Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah . . . has conquered . . . Revelation 5:5
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ . . . Galatians 6:14
You have been very angry with your Anointed One. Psalm 89:38
For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2
Let the motto upon your whole ministry be - "Christ is All!" - Cotton Mather

Saturday, December 21, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Came From Mary's Virgin Womb And Faced His Father's Wrathful Doom Then Resurrected From the Tomb To Be Our Everlasting Groom!

Why do you live upon the earth? 
What's your treasure – greatest worth? 
What fills your heart with sweetest mirth?  
Oh may it start with virgin birth! 
When God the Son came down to earth!  
He is our life's most precious worth!

That's my King!

Sadducees denied the resurrection
They came with a question for insurrection
But were overwhelmed by Christ's objection
He shut their mouths with truth correction
To His church He gives protection
From false teachers' death infection
On that cross He faced rejection
Even though He was perfection
Took on Him our sin collection
But gave the tomb the great ejection
For He's the life and resurrection! 

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

He's worthy of life-long reflection! 
He alone is our connection
To the God of all complexion
He'll give your life a new direction
Fill your heart with pure affection
You will never face rejection
For He's the God of your election
And He'll bring you to perfection!

That's my King!

Jesus told them they were wrong
Though they've read the Word lifelong
They don't know it – sounding gong
They deny that God is strong
He'll raise the dead and life prolong
To His family you'll belong
And in your heart He'll put a song
Join the everlasting throng
And praise His name with voices strong!

That's my King!

Marriage on earth will face cessation
Then – eternal celebration
The Lamb's our Spouse – our perfect relation
The church is His bride at the consummation
From every tongue and tribe and nation
He'll love and support without accusation
He'll protect and provide with no frustration
He satisfies your deepest aspiration
He's worthy of every and all adoration
Because on that cross He saved from damnation
To bring us the joys of eternal salvation
He's God of the living with no condemnation
Trust in Him now with no reservation
He'll fill you with fullness of joy's elation
And thus we praise the incarnation
The Word made flesh in combination
Let us adore in admiration!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Christ Jesus Is Our Life Resurrection
Our Holy Groom Of All Affection
There’s No Human Marriage And No Rejection
In Heaven Where Christ Is Every Perfection
He’s God Of The Living And Our Protection
Astonishing All With His Bold Correction
He Died On That Cross Under Wrath Subjection
Then Rose Up Alive In Power Projection
Now All That’s In Marriage, That Human Connection
You’ll Find It In Him Our Treasure Collection
God Chose Us In Him Through Sovereign Election
Because Of His Life We Change Our Direction
And Live From His Smile For Glory Reflection
For He’s Our Resurrection, Affection
And Perfect Perfection!

That's my King! That's my King!

To learn more about the great King Jesus and His glorious Gospel message, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Owns All Things, Bold Truth He Brings, And Caesar Bows To The King of Kings!

Jesus reigns over everything supreme! 
He's the King Who rules over every regime
He, above all, deserves highest esteem
He shed His own blood – a pure, healing stream
And rose from the grave – our lives to redeem
In His Father's eyes, He's the brightest gleam
By faith in Him you can share this gleam
Forgiven and righteous and all you don't seem
He saves the worst of sinners extreme
Of the greatest story ever told – He's the theme of themes
So bow to Him now as your joy supreme!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

The Devil tries our Christ to trap
False teachers flatter with their yap
The question they hope will soon unwrap
All His success and planning snap
He'll take and all their evil scrap
Their plans He stops and now we rap
His answer causes us to clap
He put this sentence on the map
Our Christ no one will ever trap!

That's my King!

We give to Caesar what we owe
God gave to him to rule below
Authority did God bestow
On kings and rulers high and low
For through this rule God's blessings grow
Even if man's rule below
God's good commandments out they throw
Against this rule will come God's woe
For He will punish every foe
And soon someday though time seems slow
Justice like waters down will flow
And righteousness o'er all He'll sow
For Christ did die once long ago
Upon Himself He took God's woe
That you deserve who were God's foe
He died to make you clean like snow
Then rose alive – death's sting forgo
Now o'er all death He shouts a "No!" 
And on your life mercies bestow!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

God bought you – now you are His own
His image on yourself is shown
He ripped right out your heart of stone
And makes you more like Christ full grown
You owe Him all you've ever known
All this since Christ was overthrown
He let Caesar Himself to own
And died upon that cross alone
For all our sins He did atone
Then rose to rule upon His throne
So look to Him and bow down prone
And find in Him delights unknown!

That's my King!

Christ Jesus Reigns And You Belong
To Him Alone, So Don’t Prolong 
Your Death To Self, But Come Along
To Him Who Died And Rose Up Strong
He Bore God’s Wrath For All Your Wrong
Redeems From Olney To Hong Kong
So Now Salvation Is Your Song
To Him Your Life, Your All Belong
You’ll Pay Your Taxes Full Lifelong
Submit To Caesars Who Do Wrong
For He’s Your Joy And Your Song
Your Marvel Who Can Do No Wrong!

That's my King! That's my King! 

Monday, December 2, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Was Single All His Life And Conquered Every Strife Then Gave His Precious Life So We Could Be His Wife!

The pleasures of marriage, Jesus never knew; He lived and died – the single Jew; There are joys in sex and intimacy true; But from a greater joy He drew; His Father's the greatest pleasure He knew; Pleasures forevermore and joys through and through! His delights in the Father flourished and grew; The pleasures of sin away He threw; No lust His heart would ever pursue; For God's beauty itself is the greatest view; His heart was crushed when this Beauty withdrew; For on that cross God's wrath would spew; Forsaken by God He paid our due; He became sin – for me and for you; Though no sin to Him would ever accrue; Then He arose and made all things new! To bring you to God – a bride clean and true; Come to Him now – your desires He'll subdue; You'll cry from your heart:  "All my joy is You!"
Oh Father please come – my need seems dire; Please come help me fight overwhelming desire; Oh God you alone can put out the fire;  Turn my eyes upon You and lift me up higher; To trust and obey all that You require; May I find "Christ is all!" –  my great King and Sire; And delight in Him – our greatest Desire!

That's my King!  I wonder if you know Him today?!

God's Word says singleness is the best way; And you'll be happier if single you stay; All your attention on God you can lay; He'll fill all your thoughts – to Him you can pray; He wants you alone with Him everyday; A Lover Who's jealous and won't let you stray; He's the fountain of all delight so survey; His glory about beauty on full display; He died to take all your sins away; And lives to give you life His way; So trust in Him and fight to obey; He'll grant you contentment – come what may!
One day you'll be married for eternal duration; This fact is certain – God's declaration; For all who trust in Christ for salvation; Will marry the Lamb in the new creation; His bride you will be from every nation; You'll marry the King – the best combination; Most loving, most kind, your closest relation; The greatest Spouse – beyond all expectation!  If you have Him, fear no deprivation; You'll know all is good at the consummation; Where joys in Him pass all imagination; And grow forever in great adoration; The Husband-King is all compensation; So find in Him life's full celebration!

That's my King!  That's my King!

Friday, November 29, 2013

"That's My King!" Who's The Beloved Stone And Son Whom Wicked Men Would Kill And Shun But Through His Death His Work Is Done – Now He's Alive Second To None!

God planted His vineyard and expected fruit
Israel – His beloved, tender shoot
But sadly her leaders had no root
Glory and money was their pursuit
Their sin and rebellion was acute
They killed the prophets – truth dilute
His vineyard pure they did pollute
And took the wicked, murderous route
So when Christ came, Him they'd refute
And cut Him down – His voice mute
But He's the Christ – He won't be mute!  
He ended death and killed its root!  
For He's Messiah – God's True Shoot!  
The Israelite Who'd bear much fruit!  
To save His bride was His pursuit
And all her wickedness refute
So trust Him now – He will recruit
And put you on a God pursuit!

That's my King!

God's patience runs with sinners long
In spite of all that they've done wrong
He cries: “Please turn and come along!
Follow Me where you belong!
I don't delight in judgment strong!
That's why I sent My Son along!” 
God made Him who knew no wrong
To be the wrong and suffer long
So He could save – make us belong
So trust the Savior Who is strong
His mercy-heart is your new song!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

If the Christ you do reject
Against God's wrath He won't protect
And only curse you can expect
For Christ alone can wrath deflect
Since on that cross He hung erect
And took God's wrath Himself direct
He alone can saved the wrecked
Since He'd die then resurrect
And all our blessings there collect
Against all foes He will protect
So trust Him now and you're elect
His glory then you will reflect
And from your sins He will perfect
Of joy He'll be your great object!

That's my King!

Christ, above all, is the most precious Stone!
No diamond compares with the glory He's shown
Breathtaking beauty that leaves your mind blown
He's the greatest reality to ever be known
All your enemies He'll master and own
Since He gave His life for your sin to atone
Rejected by men and God all alone
In the dark on that tree He died with a groan
Then conquered the grave – and death's overthrown
He's alive not dead – from the tomb He's flown
Now He rules over all upon His throne
Come to Him now – no longer postpone
Believe in the Savior and bow to this Stone
His Word in your heart will ever be sown
He'll give you a love – a love unknown
Your joys shall rise in Christ alone
And you He'll hold tight and never disown!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Christ Jesus Is The Son And Stone
Of The Corner Best That’s Known
Marvelous In Our Eyes Shown
So Beautiful That Minds Are Blown
God’s Done This We Are His Own
By Christ’s Rejection Died Alone
Spit On, Beaten To The Bone
Bore God’s Wrath For Sins Atone
Died And Rose To Victory Own
Now With All Power On His Throne
He Rules O’er All The Cornerstone
Shows Mercy To All Those He’s Known
Who Trust In Him By Faith Alone
But Crushes Sinners, Down They’re Thrown
Who Reject His Rule And Groan
So Trust The Son He Won’t Disown
All Those By Grace To Him Have Flown!

That's my King! That's my King! 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Owns All Authority On High, False Teachers' Evil Tongues He'd Tie, Then Speak The Truth And For Us Die!

Authority is the right and power to command
To Whom will you bow and not withstand
Christ the King rules every land
All other powers are sinking sand
His Kingdom's rule will ever expand
So turn from self-rule and what you've planned
Submit to Him and give your hand
To do with joy His command
His death was just – God's right demand
He rose alive in glory grand
And now if you by faith will stand
You'll enter in the promised land! 

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

Who will you, above all, obey?
That's your king no matter what you say
The greatest king that makes us stray
Is our king-self that we must slay
Now put king-self to death and say:
“My Christ is all! - For all He'd pay!” 
He died and rose on the third day!  
To take your wicked sin away
And be the King you will obey
He'll never let you go astray
But gives His mercy full display
In your new life He is the way!

That's my King!

They come to God and want to question
Instead they should bow and make confession
All authority's in His possession
He raised the dead – a bold impression
He said, “I AM!” - His God expression
He forgave sins – that's only God's discretion
He has all power but no oppression
He can save from all aggression
And heal your every paralyzing depression
He'll save from every evil transgression
He ever lives to make intercession
His aim is to be your greatest obsession! 

That's my King!

Jesus responds – I will question you
Like God said to Job, now brace for what's true
Stand back my friends – don't mess with this Jew!
He won't answer the fool like we often do
He reveals their cowardly hearts that He knew
And shows that they must be born anew!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

God is silent to those full of pride
In humility bow – set self aside
He loves the humble with arms open wide
His mercy is free to all who abide
By faith in Him – in His mercy hide
For God was silent to Christ when He cried:
“My God! My God! You've left My side!” 
Oh the sad silence when Jesus died
But God raised Him up – all mercies supplied
God's silence is broken for all worldwide
So trust in Him now and be His pure bride
He'll save you forever – your needs He'll provide
And fill you with joy that no one can hide!

That's my King!

Christ Jesus Reigns, Owning All Authority
In Everything He Bleeds Superiority
Don’t Question Him For He’s Right In The Majority
He’s Everlasting With Utmost Seniority
Yet He Died On That Cross And Was Counted Inferiority
Bearing God’s Wrath In Horrific Deteriority
But Rose Up From The Dead With All Superiority
Saving From Every Nation: The All And The Minority
So Trust In Him As Your First Priority
And Bow Down To His God-Man Authority
Who Is Himself Our Joy Superiority!

That's my King! That's my King!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Took On Flesh That Happy Morn And From His Father's Side Was Torn So We Could One Day Be Reborn!

Our King said: "You must be born again!  If God's Kingdom you'd enter in!"  It's the only way He'll save from sin; He came down our souls to win; So He was born outside the inn; And in a stable trough therein; A humble slave like none has been; He died and rose to save from sin; So you could have new life within; If all on Him your hopes you'll pin; Then turn and deeply hate your sin; You know your new life did begin; He grants you joy and peace within! In Christ the victory we'll win!
Enter once more into the womb?  How can this be – he can't presume; Yet physically he did assume; When Christ spoke of a Spirit bloom; The Holy One comes with a boom; He takes the stony hearts of doom; And grants new hearts – the Spirit's room; For since He died and took our gloom; And rose and reigns o'er all the tomb; We live with Him – our great Bridegroom; Take off your sinful self costume; Be who you are in Christ and bloom; For He's the Lover we consume!

That's my King!  I wonder if you know Him today?!

Water and Spirit is the key; To make you clean and set you free! In God's great works we often see; These two at work – they do agree; The first creation – God's decree; His Spirit roamed over the sea; In new creation, hearts will be; What God makes new to set you free; And all because our God for thee; Did bleed and die upon that tree!
The Spirit cannot be contained; He's like the wind that can't be chained; His work can't fully be explained; But all whom God has foreordained; Will have new hearts and be constrained; To follow Christ Whose blood has stained; That cross where all for us was gained; Where pains of hell his body strained; As all His blood poured out and drained; Oh! This love can't be explained! Neither can it be contained! By the grave He's not restrained! But lives forevermore unfeigned! To give us all that He's obtained! In Him we are always sustained! For on us mercies He has rained!
After new birth, we will obey; And follow all our Christ did say; We have new hearts that will not stray; For in them God's law is the way; Plus the Spirit will display; His work in us each passing day; So trust the Son Whom God did slay!  He is the truth – the life – the way!

That's my King!  That's my King!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Cried Father Forgive Then Died And Rose So You Could Live And Now Forgiveness Freely Give!

Forgive is what our Master did
His mercy-heart cannot be hid
He cried for mercy – made His bid
While into death's firm grip He slid
And now because of what He did
God's grace from us cannot be hid
He crushed death's grip – of sin we're rid!  
All blessings flow – none He'll forbid!  

That's my King!

Christ had the most against us all
Our sins against Him piled up tall
Between us stood a wrathful wall
Against the God above appall
And ever since Adam's great fall
We've loved our sin that treats God small
We've persecuted Him like Saul
And treated with contempt and gall
The One Who is the all in all!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

Yet even in our sin so bad
That's made our infinite God mad
All our sins to Christ He'd add
And crush His Son – He's all God had
Now we will be forever glad
With no more sin to make us sad
For with Christ's righteousness we're clad
And God's our loving, patient Dad!

That's my King!

Now trust in Christ and to Him flee
He saves by faith alone – no fee
And this salvation is the key
To grant you a forgiveness spree
Oh there behold Him on that tree
He loved and died to set you free
He cast your sins into the sea! 
And when this lavish grace you see
You'll love, forgive, and peace will be
No grudges hold – just sweet esprit
No matter what's been done to thee
All because the One in Three
Gave up Himself upon that tree!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him?!

Christ Jesus Forgave The Greatest Debt
Like Trillions Spent With Deep Regret
He Suffered Grief With Blood-Like Sweat
Then Took God’s Fullest Hell-Fire Threat
And Died So We No Longer Fret
Then He Rose So We Shall Get
Eternal Life All Pleasures Met
In Him For He’s Our Joy Beget
So Now When Others Sin And Threat
And Hurt And Owe Us A Great Debt
We Can Forgive And All Forget
Because Of Christ We’re Free And Set
To Love By All The Grace We Get
For Christ Is All Our Advocate
Because He’s Paid Our Every Debt!

That's my King! That's my King!

Friday, November 1, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Perfectly Believed And Holy Righteousness Achieved So Full Forgiveness We've Received!

"Have faith in God" is what He said; Blind unbelief will leave you dead; Just like the fig tree cursed widespread; They saw the life that Christ had lead; He healed the sick and raised the dead; Without much food gave thousands bread; Made lame to walk – picked up his bed; The blind would see – have light instead; And yet they doubted Christ their Head; And even from His side they fled; But He goes forth – stands in their stead; And on that cross His blood He shed; He took God's wrath and for us bled; Now lives forevermore to spread; New life to all who trust  and wed; The Son of God by faith Who said; "Three days will pass but look ahead; I'll rise again and on death tread!"  Then all your fears and doubts He shred; And gives you joy and life instead; So come to Him – don't be misled; By faith He'll raise you from the dead; And be your all in all to spread!

That's my King!  I wonder if you know Him today?!

Prayer is for battle – the warrior's call; Not for a butler down the hall; To bring you worldly stuff so small; Cry out to God and learn from Paul; Who prayed for Christ's love to enthrall; And mercies down from heaven fall; So wicked sinners bad like Saul; Could turn from sin and on Christ call; Then He would be their all in all!
Saving faith is where true life starts; And false religion all departs; There's true worship from our hearts; A gift from God that He imparts!
Believing prayer begs for God's will; We follow Jesus in His zeal; "Thy will be done!" His murder seal; And though the Devil bruised His heel; He crushed the serpent's head for real; Then rise He did to make death squeal; The nations He from sin would heal; Remember Paul – His thrice appeal; "Take this thorn – the pain I feel!" But "No" Christ said – "this is ideal; For in your weakness I'll be steel; My grace enough in your ordeal!" So trust the Lord and taste His meal; May joy in Christ you all fulfill!

That's my King!  That's my King!  

Saturday, October 26, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Is The Temple Pure And Clean Who Drove The Robbers From The Scene To Grant Us Grace And Peace Serene!

For God's house He had great zeal
It ate Him up – He can't conceal
Passion for justice that He'd feel
God's glory He won't let them steal
He came the temple's end to seal
For He's the temple Who'd reveal
His death through murder – pain ordeal
Through resurrection death repeal
All so sinners He could heal
And save them from sin's death appeal
To make them righteous – strong like steel
God came as man – the Man ideal
Our Christ is all – before Him kneel
Then He will fill you with a zeal
For Him alone – with longings feel
Since He's the glory none can steal! 

That's my King! Do you know Him!?
Jesus died for every nation
Haitian, Croatian, and Galatian
He redeems from condemnation
Every tribe and tongue translation
He makes His family blood relation
He lives for their complete salvation
And makes all one – a new creation
Where Christ is all – our sure foundation! 

That's my King!

The Jewish leaders wanted to kill
They feared their idols Christ would steal
Though He came with pure goodwill
All God's Word He did fulfill
They hated Him with evil chill
And had Him killed on Calv'ry's hill
Yet through His blood that they would spill
He won the battle – what a thrill! 
So trust Him now – in peace be still
His glory this whole earth will fill!

That's my King!

Oh the temple! What a sight! 
So big and huge, robust with might! 
It's where God dwelt with glory light
Greatest wonder many write
But oh there's One Who's greater bright!
His glory shines a better light!
He enters in – the cleansing Knight
Against all sin He'll win the fight
And though He sometimes comes with fright
And doesn't always seem polite
His mercy's here for all contrite
For those who turn from sin outright
And trust in Him with all delight
For Jesus died to make you right
And rose again to kill death's bite
He's the temple great in might!
With fame and beauty out of sight!
He'll save you from your dreadful plight
And fill you full with pure delight!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Christ Jesus Is The Temple Praise
The God-Man Truth His Life Conveys
Zeal For God’s House He Loves, Obeys
He Toppled Tables In A Blaze 
Of Righteous Anger For Their Craze
For Self And All Their Sinful Ways
The Temple Is For Prayer And Praise
Of Him Who Sent His Son These Days
To Die And Rise So We Could Raise
Hosannas To Our God Always
Now Every Nation To Him Prays
He’s Healer, Wonderful’s The Phrase
That Captures What He Is Amaze
All Hail! All Hail! The King Of Praise
Who Is Our All, Our All Always
Who Saved Us From Our Sinful Ways
So He’ll Forever Be Our Craze!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Cursed The Barren Tree And Finally Came To Set Us Free For He's The Fruit – Come Taste And See!

Jesus got hungry – He wanted to eat
He had a heart with rhythmic beat
He is a man with hands and feet
And yet He's more than man we meet
He's God and man both full complete
He is Yahweh on the street
He sits as God on judgment seat
He reigns forevermore elite
He came and wanted figs so sweet
Instead He found a tree deplete
Like Israel – the chaff not wheat
She's dead and dying – sad defeat
Her sins so often on repeat
So her great pride Christ will delete
For He's true Israel complete
And yet the Christ they would mistreat
They spit on Him – His back they beat
Nailed to the cross His hands and feet
And there He died under God's heat
But rose alive – the grave defeat
And now He never will retreat
But bear much fruit – the sweetest sweet
So trust in Him – your doubt unseat
He'll make your sins all obsolete
And as your cry you will repeat
“My Christ is all! - I am complete!” 

That's my King! Do you know Him?!
Do you have leaves but bear no fruit?
Bless God and praise just for the loot?
Your praises God will finally mute
And you'll be cursed down to the root
But praise our Christ! - He's in pursuit!
To save from loves that you pollute
And grant You Him – the greatest fruit!
Who died as cursed to you impute
His righteousness just like a suit
You put Him on – your sins are moot
He rose death to condemn – refute
So now toward Him you make pursuit
Delight in Him – you'll bear much fruit!

That's my King!

Jesus was the curse upon that tree
Though He's the most fruitful you could be
He’s made a curse for you and me
He is True Israel – the Key
To true religion – love that's free
Our glorious God – the One In Three
He bids you come – from your sin flee
Trust the Son – He'll set you free
And cast your sins into the sea
The Lord is good – come taste and see!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Christ Jesus Grows The Greatest Fruit
His Perfect Holiness Salute
He Loves And Serves And Saves To Boot
There’s No One Like Him, No Dispute
From Olney, Gaza, To Beirut
Sin Does And Has And Will Pollute 
Like Israel Who Bore No Fruit
And Acted Like A Prostitute
Christ Curses All From Head To Root
But He Will Save And Death Refute
For On A Tree He’s Cursed And Mute
He Bore God’s Wrath Like Sinner Brute
He Died Our Lamb And Substitute
Then Rose Alive The Grave To Loot
Of All His Loved Ones Hot Pursuit
His Righteousness He Does Impute
By Faith Alone We’re Just, On Route
To Pray To Him And Mounts Uproot
For He’s Our All, The Greatest Fruit!

That's my King! That's my King!   

Saturday, October 12, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Knows All Things, God's Rule He Brings, And From The Crowd “Hosanna!” Rings For He's The Humble King of Kings!

Who is Jesus – what do you say?  
How you reply will fix your way
To hell or heaven where you'll stay
Oh bow to Him your God today
And trust the Son without delay
He's King of kings – you must obey
For us He died our God did slay
His only Son our debt to pay
On every enemy He'll prey
And kill them all – then dead they'll lay
Since He rose up on the third day
Back to the Father we must say
Our Jesus is the only way
So cry “Hosanna!” – shout away!
Save us our God – lead us we pray
That “Christ is all!” we might display
To live for Him and never sway!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

Our coming King makes preparation
He knows all things and their relation
Like where colts stay – their habitation
He rules o'er all things in creation
Each one He's set in its location
Like coins in fish for His taxation
Now He comes to grant salvation
He's all pleasure in summation
He'll grant peace to every nation
If they'll turn from sin's temptation
Then trust in Him as their foundation
God's Kingdom's come – the Incarnation
Bow to Him with heart prostration
And praise His Name in adoration!

That's my King!

Not a war horse does He ride
Nor carry sword down by His side
He comes for peace to spread worldwide
Humble and lowly, not with pride
This wicked city His heart eyed
And for her lost the Savior cried
His truth with evil would collide
To earn true peace He lived and died
And rose to set our sins aside
He opened heaven's closed gate wide
And soon He'll come to get His bride
But then a war horse He will ride
With eyes inflamed with every stride
A two-edged sword from His mouth plied
He'll come for war and to divide
The sheep and goats – no one will hide
Oh turn to Him – be on His side
Believe in Him – you must decide
Or He will cast you far outside
In hell forever to abide
But if you trust in Him Who died
You'll live forever by His side
For you all things He will provide
The joys will never be denied
And all your tears forever dried! 

That's my King!
Oh cry hosanna to your King
Who rules for good in everything
His Kingdom's come – salvation bring
And from His heart all love does spring
He conquered death and healed its sting
So to your Savior tightly cling
And praise His name – forever sing!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Behold Your King Must Come And Die
He Rides Upon The Donkey High
They Cheer And Cry Let Praises Fly
The Son Of David Now Draws Nigh
Yet Soon The Crowd Cries Crucify
They'll Spit And Mock And Beat He'll Die
But Yet He’ll Rise And Death Defy
When He Returns There On His Thigh
Is "King of kings!" He's LORD Most High
With Sword In Mouth And Fires In Eye
He'll Crush His Enemies Who Lie
And Rule Forever Glorify!

That's my King!

Christ Jesus Is The Coming King
Who Knows Of Colts And Everything
Supplies All Needs, From Him They Spring
And In Jerusalem They Sing
Hosannas! Praise! They’re Worshiping
The Son Of David, Glory’s Ring
And Yet He’d Die And Taste The Sting
Of Sin And Death For Man’s Offspring
A Crown Of Thorns Would Pierce This King
On Him God’s Fiery Wrath Would Spring
He’d Die So Marred Past Human Thing
Then Rise To Us Salvation Bring
Take Refuge In His Healing Wing
By Faith Alone Let’s To Him Cling
He Saves From Olney To Beijing
He Is Our God, Our Reigning King
Who Will Forever Make Us Sing
He Is Our All, Our Everything!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Heals The Begging, Burdened Blind And Shows Them Tender Mercy Kind If They Will Truly Trust And Find All Joys And Hopes In Him Combined!

Poor blind beggars are by the road
From anguish their hearts might explode
They could not bear their heavy load
And hoped for mercy – their cries showed
The Savior stopped and looked and slowed
For from His heart compassion flowed
And on these men His grace bestowed
For Christ Himself was on the road
To bleed and die for what we owed
And wash away our sinful load
He rose alive – the grave explode
And in His life grace overflowed!

That's my King!

They cried for mercy loud and clear
“Thou Son of David turn Your ear!”
“Our cries for mercy won't You hear!”
Some followers rebuke and sneer
They will not let them come – draw near
But they won't be held back by fear
For all the louder they will cheer
And cry for Jesus to appear
From their ambition they won't veer
And finally Jesus does come near
And grants them sight – makes light appear
Oh what a Son of David's here!
He stands alone and without peer
He is the God-man we revere
Who died the worst death – so severe
And conquered death as great Premier
His love is deep and true sincere
Only in Him does life cohere
By faith in Him you must draw near
He'll grant you joy and wipe your tear!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

Their mercy-cries made Christ stand still
To help these men was His good will
To save the poor He has a zeal
He'll cure all those He finds are ill
The sick and blind He came to heal
To do all this He climbed that hill
Where for His sheep His blood He'd spill
When on that cross they'd strip and kill
The only One Who did God's will
This sight should grip your heart and chill
The loving Son of God they'd kill?!  
But without this we'd still be ill
And since our Christ did all God's will
Then rose up from the tomb with zeal
All God desires He did fulfill
So we can be with Him and heal
In Him we'll have eternal thrill!

That's my King!

We once were blind, but now we see
It's Christ Who saved a wretch like me
Our sin does blind to great degree
Christ had to die to set us free
Amazing that the One In Three
Would come to earth – a man He'd be
And die upon that gruesome tree
His resurrection is the key
To carry out God's full decree
Confess your sins – with Him agree
Into Christ's arms by faith you'll flee
He'll cast your sins into the sea
And then to others make this plea!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Christ Jesus Is The God Who’d Heal
The Mercy-Heart Who’d Pity Feel
And Make The Blind To See Reveal
That He’s Messiah Come With Zeal
The Son Of David, King For Real
Who’d Take Our Hell, God’s Wrath Ordeal
He’d Die And Rise Redemption Seal
And Crush That Serpent With His Heel
By Faith Alone We’re Just And Kneel
Down Low To Christ Our LORD Ideal
He Changed Our Hearts, So Now We Feel
Compassion, Love, And Godly Zeal
For Others And For Christ Who’s Real
For He’s Our All, Our Strength, Our Zeal!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Became The Slave Of All And Ransomed His People From The Fall By Giving The Greatest Gift Of All!

James and John want a real high seat
To them the glory's really sweet
Their faith is mixed with pride – conceit
Yet Jesus loves His erring sheep
He'll redirect their prideful bleat
He died to make them whole – complete
He'd bow down and wash their feet
He gave His life – the life elite
And like a slave His back was beat
The Father's wrath He'd head-on meet
When on that cross His blood secrete
And all His people's sins delete
He rose up from the dead complete
The devil, hell, and sin defeat
And at His table we will eat
Who trust in Him – hate sin, deceit
In Christ we never shall retreat
But die to self and serve discreet
To serve like Him we will repeat
He changes hearts that do compete
It's others needs we'll seek to meet
All because He took the heat
And made our lives with Him so sweet!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

The bitter cup our Savior drank
He paid the ransom with no bank
All evil's hopes and dreams He sank
For He's our Rock – our battle tank
All enemies He will outflank
Above all powers He holds rank
And Him forever we will thank!

That's my King!

Our Christ became the greatest slave
He served the lowest, sinful knave
And gave His life for those depraved
So all His people He could save
His precious life for us He gave
And faced the Father's wrath so brave
He died – they placed Him in a cave
But then He rose up from the grave
So all your sins our God could waive
The path to righteousness He'd pave
And change the way that you behave
Upon His palms your names engrave
And now by faith you'll be His slave
And Him above all things you'll crave!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Christ Jesus Was The Greatest Slave
He Came To Serve And Love And Save
Though In Perfection He’d Behave
He Drank God’s Wrath Tsunami Wave
He Died But Then Rose From That Grave
By Faith Alone All Sin He’d Waive
God, With Christ’s Righteousness, Did Pave
On His Palms He Did Engrave
Us, His Loved Ones, Christ He Gave
And Christ Is All, Our Love, Our Crave
So Now We’re Others’ Humble Slave
And Love And Serve Like Christ The Brave
Our Ransom, Joy, Who Came To Save!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Was Accused, Used, Bruised, And Spitefully Abused Then Rose Enthused So The Sting Of Death Would Be Defused And We Would Never Be Refused!

It's perfect Love Who leads the way
Toward death and pain and friend's betray
The Father's wrath His life would slay
But Love goes forth – He will not sway
Like a rock on strong display
His love for you won't turn away
To pay sin's debt the price He'll pay
And rise again without decay
So you can then forever say
“My Christ is all! Him I'll obey!  
His wondrous cross will be my stay!  
A love past knowing I'll survey!”  
All because He led the way
Then died and rose that great third day!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

In Christ you do not have to fear
In all your trials He will be near
Even if you face the spear
Or lose that one you held most dear
He'll be with you to dry the tear
For He will always love sincere
And He's the One Who is most dear
So rise and praise and sing and cheer
For Him Who died your sins to clear
He took upon Himself the sneer
And had His side pierced with a spear
They spit on Him and beat severe
But He would live – come from the rear
Up from the grave He did appear
He reigns o'er all in every sphere!

That's my King!

He knows all things before they are
He knew from justice they'd stray far
He knew His body they would jar
And on His back they'd whip and mar
The crown of thorns His head would scar
They raised Him up on a crossbar
He died and rose – the morning Star
And lives forever with the scar
To love and change the way you are!

That's my King!

Jesus was made sin in our place
Our wickedness and sin so base
He did, in love, it all embrace
And in return He gives us grace
For all our sins He did erase
And take upon His life disgrace
So we could be a holy race
And after God we wholly chase
We long to see His holy face
Who died and rose to give us grace!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

When He died upon that tree
The greatest love of all we see
It passes knowledge – vast and free
It's deeper than the deepest sea
And from its grip you cannot flee
For holy living, it's the key
So come to God – the One in Three
Turn from your sin – this is His plea
And trust the Son Who died for thee
Into His loving arms you'll flee
And there forever happy be!

That's my King!

Christ Jesus Took All Condemnation
He’s Hope, He’s Joy: The Incarnation
Went Up To Jerusalem On Station
The Heart Of The Earth And All Creation
To Ransom A People From Every Nation
Delivered By Men Who Deserve Damnation
Delivered By God Our Propitiation
Mocked And Flogged In Humiliation 
Crucified And Died To Bring Salvation
Then Rose Up Alive For Our Justification
This Is The Center, Our Preoccupation 
The First Of Importance, Our Firm Foundation
The Deepest Cause Of All Celebration
The End Of Our Joy Quest Consummation
For Christ Is All Our Exhilaration!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Died And Gave Up Everything In Order To Salvation Bring So We Might Now Forever Sing!

“To follow You, we've left it all!” 
This Peter said while standing tall
There'd come a time when he would fall
Deny his Lord and shrink so small
But this our Lord did not appall
To save our souls He left it all
Though He's the biggest, He came small
And hid His glory for the gall
Upon that cross, which was His call
God's wrath on Him would soon befall
He rose alive to reinstall
What's right and good to never fall
For He forever will enthrall
Since He's the Christ Who's all in all!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

Whatever you lose, Christ can repay
From His own fullness – He's the way
To joy and pleasure – bow and pray
For Him to be your heart's deep “Yea!”  
Then when all things He takes away
You can with humble joy say: 
“No sacrifice I've made this day!  
For Christ is all to me – my stay!” 
He'll keep you stable in the fray
All earthly treasures He'll outweigh
O'er all your heart He will have sway
You'll long to follow and obey
Even the hardest things He'll say
Since He died to love display
And rose alive on that third day
He molds your heart like humble clay
So be a child and trust His way!

That's my King!

Christ Jesus Gave Up Everything
Left Glorious Throne To Heaven Bring
To Sinners Who Have Felt Death’s Sting
He Died And Rose Our Reigning King
By Faith Alone We To Him Cling
Who Saves From Every Sinful Fling
He Conquered Death, There’s No More Sting
And Now When We Leave Everything
He Gives Far More And Makes Us Sing
With Him Life Has Eternal Zing
From Philly To Those In Beijing
His Praises Will Forever Ring
For He’s Our All, Our Everything
So Everything To Him We Bring
Our Satisfying Treasure King
From Where All Pleasures Flow And Spring!

That's my King! That's my King!


"Two young Moravians heard of an island in the West Indies where an atheist British owner had 2,000 to 3,000 slaves. And the owner had said, "No preacher, no clergyman, will ever stay on this island. If he's ship wrecked we'll keep him in a separate house until he has to leave, but he's never going to talk to any of us about God. I'm through with all that nonsense."

So there were 3,000 slaves from the jungles of Africa brought to an island in the Atlantic, there to live and die without hearing of Christ.

Two young Moravians heard about it. They sold themselves into slavery to the British planter and used the money they received from their sale to pay their passage out to his island for he wouldn’t even transport them.

As the ship left its pier in the river at Hamburg and was going out into the North Sea carried with the tide, the Moravians had come from Herrenhut to see these two lads, in their early twenties, off - never to return again - for this wasn’t a four year term, they sold themselves into a lifetime slavery.

The families were there weeping, for they knew they would never see them again. And they wondered why they were going and questioned the wisdom of it. As the gap widened and the housings had been cast off and were being curled up there on the pier, and the young boys saw the widening gap, one lad with his arm linked through the arm of his fellow raised his hand and shouted across the gap the last words that were heard from them - he cried out:


Paris Reidhead

Friday, September 6, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Does The Impossibly Hard Through His Body Scarred So From His Presence We Won't Be Barred!

It's hard for the rich to enter in
Love of money is gripping sin
This lust for wealth comes from within
May God show those like Benny Hinn
Who teach that money's how you win
That on God's Word they've put a spin
And though they teach this with a grin
They're leading millions into sin
With Christ alone we must begin
He's the poorest Who's ever been
No place for Him was in the inn
No home to live or rest therein
And on that cross they pierced His skin
He took the wrath of God for sin
And rose again so we can win
And follow Him Who's always been
By faith in Him we enter in
And though our paycheck may be thin
It's “Christ is all!” that makes us grin!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

A camel can't fit in the eye
Of the needle if you try
It's impossible – that's why
To man this saying does apply
You can't be saved – on man rely
But God can do all things – no lie
And to all works that He would try
Impossible does not apply
For on that cross Jesus did die
And rose alive now seated high
To all impossible defy
In Him to all sin say goodbye
Behind His back all sins will fly
If to Him by faith you'll cry
In love to you He has drawn nigh
He chose you first – made you comply
Opened your heart – He did apply
His saving grace you can't deny
With gratitude we all must cry
“You chose us Father, how and why!”
We don't deserve this grace supply!”  
To earn His love we must not try
He freely gives to those who cry
And like a child on Him rely
Just humbly trust, and He thereby
Will grant you joys far past the sky!

That's my King!

Christ Jesus Reigns Upon His Throne
To Save The Rich Is Hard He’s Shown
He Does The Impossible Alone
Makes Camels Walk Through Needles Grown
He Died To Save, Our Sins Atone
Then Rose Alive And Moved That Stone
We’re Justified By Faith Alone
All Sins Behind His Back Are Thrown
Leave Everything To Him We’ve Flown
Give All For Christ Without A Groan
With Joy We Gain, Our Minds Are Blown
For He Repays Beyond What’s Known
Eternal Life Upon His Throne
In Us His Word And Joy’s Sown
We’ll Judge, Our Reign He Will Condone
By Him We’re Loved And Fully Known
He Is Our Treasure, Bone Of Bone!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Has Highest Authority Position After Dying For Sin Remission And Calls Us To The Great Commission!

My King's utterly supreme with all the power; He rules every moment and every hour; All God's enemies He will devour; And on us forever blessings shower; For on that cross He took death sour; Which made Him in the garden cower; Then rose again in glorious power; With authority over all He'll forever tower!
Therefore we carry out His great commission; This should be our holy ambition; To make disciples in full submission; To the Lord of glory – our great Physician; And obey His every command and admonition; For our salvation He met every condition; Quenched the wrath of God in humble contrition; Then rose from the grave without opposition; Now from all death He grants abolition; To all who trust Him of their own volition; He'll grant joy and pleasures without intermission!

That's my King!  Do you know Him?!

This Gospel must go forth to every nation; Some have no access to His revelation; Apart from Christ there's only damnation; We must go tell in every location; Since He's so worthy for all of creation; To bow down to Him in utter prostration; And give Him all glory without cessation; He'll fill us with joy for eternal duration; He's our only firm foundation; So listen up – His congregation; Are you burdened for the lost and every nation?  Your King deserves all their adoration; So go forth for Him and preach salvation; And love the lost without limitation!
Jesus is with you to the very end; He stands alone in Himself as the greatest friend; On Him forever you can always depend; Against all evil He will defend; He'll be with you to help wherever He'll send; And through the pain He'll help you transcend; Praise Him for how He did condescend; He came all evil to suspend; And life forever to extend!

That's my King!  That's my King!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

"That's My King!" Who's Rich Beyond Measure But Gave Up His Treasure To Fill Us With Pleasure!

The rich young man falls on his knees
And calls Christ good – now help me please
Eternal life he wants to seize
But his heart feeds a great disease
More than the God Who hears his pleas
He loves his money more than these
This is not good – it's sinful sleaze
All his goodness he thinks he sees
Which from his youth he's done with ease
God's holiness cannot appease
Since it's not good – idol disease
So trust the King o'er all decrees
The wrath of God He did appease
And rose again – He holds the keys
To life forever, and He frees
From all our idol loving sleaze
And heals our deepest heart disease
For He Himself's the prize we seize
He's our treasure beyond degrees
So come to Him Who all foresees
Your heart's great thirsts He will appease!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Be sure of this – our God is good
This rich young man misunderstood
And though he's not come from the hood
He'd failed to do the good he should
His god was gold – with wealth he stood
So sin alone is all he could
Jesus loved and understood
Therefore He died upon that wood
And rose alive – on death He stood
He gives new life so that you could
Turn from sin – live as you should
By faith in Christ God makes you good
So treasure Him – the greatest good!

That's my King!

We all are sinners – this is true
Even us out in the pew
Our hearts sweet idols do accrue
Until His sweetest love breaks through
We turn to Christ with hearts anew
And stick to Him like dust on glue
So bid your greatest loves adieu
And take Him for your greatest view
For on that cross He died for you
Richest Young Ruler out they threw
But three days passed – He rose on cue
And all our enemies He slew
The greatest Lover – He will woo
And be to you forever true
He's better than you ever knew
Now your whole life He will renew!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

Since Christ so loved, the truth He must
Tell this man and not adjust
Point out to him his money lust
All idol loves with care He'll bust
And call on Him the Christ to trust
He died to make poor sinners just
And lives to evermore combust
Our hearts with growing love robust
For this very God we trust
So let's not put our hopes in rust
Humble stay at the cross dust
May Christ alone be our true lust
May all our hopes on Him be thrust
He is our only need and must!

That's my King!

Christ Is The Riches Of All Of Creation
The Rich Young Ruler Of Every Nation
The Good God From Heaven – The Incarnation
Who Obeyed Every Law – God’s Declaration
Yet Died For Our Sins As Propitiation
Then Rose Up Alive For Our Justification
By Faith Alone There’s No Condemnation
His Spirit Has Come For Sanctification
So Money Love’s Gone And We Conquer Temptation
Unlike This Rich Man Who Faced His Damnation
We Freely Give In Praise Celebration
Our Treasure’s In Heaven At The Consummation
King Jesus Our Preoccupation, Infatuation
And Holy Fascination, Who Causes Intoxication
More Than Anything Else In All Of Creation!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

"That's My King!" Who's The Littlest Child With Greatest Righteousness Compiled Yet For Our Sins He Died Reviled!

Keep the children far away
That's what His own disciples say
They're unimportant – only play
And so needy day to day
They waste our time – our life delay
What they take they can't repay
And all our bank accounts decay
But Jesus showed another way
He took them in and made them stay
His mercy says: “Come here today!  
My mercy-heart you can't repay!” 
He put His love on full display
When on His back our sins did weigh
The Son of Man our God did slay
To take our sins and pride away
All our hopes in Him are “Yea!” 
God raised Him up on the third day
So now bow down to Him and pray
He'll make you right with God today
And cause you to His Word obey
Then on streets of gold you may
Forever dance and laugh and play!

That's my King!
On Christ alone we must depend
As helpless babes we can't ascend
There's nothing in us to commend
But only sin our hearts intend
The God of heaven we offend
Therefore our God so loved He'd send
His only Son His life to spend
To lowest lows He would descend
And on that cross His life expend
Then rise alive all death to end
And make poor sinner babes His friend
To helpless faith He will extend
Strong arms of mercy to defend
All condemnation He will end
And grant a love none comprehend
He's greatest joy – o’er all transcend! 

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

Jesus became the helpless Son
Though He could crush His captors' fun
He died and all the work is done
He rose the universe to stun
Now He's the best – second to none
So trust in Him – the Rising Sun!

That's my King! That's my King!

Christ Is The Hope Of Every Child
Without His Word They’ll Live Like Wild
Apart From Him They’ll Die Defiled
So Bring Them To The Christ They Riled
He Died A Curse, Cast Out, Exiled
Then Rose Alive All Praise Compiled
By Faith Alone We’re Reconciled
Like A Child, Dependent, Mild
All Must Come To The Lamb Reviled
For Then On Us Our God Has Smiled
Please Come To Christ Just Like A Child!

That's my King! That's my King!

Friday, August 2, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Was Never Self-seeking But Gave His Life Shrieking To Show The Love God's Speaking!

Jesus never sought His own; But gave up His very throne to with His death atone for all the sin we've sown since holiness we've blown – our hearts were like a stone; Pure marriage we disown; To hatred we are prone; Our hope's in Christ alone; His mercy-heart He's shown; He died with painful groan; And from the grave He's flown; Now we're His bone of bone; If by faith we're known; In holiness we're grown; We'll never be alone; He never will disown; We'll sit up on His throne – He's the best Husband ever known!
Love doesn't seek its own way; It doesn't demand the last say; It comes from a heart of humble clay; Molded according to the Master's way; Because the Christ our debt did pay; On that cross He did obey; And crushed our selfishness display; Then rose our captor – death – to slay; So come to Him – bow down and pray; He'll take your selfishness away; Live "Christ is all!" without delay!

That's my King!  Do you know Him!?

So die to self in communication; Be slow to speak – don't stir agitation; When conflicts arise causing tempter inflation; A kind answer cools the heat formation; Remove the log from your own eye's location; Focus on "me, myself, and I" sin liberation; Be quick to confess your own sin violation; Be first to the cross for pride cancellation; Husband love your wife as Christ loves the congregation; Wife you submit – the church imitation; Enjoy each other to avoid temptation; Come together often for love sensation; Use your money for God glorification; Parent your children and aim at salvation; Fill them with God's Word – their joy foundation; Above all look to Christ – our hope and elation; He saves from all failures in marriage formation; He's the perfect Spouse ruling all of creation;  The ultimate self-less One Who died for every nation; And rose up in triumph – a victorious celebration; Now for His own there's no condemnation; To God be the glory in all marriage reformation!

That's my King!  That's my King!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Dearly Loves His Cheating Bride And Will Not Cast Her Down Aside But For Her Purity He Died!

You commit adultery if your spouse you divorce; All these actions only cause remorse; Separating and adultery God doesn't endorse; So turn from divorce and take Christ's course; His blood bought bride He'll never divorce; Love that lasts is His proven course; To love this way, Christ is the source; So trust in Him – one flesh reinforce!
Divorce was never in God's plan; Since life and love and time began; But then sin grew so bad in man; That for two reasons, divorce you can; Adultery is death to man; Abandonment – your spouse he ran; These break the covenantal plan; So look to Christ and His Word scan; For "Christ is all!" - He's better than; Your life and all the years its span; He died and rose to be the Man; So be a follower, not a fan!

That's my King!  Do you know Him?!

Divorce and remarriage are painfully hard; So let us church be on our guard; If you need help from a past marred; From brokenness that's left you scarred; Christ's church is here with kind regard; So come for help if you've been jarred; To save your soul the Christ was scarred; And from His Father He was barred; Rose up alive to death discard; He can heal your pains so hard; And on your life His grace bombard!
To stay married is worth the fight; Keeping covenant brings delight; So no matter what's your plight; And however dark your night; By faith in Christ receive the light; Come with humble heart contrite; Receive His endless store of might; In Him all things will be all right; In you a fire of love ignite; Christ is the marriage saving Knight; Who loved His bride though she took flight; And sinned against Him left and right; For her He died and loved despite; Her ugly, sinful, painful slight; And now He makes her pure and bright; And fills her with His pure delight!

That's my King!  That's my King!   

Monday, July 15, 2013

"That's My King!" Of Every Case, Loves Every Race, And Will Give Grace To All Who Trust And Him Embrace!

If you weren't there, be slow to speak; You may be wrong in your critique; In everything we should be meek; It's for the truth that we should seek; Turn off the news – it is a freak; Hatred and division peak; Praise God for Christ the Son unique!  Who came and turned the other cheek; And gave His life on holy week; And rose in glorious mystique; Now stands to save the low and weak; In all your pain and future bleak; Christ gives the hope all races seek!
Pray for peace is His command; So bow your knee and with Him stand; May God unite our evil land; And stop the blood shed by our hand; Oh praise the King Who has all planned!  And seek His power to withstand; The evil in our hearts He's banned; Let's trust His sovereign, mighty hand!

That's my King!  I wonder if you know Him today?!

Pray for both families involved; May their hopes not be dissolved; May hope in Christ be their resolve; In Christ all justice will be solved; By faith in Him all are absolved!
The verdict caused great indignation; Both sides argue – polarization; One side claims discrimination; The other says no – this is allegation; King Jesus knows all without limitation; As Judge of all He'll grant damnation; To all who sin without reformation; So whatever your side in argumentation; Humble yourself to find salvation; For Christ the King in degradation; Was beaten and killed in condemnation; Then rose up alive in glorification; To judge the world with perfect vindication; For this He earns all adoration!
The Judge of all the world does right; For every color – black and white; Come to Him, lay down your fight; He will bring you to the light; And be your ocean of delight; Trust in Him right now, tonight! His love for you is out of sight! He'll be your joy – true and bright! No more sin – tears, pain, or night! No more questions to indict!  Just pure freedom at its height!  So come to Him humble, contrite!

That's my King!  That's my King!