done in marriage!”
We've said: “My will be done in my sex life!”
We've said: “My will be done in my job and career!”
We've said: “My will be done in my use of drugs and alcohol!”
We've said: “My will be done in how much I attend church!”
We've said: “My will be done in church membership!”
We've said: “My will be done in how I use my money!”
We've said: “My will be done in how I use my time!”
We've said: “My will be done in how I do; what I want to do; when I want to do it; and I'll do whatever I want to do!
But oh praise God! Jesus never fell asleep and always said to God: “Not My will but Yours be done!”
And praise God that because Jesus never fell asleep and always said to God: “Not My will but Yours be done!”
We've been awakened!
All who have repented of their sins and believed in Him have been awakened!
We've been awakened from the dead!
We've been awakened through His life, death, and resurrection!
We've been awakened because He took upon Himself all God's wrath and judgment for all of our sleepy sinfulness!
We've been awakened because God has forgiven us all of our sins and counted us righteous in Christ!
We've been awakened, and God's Spirit lives in us to move us and to empower us to say “Not My will but Yours be done!”
We've been awakened to turn from every sin!
We've been awakened from sexual immorality!
We've been awakened from anger!
We've been awakened from violence!
We've been awakened from our pride and selfishness!
We've been awakened from every addiction!
Because Jesus never fell asleep and always said to God: “Not My will but Yours be done!” As the preeminent Son Whose second to none; His reign has begun; And His will shall be done!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
"That's My King!" In The Gospel Of Mark!
He's the Gospel God-Man!
He's the Messianic Savior!
He's the marvelous Gospel!
He's the mightiest of all the mighty!
He's the greater Adam!
He's the greater Israel!
He's the Preacher of preachers and the Teacher of teachers!
He's the One we must trust!
He's the One we forsake all others to have!
He's the irresistible God Who moves us to repentance!
He's the sovereign, gracious God Who attracts us like no other!
He's the One with all astonishing, amazing authority and power!
He's the Healer of the world!
That's my King!
He's the desperate, pleading, prayer warrior Who prays like no other!
He cast out demons and put the devil on the run!
He's the Clean of cleans!
There's no One like Him!
No one has ever seen anything like Him!
He forgives sins, which only God can do and will cause you to pick up your mat too!
Jesus said, “Follow Me” and oh what a glorious “Me” He is!
He's the greatest “Me” in the universe!
He's The Greatest “Me” This World Has Ever Seen!
There's no “Me” like this “Me!”
He's the “Me” of Me's and He is the “He” of He's!
He's the God “Me!”
He's the “Me” Who heals the sick, sets the captives free, gives sight to the blind, and raises the dead!
That's my “Me!” Do you know Him?!
He's the greatest “Me” that has ever crossed the horizon of this world!
He's the only “Me” Who saves!
He's the only perfect “Me” Who never sinned.
He's the “Me” Who bore the wrath of His Father on that cross for sinners!
He's the only “Me” Who conquered sin, death, and Satan and rose up from the grave!
He's the “Me” Who ever lives to care for, sustain, uphold, and intercede for His people!
If you have this “Me,” you don't need anything else because He's got it all!
He's the “Me” that makes you see, sets you free, and utterly satisfies your heart, mind, and soul with unimaginable glee!
That's my “Me!”
He's the Friend of friends of the sinner of sinners!
He's the Bridegroom of bridegrooms Who alone satisfies!
He's the Feast of feasts worthy to fast for until He returns!
He's the Lord of the Sabbath, the Lord of lords, and the LORD of all!
He heals the withered hand and gives rest like no other!
He's the Famous One of all famous ones!
He's the greater Moses!
He has the mind of all minds!
He the strongest of all the strong men!
He conquered and bound the strong man!
He came to destroy the works of the devil!
He's our all-glorious, all-sin Bearer!
He's filled with the Holy Spirit like no other!
He's our Brother like no other from a sinful but blessed mother!
He creates a new family of people from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation with His blood – which is the thickest blood of all!
That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!
He's the supreme Sower, Seed, and Soil simultaneously!
He humbles hard hearts like no other!
He's the supreme, sovereign, indomitable Root of Joy Who endured the greatest tribulation and persecution!
He's the Care of cares, the Riches of riches, and the Desire of all desires!
He's the Good-Heart of good-hearts who causes the Word of God to flourish and bear fruit that will last!
He's the Secret of secrets of the Kingdom of God!
He's the Revelation of the ages that cannot be hidden!
He's the strong, powerful God Who doesn't need us or our help for anything!
He's the Mustard Seed of mustard seeds out growing all the plants of the earth!
He's the ultimate storm chaser and the ultimate storm crusher all at the same time!
He's the irresistible Lion Tamer and the universe's Reclaimer!
He dries the flow of blood with the cries of His own unquenchable flood!
He's the death killer, life giver, and man thriller!
He's the teacher, offender, and human soul mender!
That's my King!
He's worthy to follow in every matter, not to flatter, but all sin to shatter!
He's the reproducing Rabbi with all authority on high Who gives an endless supply!
He has the name that demands fame which we must die to proclaim!
He's the everlasting rest Who past the test so we could be forever blessed!
He's the Prophet, Good Shepherd, And Provider Whose strong arms of mercy can't be opened wider!
He's the great I AM HE Who passed by on the sea, makes all fears flee, and sets hearts free!
He's the Healer of all Who reversed the fall and conquers every sickness big or small!
He's the Savior Who cuts bureaucracy, humbles aristocracy, shatters hypocrisy, and rules by autocracy!
He's the Son Who perfectly honored His father and mother and upholds God's Word unlike any other!
His heart is clean, He makes the obscene pristine, and heals the defiled like you've never seen!
He put the Syrophoenician woman to the test, brought out her best, healed the possessed, and made the outcast His guest – God's glory to forever express!
He opens ears to hear and mouths to praise and will only amaze for eternal days!
He more than satisfies all hungry cries and crushed He dies but then He'll rise to be our Everlasting Prize!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
He's the greatest Sign that ever came, all leaven to set aflame, and hard hearts to reclaim bringing glory to His most precious name!
He opens blind eyes and on that cross dies to triumphantly rise as our Infinite Prize!
His sacrifice more than sufficed with love and beauty He enticed and above all He's the Christ!
He crushed the serpent with passion fervent as the Suffering Servant!
He's the King of self denial Who endured the hardest trial to win God's everlasting smile!
He took all our blame so that for His great name we would have no more shame but spread His everlasting fame and never ever be the same!
His Kingdom came, all power He'd claim, and earth's kings tame for His great name!
His transfiguration revealed His glorification in a bright sensation as the beloved Son of all adoration!
He suffered many things and true salvation brings by rising King of kings now over us He sings!
He's the God Who can heal uncontrollable man and forever ban the devil's wicked plan!
He would be killed and rise to build His Church fulfilled with people thrilled!
He humbled Himself small as the servant of all and now stands tall as the greatest of all!
He received the child, was meek and mild, then died reviled, and on this Son His Father smiled!
That's my King!
He has a powerful name that all must proclaim since He took our blame and death He'd tame!
He was given no cup of water but went to the slaughter with God's wrath hotter so we can drink the living water!
He quenched the fire and cooled God's ire on that cross dire – now He's our all – our great desire!
He's the saltiest salt, died without fault, rose up out the vault to make death halt so Him we forever exalt!
He never leaves but to His bride forever cleaves and all Who trust Him He receives!
He dearly loves His cheating bride and will not cast her down aside but for her purity He died!
He was the littlest Child with greatest righteousness compiled yet for our sins He died reviled!
He's rich beyond measure but gave up His treasure to fill us with pleasure!
He does the impossibly hard through His body scarred so from His presence we won't be barred!
He died and gave up everything in order to salvation bring so we might now forever sing!
He was accused, used, bruised, and spitefully abused then rose enthused so the sting of death would be defused, Satan totally confused, and we would never be refused!
He became the slave of all and ransomed His people from the fall by giving the greatest gift of all!
He heals the poor and begging blind and shows them tender mercies kind if they will truly trust and find all joys and hopes in Him combined!
That's my King!
He knows all things, God's rule He brings, and from the crowd “Hosanna!” rings for He's the humble King of kings!
He spoke and cursed the barren tree but finally came to set us free for He's the fruit – come taste and see!
He's the Temple clean Who drove the robbers from the scene to grant us grace and peace serene!
He perfectly believed and holy righteousness achieved so full forgiveness we've received!
He cried oh Father please forgive then died and rose so you could live and now forgiveness freely give!
He owns all authority on high, false teachers' evil tongues He'd tie, then speak the truth and for us die!
He's the beloved Son Whom wicked men would kill and shun but through His death His work is done – now He's alive – second to none!
He owns all things, bold truth He brings, and Caesar bows to the King of kings!
He came from Mary's virgin womb and faced His Father's wrathful doom then resurrected from the tomb to be our everlasting Groom!
He loved us first even though we're sinners worst yet for our sake He died as cursed and now for Him alone we thirst!
He alone fulfilled the greatest commands obeying all that God demands then took His wrath with nail pierced hands and conquered death – alive He stands!
That's my King!
He's our sovereign God and LORD, His teachings cannot be ignored, the great crowds heard Him and adored, believe in Him – there's great reward!
He received the greater condemnation for prideful lusts of all creation that He might save from every nation a humble bride who knows salvation!
He gave up all He had when He died for sinners bad and quenched His Father's wrath to add a righteousness that makes us glad to end all sin and pain that's sad and everlasting pleasures add!
He's the Temple we need and so these buildings He's decreed will fall to rubbish flat indeed and all His warnings we must heed!
He warns of coming judgment doom so we'll be ready for the gloom and stand with Him our perfect Groom for all our foes He will consume!
The end will come, Christ will return then raise the dead to fruit discern the wicked will forever burn the righteous joys He did earn and they for Him will always yearn!
He is LORD and Judge of all Who said destruction would befall and yet He'll save all those Who call so that they all will never fall!
His name to all shall be proclaimed and we must never be ashamed since for our sins our King was blamed so now for Him we are reclaimed!
He endured to the end but was not saved and did descend to bear God's wrath and life extend to those who trust Him as their friend!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
He was made an abomination enduring desolation while facing our damnation then rose for our justification to save elect from every nation!
He's the only true and living Christ so by false christ's don't be enticed to save His elect He alone sufficed for by the whip He's cut and sliced then died and wrapped in grave clothes spiced but rose alive – the living Christ – oh great salvation's highly priced and now hell's fires have all been iced!
He's the highest class – His beauty none can e'er surpass His every word shall come to pass and in Him joys we'll amass!
He always stayed awake and made earth quake when He died to break and crush the snake then rose again new life to make and His people take all for love's sake so now for Him alone we ache!
He's worthy of extravagant devotion with greatest emotion for He swallowed God's fury ocean and rose to the extreme promotion!
He's the Passover Lamb, the Substitute Ram, and the great “I AM” so we can be children of Abraham!He's the greatest man ever born though by betrayal He was worn, torn, silent like a sheep shorn, treated with scorn, and pierced with thorn He rose to be salvation's Horn!
That's my King!
His body was broken throughout and His blood poured out for us He went without He's the most devout without a doubt and His work's what this supper is all about!
His blood was out poured as the covenant LORD so we're clean and restored through our Christ the Reward Who's always and only and ever adored!
He's worthy to be remembered and Him we proclaim Who took all our shame and died for our blame then rose to great fame so we're never the same but live to acclaim His glorious name!
He never fell away but always did just what He'd say then God did strike the Shepherd slay His own He won't deny but pay He died and rose to love display!
He begged His Father to take the cross away because with perfect fear He'd pray with passion every sin He'd slay and preeminently to God He'd say You're My greatest joy please stay Your will be done I will obey!
He in greatest trial and stress would pray His Father God address Who rules and reigns o'er all distress our loving Savior seeks to bless so to God's will He did say yes!
That's my King! That's my King!
He's the Messianic Savior!
He's the marvelous Gospel!
He's the mightiest of all the mighty!
He's the greater Adam!
He's the greater Israel!
He's the Preacher of preachers and the Teacher of teachers!
He's the One we must trust!
He's the One we forsake all others to have!
He's the irresistible God Who moves us to repentance!
He's the sovereign, gracious God Who attracts us like no other!
He's the One with all astonishing, amazing authority and power!
He's the Healer of the world!
That's my King!
He's the desperate, pleading, prayer warrior Who prays like no other!
He cast out demons and put the devil on the run!
He's the Clean of cleans!
There's no One like Him!
No one has ever seen anything like Him!
He forgives sins, which only God can do and will cause you to pick up your mat too!
Jesus said, “Follow Me” and oh what a glorious “Me” He is!
He's the greatest “Me” in the universe!
He's The Greatest “Me” This World Has Ever Seen!
There's no “Me” like this “Me!”
He's the “Me” of Me's and He is the “He” of He's!
He's the God “Me!”
He's the “Me” Who heals the sick, sets the captives free, gives sight to the blind, and raises the dead!
That's my “Me!” Do you know Him?!
He's the greatest “Me” that has ever crossed the horizon of this world!
He's the only “Me” Who saves!
He's the only perfect “Me” Who never sinned.
He's the “Me” Who bore the wrath of His Father on that cross for sinners!
He's the only “Me” Who conquered sin, death, and Satan and rose up from the grave!
He's the “Me” Who ever lives to care for, sustain, uphold, and intercede for His people!
If you have this “Me,” you don't need anything else because He's got it all!
He's the “Me” that makes you see, sets you free, and utterly satisfies your heart, mind, and soul with unimaginable glee!
That's my “Me!”
He's the Friend of friends of the sinner of sinners!
He's the Bridegroom of bridegrooms Who alone satisfies!
He's the Feast of feasts worthy to fast for until He returns!
He's the Lord of the Sabbath, the Lord of lords, and the LORD of all!
He heals the withered hand and gives rest like no other!
He's the Famous One of all famous ones!
He's the greater Moses!
He has the mind of all minds!
He the strongest of all the strong men!
He conquered and bound the strong man!
He came to destroy the works of the devil!
He's our all-glorious, all-sin Bearer!
He's filled with the Holy Spirit like no other!
He's our Brother like no other from a sinful but blessed mother!
He creates a new family of people from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation with His blood – which is the thickest blood of all!
That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!
He's the supreme Sower, Seed, and Soil simultaneously!
He humbles hard hearts like no other!
He's the supreme, sovereign, indomitable Root of Joy Who endured the greatest tribulation and persecution!
He's the Care of cares, the Riches of riches, and the Desire of all desires!
He's the Good-Heart of good-hearts who causes the Word of God to flourish and bear fruit that will last!
He's the Secret of secrets of the Kingdom of God!
He's the Revelation of the ages that cannot be hidden!
He's the strong, powerful God Who doesn't need us or our help for anything!
He's the Mustard Seed of mustard seeds out growing all the plants of the earth!
He's the ultimate storm chaser and the ultimate storm crusher all at the same time!
He's the irresistible Lion Tamer and the universe's Reclaimer!
He dries the flow of blood with the cries of His own unquenchable flood!
He's the death killer, life giver, and man thriller!
He's the teacher, offender, and human soul mender!
That's my King!
He's worthy to follow in every matter, not to flatter, but all sin to shatter!
He's the reproducing Rabbi with all authority on high Who gives an endless supply!
He has the name that demands fame which we must die to proclaim!
He's the everlasting rest Who past the test so we could be forever blessed!
He's the Prophet, Good Shepherd, And Provider Whose strong arms of mercy can't be opened wider!
He's the great I AM HE Who passed by on the sea, makes all fears flee, and sets hearts free!
He's the Healer of all Who reversed the fall and conquers every sickness big or small!
He's the Savior Who cuts bureaucracy, humbles aristocracy, shatters hypocrisy, and rules by autocracy!
He's the Son Who perfectly honored His father and mother and upholds God's Word unlike any other!
His heart is clean, He makes the obscene pristine, and heals the defiled like you've never seen!
He put the Syrophoenician woman to the test, brought out her best, healed the possessed, and made the outcast His guest – God's glory to forever express!
He opens ears to hear and mouths to praise and will only amaze for eternal days!
He more than satisfies all hungry cries and crushed He dies but then He'll rise to be our Everlasting Prize!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
He's the greatest Sign that ever came, all leaven to set aflame, and hard hearts to reclaim bringing glory to His most precious name!
He opens blind eyes and on that cross dies to triumphantly rise as our Infinite Prize!
His sacrifice more than sufficed with love and beauty He enticed and above all He's the Christ!
He crushed the serpent with passion fervent as the Suffering Servant!
He's the King of self denial Who endured the hardest trial to win God's everlasting smile!
He took all our blame so that for His great name we would have no more shame but spread His everlasting fame and never ever be the same!
His Kingdom came, all power He'd claim, and earth's kings tame for His great name!
His transfiguration revealed His glorification in a bright sensation as the beloved Son of all adoration!
He suffered many things and true salvation brings by rising King of kings now over us He sings!
He's the God Who can heal uncontrollable man and forever ban the devil's wicked plan!
He would be killed and rise to build His Church fulfilled with people thrilled!
He humbled Himself small as the servant of all and now stands tall as the greatest of all!
He received the child, was meek and mild, then died reviled, and on this Son His Father smiled!
That's my King!
He has a powerful name that all must proclaim since He took our blame and death He'd tame!
He was given no cup of water but went to the slaughter with God's wrath hotter so we can drink the living water!
He quenched the fire and cooled God's ire on that cross dire – now He's our all – our great desire!
He's the saltiest salt, died without fault, rose up out the vault to make death halt so Him we forever exalt!
He never leaves but to His bride forever cleaves and all Who trust Him He receives!
He dearly loves His cheating bride and will not cast her down aside but for her purity He died!
He was the littlest Child with greatest righteousness compiled yet for our sins He died reviled!
He's rich beyond measure but gave up His treasure to fill us with pleasure!
He does the impossibly hard through His body scarred so from His presence we won't be barred!
He died and gave up everything in order to salvation bring so we might now forever sing!
He was accused, used, bruised, and spitefully abused then rose enthused so the sting of death would be defused, Satan totally confused, and we would never be refused!
He became the slave of all and ransomed His people from the fall by giving the greatest gift of all!
He heals the poor and begging blind and shows them tender mercies kind if they will truly trust and find all joys and hopes in Him combined!
That's my King!
He knows all things, God's rule He brings, and from the crowd “Hosanna!” rings for He's the humble King of kings!
He spoke and cursed the barren tree but finally came to set us free for He's the fruit – come taste and see!
He's the Temple clean Who drove the robbers from the scene to grant us grace and peace serene!
He perfectly believed and holy righteousness achieved so full forgiveness we've received!
He cried oh Father please forgive then died and rose so you could live and now forgiveness freely give!
He owns all authority on high, false teachers' evil tongues He'd tie, then speak the truth and for us die!
He's the beloved Son Whom wicked men would kill and shun but through His death His work is done – now He's alive – second to none!
He owns all things, bold truth He brings, and Caesar bows to the King of kings!
He came from Mary's virgin womb and faced His Father's wrathful doom then resurrected from the tomb to be our everlasting Groom!
He loved us first even though we're sinners worst yet for our sake He died as cursed and now for Him alone we thirst!
He alone fulfilled the greatest commands obeying all that God demands then took His wrath with nail pierced hands and conquered death – alive He stands!
That's my King!
He's our sovereign God and LORD, His teachings cannot be ignored, the great crowds heard Him and adored, believe in Him – there's great reward!
He received the greater condemnation for prideful lusts of all creation that He might save from every nation a humble bride who knows salvation!
He gave up all He had when He died for sinners bad and quenched His Father's wrath to add a righteousness that makes us glad to end all sin and pain that's sad and everlasting pleasures add!
He's the Temple we need and so these buildings He's decreed will fall to rubbish flat indeed and all His warnings we must heed!
He warns of coming judgment doom so we'll be ready for the gloom and stand with Him our perfect Groom for all our foes He will consume!
The end will come, Christ will return then raise the dead to fruit discern the wicked will forever burn the righteous joys He did earn and they for Him will always yearn!
He is LORD and Judge of all Who said destruction would befall and yet He'll save all those Who call so that they all will never fall!
His name to all shall be proclaimed and we must never be ashamed since for our sins our King was blamed so now for Him we are reclaimed!
He endured to the end but was not saved and did descend to bear God's wrath and life extend to those who trust Him as their friend!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
He was made an abomination enduring desolation while facing our damnation then rose for our justification to save elect from every nation!
He's the only true and living Christ so by false christ's don't be enticed to save His elect He alone sufficed for by the whip He's cut and sliced then died and wrapped in grave clothes spiced but rose alive – the living Christ – oh great salvation's highly priced and now hell's fires have all been iced!
He's the highest class – His beauty none can e'er surpass His every word shall come to pass and in Him joys we'll amass!
He always stayed awake and made earth quake when He died to break and crush the snake then rose again new life to make and His people take all for love's sake so now for Him alone we ache!
He's worthy of extravagant devotion with greatest emotion for He swallowed God's fury ocean and rose to the extreme promotion!
He's the Passover Lamb, the Substitute Ram, and the great “I AM” so we can be children of Abraham!He's the greatest man ever born though by betrayal He was worn, torn, silent like a sheep shorn, treated with scorn, and pierced with thorn He rose to be salvation's Horn!
That's my King!
His body was broken throughout and His blood poured out for us He went without He's the most devout without a doubt and His work's what this supper is all about!
His blood was out poured as the covenant LORD so we're clean and restored through our Christ the Reward Who's always and only and ever adored!
He's worthy to be remembered and Him we proclaim Who took all our shame and died for our blame then rose to great fame so we're never the same but live to acclaim His glorious name!
He never fell away but always did just what He'd say then God did strike the Shepherd slay His own He won't deny but pay He died and rose to love display!
He begged His Father to take the cross away because with perfect fear He'd pray with passion every sin He'd slay and preeminently to God He'd say You're My greatest joy please stay Your will be done I will obey!
He in greatest trial and stress would pray His Father God address Who rules and reigns o'er all distress our loving Savior seeks to bless so to God's will He did say yes!
That's my King! That's my King!
Saturday, September 20, 2014
"That's My King!" Who Begged His Father To Take The Cross Away Because With Perfect Fear He'd Pray With Passion Every Sin He'd Slay And Preeminently To God He'd Say You're My Greatest Joy Please Stay Your Will Be Done I Will Obey!
When devils roar and Christ is sad
And all His future's dark and bad
He faced His Father's wrath so mad
To Him all sins our God would add
He'd lose the pleasure of His Dad
Alone, forsaken – no more glad
But on that cross He conquered bad
And took away His Father's mad
Rose up alive in light He's clad
And now to us His goodness add
All sins forgiven we are glad
Someday all joy and no more sad!
That's my King!
With soul in sorrow He could die
He'd pray and sweat and loudly cry
“Oh Father let this cup pass by!
For You can do all things on high!
Your will be done – I will comply!”
This prayer is hard – we can't deny
Was Jesus' love now spent and dry?
From Him did faith and boldness fly?
Is our King weak as death drew nigh?
A million “No's!” we must reply!
Our King is King of kings on high!
He's perfect man in every eye
His prayer shows us a perfect cry
Perfect fear – from wrath He'd fly
Perfect hate – toward sin defy
Perfect joy in God nearby
The perfect Man must pray this cry!
But on His God He would rely
And give His life and finally die
Then rise to ascend in the sky
And our salvation full apply!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
Fear not mere men who bodies kill
And leave the souls untouched and still
But fear the God Who at His will
Casts souls and bodies with great zeal
Straight into hell – justice fulfill
Jesus obeyed with perfect skill
And feared His God Whose wrath would spill
All over Him on Calvary's hill
Millions of hells would be His pill
The darkest chill and greatest ill
Would be His plight – it was God's will
When perfect Man this fear did feel
His only prayer – He must appeal
His fear is perfectly ideal
Fear only God Who souls can kill!
That's my King!
Christ hated sin with perfect hate
He lived the righteous, sinless state
But knew He soon would bear the weight
Of all our sinful wicked freight
As sin our God would then equate
The perfect Savior Who's the Great
This cannot be for it's innate
That more than all, sin, Christ would hate!
And so He prayed: “Father create!
Another way – this cross negate!”
But as He cried and lay prostrate
On His Father's will He'd wait!
That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!
The Father is Jesus' greatest delight
The joy they have is out of sight
So when Christ sees His terrible plight
The Father turns His back from sight
And says: “My only Son I'll smite!”
He cannot take this darkest night
But for His Father's presence fight!
With every fiber of His might
“Oh Father take the cross from sight!”
But so we could be saved tonight
Our Savior died and did what's right
And rose again – our sovereign Knight
To be our joy and delight!
That's my King!
Christ Jesus’ Life Was Full Out Pressed
Like Olive Oil He’s Crushed, Depressed
His Soul In Sorrow, Troubled, Stressed
God’s Cup Of Wrath His Soul Distressed
“Let This Cup Pass!” Three Times Request
For He’d Take Sin Upon His Breast
Who Knew No Sin, Hates Sin Detest
He Feared His God The Perfect Best
And Knew He’d Lose His Father’s Rest
Forsaken, Killed, And Sore Oppressed
Yet With His Father’s Will Obsessed
He Died For All Our Sins Transgressed
Then Rose Alive So Now We’re Blessed
By Faith Alone We’re Just And Dressed
In His Pure Righteousness Possessed
We Live For Him Our Love Expressed
For He’s Our All, Our One True Quest!
That's my King! That's my King!
God And The Gospel
To learn more about the great and true Triune God, the God-Man, Jesus Christ, His cross, and His glorious Gospel message and everlasting Kingship, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
"That's My King!" Who Never Ever Fell Away But Always Did Just What He'd Say Then God Did Strike The Shepherd Slay His Own He Won't Deny But Pay He Died And Rose To Love Display!
We've all fallen away
By what we think and do and say
The disciples here have led the way
They all forsook Him – went astray
But Jesus never fell away!
Oh, we've all fallen away
His disciples failed to understand
Jesus rebuked them
They had hard hearts
They didn't understand Him
They all fell away
But Jesus never fell away!
We've all fallen away
Jesus' disciples lacked faith
They argued in pride and arrogance over who would be the greatest
They failed to deny themselves, pick up their crosses, and follow Him
They all fell away
But Jesus never fell away!
We've all fallen away
Peter had to be called Satan
Peter took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink in the raging sea
Peter denied His Lord Jesus three times with curses and swearing
Peter fell away
They all fell away
But Jesus never fell away!
We've all fallen away
We've made gods of all kinds of things and people and hopes and dreams instead of the only true God
We've taken God's name in vain
We've disregarded the right worship of God
We've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God
We've all fallen away
But Jesus never fell away!
We've all fallen away
We've dishonored and disobeyed our parents and other authorities in our lives
We've murdered in our hearts
We've committed adultery in our hearts
We've stolen time and money from our employers
We've lied
We've been discontent, grumbled and complained, and desired what we don't have
We've all fallen away
But Jesus never fell away!
We've all fallen away
But God . . . but God changed us
And now we'll never fall away!
Now we'll never be the same!
By grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone
Now we turn away from sin
Now we turn away from hell
Now we turn away from death
Because Jesus never fell away!
In Christ, we'll never fall away again!
In Jesus we turn away from our love for sin
We turn away from our desires for what God forbids
We turn away from hatred
We turn away from lust
We turn away from idolatry
Because Jesus never fell away!
In Christ, we'll never fall away!
Because of the cross and resurrection, the curse has been turned away from us because Jesus took the curse away for us
God's wrath has been turned away from us because Jesus took God's wrath away for us
Everlasting judgment has been turned away from us because Jesus took God’s everlasting judgment away for us
Pain, tears, and death has been taken away from us because Jesus took away our pain, tears, and death
We've been given fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore because Jesus was cast out of fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore on that cross!
Praise God that Jesus never fell away!
Christ Jesus Never Fell Away
Stood Firm In Every Law Obey
To All God’s Promises He’s “Yea!”
He Is The Truth, The Life, The Way
Peter “Big-Talk” Would Only Say
But Jesus Did All He Would Say
Yet Christ, The Father’s Wrath Would Slay
For Us Our King Was Cast Away
He Died For His Who’ve Gone Astray
Then Rose So We Would Ever Stay
And Never, Never Fall Away
His Love So Great On Full Display
For Even Now For Us He’ll Pray
And Keep Us For That Final Day
So Look To Him, Trust And Obey
For He Is All Our Hope And Stay!
God And The Gospel
To learn more about the great and true Triune God, the God-Man, Jesus Christ, His cross, and His glorious Gospel message and everlasting Kingship, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
"That's My King!" Who's Coming Back To Every Evil Attack He Won't Be Slack All The Wicked He'll Smack, Stack, And With Everlasting Pain Wrack Then Supply All We Lack As The One Who Always Has Our Back!
ISIS is killing
Islam is ruling
Children are starving
Young girls are being raped
Parents are weeping
But they don't know
That Jesus is coming!
ISIS is killing
Journalists are beheaded
Churches are destroyed
Christians are dying
Evil seems to be winning
Death is rampant
But oh let me tell you!
That Jesus is coming!
ISIS is killing
True Islam is followed
The Quran is being obeyed
Sharia law is being enforced
Criminals are being crucified
Thieves have their hands cut off
But Jesus is coming!
ISIS is killing
Jesus – the God-Man – is being denied
The only true God is being defamed
The death and resurrection of Jesus is being dismissed
Converts to Islam are being forced
But it's only for right now
Because Jesus is coming!
ISIS is killing
Like Saul they think they're serving God
But my God can still change Sauls into Pauls – come LORD Jesus and do it!
My Muslim friends are deceived
The Quran is lying
Muhammad is dead
allah is a false god
But Jesus is coming!
ISIS is killing
They'd kill me if they could
For writing like this
But we've got to keep on speaking
Because Jesus is coming!
ISIS is killing
The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is livid-furious-angry
God hates all evil doers
He will repay all unrepentant sinners in hell forever
So we've got to keep warning the world
That Jesus is coming – with fire in His eyes and a sharp sword in His mouth!
ISIS is killing
The preacher is preaching
Vengeance is mine, I will repay says the LORD!
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life!
Whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life!
But the wrath of God remains on him!
Believe Him!
Obey Him!
Because Jesus is coming!
Islam is ruling
Children are starving
Young girls are being raped
Parents are weeping
But they don't know
That Jesus is coming!
ISIS is killing
Journalists are beheaded
Churches are destroyed
Christians are dying
Evil seems to be winning
Death is rampant
But oh let me tell you!
That Jesus is coming!
ISIS is killing
True Islam is followed
The Quran is being obeyed
Sharia law is being enforced
Criminals are being crucified
Thieves have their hands cut off
But Jesus is coming!
ISIS is killing
Jesus – the God-Man – is being denied
The only true God is being defamed
The death and resurrection of Jesus is being dismissed
Converts to Islam are being forced
But it's only for right now
Because Jesus is coming!
ISIS is killing
Like Saul they think they're serving God
But my God can still change Sauls into Pauls – come LORD Jesus and do it!
My Muslim friends are deceived
The Quran is lying
Muhammad is dead
allah is a false god
But Jesus is coming!
ISIS is killing
They'd kill me if they could
For writing like this
But we've got to keep on speaking
Because Jesus is coming!
ISIS is killing
The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is livid-furious-angry
God hates all evil doers
He will repay all unrepentant sinners in hell forever
So we've got to keep warning the world
That Jesus is coming – with fire in His eyes and a sharp sword in His mouth!
ISIS is killing
The preacher is preaching
Vengeance is mine, I will repay says the LORD!
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life!
Whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life!
But the wrath of God remains on him!
Believe Him!
Obey Him!
Because Jesus is coming!
Saturday, September 6, 2014
"That's My King!" Who's Worthy To Be Remembered And Him We Proclaim Who Took All Our Shame And Died For Our Blame Then Rose To Great Fame So We're Never The Same But Live To Acclaim His Glorious Name!
Let's remember Jesus
Remember His infinite worthiness
Remember His absolute moral perfection and absolute perfection in every other way
Remember His unparalleled compassion
Remember His unprecedented hatred of evil
Remember His irresistible love that surpasses knowledge
Remember His mercies that are new every morning
Remember that He always remembers us!
Let's remember Jesus
Remember that it appeared He was born from a sexually immoral relationship, yet He was born of a virgin
Remember that the Lord of glory, the God of heaven and earth was born in the feeding trough of a cow
Remember that as soon as He was born, wicked humanity was trying to kill Him
Remember that as a young boy He amazed them in the temple with His answers and understanding
Remember that He was submissive to His parents
Remember that He always remembers us!
Let's remember Jesus
Remember that He came as a preacher and teacher – He is the Prince of preachers like no other!
Remember that His first and last words were “Repent and believe the Gospel!”
Remember that no one ever taught like this Man!
Remember that He taught with authority – all authority in fact – like no other religious teacher that has ever crossed the horizon of this world!
Remember that He astonished crowds and made them marvel!
Remember that though heaven and earth shall pass away, His Words shall never pass away!
Remember that He always remembers us!
Let's remember Jesus
Remember that He called Himself the great “I AM!”
Remember that He said He and the Father are one
Remember that He said if you have seen Him, then you have seen the Father
Remember that Thomas called Him “My Lord and my God!”
Remember that He forgives sins – which only God can do
Remember that He said all may honor the Son, just as they honor the Father
Remember that He was prayed to
Remember that He was worshiped
Remember that He is God Almighty
Remember that He always remembers us!
Let's remember Jesus
Remember that He turned water into wine
Remember that He spoke food into existence and fed the many thousands
Remember that He walked on water
Remember that He commanded the winds and waves and storm to obey Him and all was peace and still
Remember that He healed the sick
Remember that He cleansed lepers
Remember that He made the lame to walk
Remember that He made the deaf to hear
Remember that He made the blind to see
Remember that He raised the dead to life
Remember that He always remembers us!
Let's remember Jesus
Remember that He was betrayed by one of His closest friends
Remember that Peter denied Him three times with cursing and swearing
Remember that every one of His disciples abandoned Him
Remember that He cried out to God and sweat like drops of blood
Remember that He was spit on
Remember that He was mocked
Remember that He was beaten beyond human recognition
Remember that He was nailed to the cross
Remember that He suffered the wrath, judgment, and curse of God on that cross
Remember that He was forsaken by God on that cross
Remember that He always remembers us!
Let's remember Jesus
Remember that He's the God of the impossible!
Remember that He's the God of the resurrection of the dead!
Remember that He rose up from the dead!
Remember that He conquered the grave!
Remember that He conquered sin!
Remember that He conquered the devil!
Remember that He has all authority in heaven and on earth!
Remember that He is always with us and will never leave us nor forsake us!
Remember that we are to be busy making disciples and teaching them to obey all that He has commanded!
Remember that He always remembers us!
Let's remember Jesus
Remember that He loves you more than you could ever know!
Remember that He's working out everything in our lives for our good!
Remember that those Who seek Him lack no good thing!
Remember that He's pursing us with goodness and mercy all the days of our lives!
Remember that He disciplines those He loves!
Remember that if you have Him and nothing else, you have it all because He is the all in all!
Remember that He always remember us!
Let's remember Jesus
Remember that He came as a Lamb, but He's returning as a Lion
Remember that He came humble & meek, riding on a donkey, but He's returning with wrath & fury on a war horse
Remember that He came with patience and mercy, but He's returning with a sharp sword in His mouth and flaming fire in His eyes
Remember that He will judge the wicked and all His and our enemies
Remember that He will consume all of His and our enemies forever
Remember that with Him, for all eternity, you will be perfectly, fully, abundantly, and extravagantly happy, joyful, and satisfied beyond what you could ever dream or imagine!
Remember that He always remembers us!
Christ Jesus Is The Center Of This Meal He Has Showered
Grace Upon Grace On Us – Sin’s Overpowered
Remember His Body And Blood We Look Backward
Celebrate Each Other In Christ We Look Outward
Lifted Up Where He’s Seated By Faith We Look Upward
Examine Ourselves We Repent Looking Inward
We Hope For His Coming With Joy Looking Forward
Christ Died And He Rose And All Death He’s Devoured
Delight In Him Is Our Goal Over All He Has Towered
Taste And See He Is Good Moving Us Ever Godward!
(Credit: Much of the content in this last paragraph came from: Why Is The Lord's Supper So Important? by Aubrey M. Sequeira)
God And The Gospel
To learn more about the great and true Triune God, the God-Man, Jesus Christ, His cross, and His glorious Gospel message and everlasting Kingship, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
"That's My King!" Whose Blood Was Out Poured As The Covenant LORD So We're Clean And Restored Through Our Christ The Reward Who's Only And Always And Ever Adored!
In a heated rage man's blood was shed
Cain killed his brother Abel dead
In envy-lust the ground soaked red
It cried to God, "you're cursed," God said
Sin causes death, from God we've fled
But there's a promise we have read
The Seed will crush the serpent's head
He suffered on that cross and bled
Then conquered death and left it dead!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
The life is in the blood, so you shall not eat
The blood of bulls and goats that bleat
Jews could only eat the meat
Or be cut off – their hopes delete
But blood of bulls and goats won't treat
The sickness – sin has brought defeat
We need a greater hope complete
It's in the blood of Christ elite
His life and death – the greatest feat!
On that cross we did mistreat
The LORD of glory Who they beat
His blood poured out like slaughtered meat
He bore God's wrath in all its heat
Then rose to conquer all defeat
And cause the devil to retreat
Now by His blood we are complete
He gave Himself – His blood so sweet!
We shout with joy in the street!
His praise always we'll now repeat!
That's my King!
Jesus' blood of the New Covenant is our propitiation
He took away God's wrath so that we could have salvation
Because He died and rose for our eternal justification
He's the New Covenant LORD Who's our bloody mediation
So now we're forgiven and enjoy God's "Righteous!" declaration
Which we have by faith alone in the Christ our blood relation
Now there's no more fear of wrath – no hell-fire or damnation
Through His blood we have redemption from all sinful desolation
From every nation we're brought near by His blood of consecration
Through His blood we now have peace so there's no more agitation
The precious blood of Christ Who is our Lamb of jubilation
Cleanses us from sin so there's no more indignation
By His blood we're freed from sin to live out holy dedication
By His blood alone there will be no more condemnation
And by His blood alone we'll conquer every manifestation and representation of our enemies' perpetration
For the glory of our King Who's our joy and adoration!
That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!
Christ Jesus’ Blood Was Full Out Poured
He’s God And Man - Covenant LORD
He Bore God’s Wrath Pierced By His Sword
He Died Alone So Cursed, Abhorred
But Then He Rose - All Life’s Restored
Victory Is Won - He’s Risen, Roared
By Faith Alone We’re Just, The LORD
Our Righteousness Has Pleasures Stored
For Us Forever He’s Adored
For Christ Is All Our Great Reward!
That's my King! That's my King!
God And The Gospel
To learn more about the great and true Triune God, the God-Man, Jesus Christ, His cross, and His glorious Gospel message and everlasting Kingship, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.
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