We've all fallen away
By what we think and do and say
The disciples here have led the way
They all forsook Him – went astray
But Jesus never fell away!
Oh, we've all fallen away
His disciples failed to understand
Jesus rebuked them
They had hard hearts
They didn't understand Him
They all fell away
But Jesus never fell away!
We've all fallen away
Jesus' disciples lacked faith
They argued in pride and arrogance over who would be the greatest
They failed to deny themselves, pick up their crosses, and follow Him
They all fell away
But Jesus never fell away!
We've all fallen away
Peter had to be called Satan
Peter took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink in the raging sea
Peter denied His Lord Jesus three times with curses and swearing
Peter fell away
They all fell away
But Jesus never fell away!
We've all fallen away
We've made gods of all kinds of things and people and hopes and dreams instead of the only true God
We've taken God's name in vain
We've disregarded the right worship of God
We've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God
We've all fallen away
But Jesus never fell away!
We've all fallen away
We've dishonored and disobeyed our parents and other authorities in our lives
We've murdered in our hearts
We've committed adultery in our hearts
We've stolen time and money from our employers
We've lied
We've been discontent, grumbled and complained, and desired what we don't have
We've all fallen away
But Jesus never fell away!
We've all fallen away
But God . . . but God changed us
And now we'll never fall away!
Now we'll never be the same!
By grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone
Now we turn away from sin
Now we turn away from hell
Now we turn away from death
Because Jesus never fell away!
In Christ, we'll never fall away again!
In Jesus we turn away from our love for sin
We turn away from our desires for what God forbids
We turn away from hatred
We turn away from lust
We turn away from idolatry
Because Jesus never fell away!
In Christ, we'll never fall away!
Because of the cross and resurrection, the curse has been turned away from us because Jesus took the curse away for us
God's wrath has been turned away from us because Jesus took God's wrath away for us
Everlasting judgment has been turned away from us because Jesus took God’s everlasting judgment away for us
Pain, tears, and death has been taken away from us because Jesus took away our pain, tears, and death
We've been given fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore because Jesus was cast out of fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore on that cross!
Praise God that Jesus never fell away!
Christ Jesus Never Fell Away
Stood Firm In Every Law Obey
To All God’s Promises He’s “Yea!”
He Is The Truth, The Life, The Way
Peter “Big-Talk” Would Only Say
But Jesus Did All He Would Say
Yet Christ, The Father’s Wrath Would Slay
For Us Our King Was Cast Away
He Died For His Who’ve Gone Astray
Then Rose So We Would Ever Stay
And Never, Never Fall Away
His Love So Great On Full Display
For Even Now For Us He’ll Pray
And Keep Us For That Final Day
So Look To Him, Trust And Obey
For He Is All Our Hope And Stay!
God And The Gospel
To learn more about the great and true Triune God, the God-Man, Jesus Christ, His cross, and His glorious Gospel message and everlasting Kingship, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.
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