Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah . . . has conquered . . . Revelation 5:5
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ . . . Galatians 6:14
You have been very angry with your Anointed One. Psalm 89:38
For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2
Let the motto upon your whole ministry be - "Christ is All!" - Cotton Mather

Saturday, June 30, 2012

"That's My King!" Who Grants You Your True Identity!

You're justified and have peace with God!

You died with Christ and died to the power of sin's rule over your life!
Your enemies should not rejoice over you for when you fall, you will arise; when you sit in darkness, the LORD will be a light to you.  You will bear the indignation of the LORD because you have sinned against Him, until He pleads your case and executes justice for you.  He will bring you forth to the light; You will see His righteousness!
Your God is unlike any other, pardoning iniquity and passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage.  He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in mercy.  He will again have compassion on you, and will subdue your iniquities.  He will cast all your sins into the depths of the sea!
Your sins have been removed from you as far as the east is from the west!
Your sins have all been cast behind the LORD's back!
Your sins have been blotted out for His own sake, and He will not remember them!
Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow!
Jesus was wounded for your transgressions; bruised for your iniquities; and the chastisement for your peace was upon Him!
You're free from condemnation forever!
Where your sin abounds, grace abounds for you all the more!
Your God is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, One who relents from doing harm!
You're kept as the apple of God's eye!
Your God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live!

That's who you are in my King!  I wonder if you know Him today?!

If you come to Jesus, He will by no means cast you out!
You'll not perish, but you'll have everlasting life!
You've been saved from the fierceness of God’s everlasting wrath in hell where the fire is unquenchable and where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!
You have Christ as your wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption and have been made righteous!
You have the mind of Christ!
You're the temple of the Holy Spirit, were bought with a price, and are not your own!
You've been established in Christ, sealed, and you have been given the Spirit in your heart as a guarantee of your inheritance!
You've been crucified with Christ; it is no longer you who live, but Christ lives in you!
You've been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ!
You've been chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, that you should be holy and without blame before Him in love!
You've been predestined to adoption as sons of God!
You've been made alive together with Christ!
You've been made to sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus!
You have access by one Spirit to the Father!
You have boldness and access to God with confidence through faith in Him!
You've been delivered from the power of darkness and conveyed into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins!
Christ is in you!

That's your blessed identity in Him!

You're complete in Christ!
You've not been given a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind!
You're sanctified and one with the sanctifier, therefore Jesus calls you his brother!
You can come boldly to the throne of grace, that you may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need!
You've been given exceedingly great and precious promises, that through them you may be partakers of the divine nature!
You're the salt of the earth and the light of the world!
Jesus calls you His friend!
You were chosen by Jesus and appointed by Him to go and bear lasting fruit!
You're a slave of righteousness and a slave of God!
You're an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ!
You're a member of the body of Christ!
You're a new creation!
You're a saint!
You're holy and righteous!
Your life is hidden with Christ in God!
You're the elect of God, holy and beloved!
You're a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, the people of God!
You can do all things through Christ Who strengthens you!
You have all your needs supplied according to God’s riches in glory by Christ Jesus!
You have the LORD as the strength of your life and as your confidence!

That's the truth about you as a son or daughter of the King!  Are you content in Him alone today?!

You shall always be led by God to triumph in Christ!
You can cast all your worries, fears, and anxieties on God because He cares for you!
You're never alone for Christ is always with you!
You should boast in your weaknesses that the power of Christ may rest upon you because His grace is sufficient for you, for His strength is made perfect in weakness!
You're not a lot of things you should be, but take heart:  God has chosen the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are that no flesh should glory in His presence!
You have your sufficiency from God!
You have God working in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure!
You'll do valiantly through God for it is He who shall tread down your enemies!
You'll have fullness of joy and pleasures forever more one day forever in God’s very presence!
Your momentary and light affliction, which is for a moment, is working for you a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory!
Your present sufferings are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in you!
One day you shall have no more tears, no more sorrow, no more pain; there shall be no more death and no more sin!
You shall not be separated from the love of Christ for any reason in the universe!
You have certain and unshakable promises causing you to be strong, courageous, and fearless because God is with you and He is your God and will strengthen you and help you and uphold you with His righteous right hand!
You'll one day enter into the joy of your LORD!

That's what you'll get in my King!

Your hairs are numbered and if not even a little bird can fall to the ground apart from God’s will, you should fear nothing for God loves you much more than little birds!
In His book they all were written – every detail of every day fashioned by Him for your good before even one came into being!
All your times are in His hands!
As your days are, so shall your strength be and underneath are the everlasting arms!
All things work according to His will!
If you sin, you have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous!
If you confess your sins, He is faithful and just to forgive you your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness!
You can never be defeated because if God is for you, who can be against you?!
You're more than a conqueror through Him who loved you!
All things, even those things meant for evil against you, are working for your good!
You are loved by God with an everlasting love!
Your right hand is held by God, and He will guide you with His counsel!
God satisfies you with the fullness of His house and gives you drink from the river of His pleasures!
God delights in you and as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so shall your God rejoice over you!
God will rejoice over you with gladness, and He will quiet you with His love!
You're God's special treasure!
Your heavenly Father, like the Hound of Heaven, is pursuing you relentlessly with goodness and mercy all the days of your life!

That's your identity in my King!  That's my King!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

"That's My King!" Who's The Secret Of Secrets Of The Kingdom Of God!

He's the greatest secret that has ever been concealed in this universe!
He's the surprise of the ages!
He's the sure secret!
He's the sovereign secret!
He's the satisfying secret!
All the secrets of wisdom are found in Him!
He's the revelation of the mystery that was kept secret since the beginning of the world but has now been made known!
He's the secret wisdom of another age, greater than the all rulers of this age, and destined to never pass away!
He's the secret place of refuge where we find safety from the wrath of God and confidence in His righteousness which surrounds us like rich robes of blood stained purity!
He's the secret no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, that God has prepared for those who love Him!
He Himself is the secret of knowing how to be content when you don't have anything!
And He's the secret of contentment when you have everything because you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!
If you have Him and nothing else, then you have everything and a whole lot more!
He's the secret place of the Most High Who keeps you in the shadow of the Almighty!
He's the secret of God's will set forth at the fullness of time to unite all things in Him, things in heaven and things on earth!
He's the secret Who was hidden from former generations but Who has now been made known!

That's my King!  Do you know Him!

He's the secret Who brings together all races – Anglo, African, Asian, Arab, Latino, Jew, and Gentile and everyone else and makes them all one in Him!
He brings them all together so that Christ is all and in all!
He's the secret Who makes possible the broadcast of the manifold wisdom of God to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places through the Church!
He's the secret of all faithful marriages because they are all to be little parables of Christ and His blood-bought Bride – the Church!
He's the secret of the Gospel and its power to save and change the hardest of hearts!
He's the riches of the glorious secret that Christ is in you, the hope of glory!
He's God's preeminent secret in Whom is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge!
He's the secret worthy to be declared to every tribe, tongue, people, and nation whether they want to hear about Him or not!
He's the secret to Whom every knee will bow someday, willingly or unwillingly, and every tongue will confess that He is Lord to the glory of God the Father!
He knows all the secrets of your heart and mind!
He heals all your secret hurts!
He fulfills all your secret desires!
He's the only One Who can explain all the unexplainable secrets in your life with perfect precision, prudence, practicality, and piety!

That's my King!

He's the secret of godliness!
He was manifested in the flesh!
He was justified by the Spirit!
He was seen by angels!
He's being proclaimed among the nations!
He's being believed on in the world!
He was taken up into glory!
He was the secret Suffering Servant Who was stricken, smitten by God and afflicted, wounded for our transgressions, and crushed by His Father on that cross so that all those who ever repent and believe in Him might be saved!
He's the secret of the empty tomb – He rose from the dead conquering sin, death, and hell so that we might live in Him!
He's the secret to the satisfaction you so long for that nothing in this world has, can, or ever will satisfy!
He's the out-of-this-world satisfying secret Who alone satisfies all your deepest longings!
He Himself is the end of your search for the secret to satisfaction, serenity, and sanctification!
He's the secret Who, when you find out about Him, compels you to sing, stomp your feet, celebrate, and shout about Him to others so that they might know Him too!
He's the secret that can't be kept, shouldn't be kept, and mustn't be kept but published, proclaimed, presented, and preached to all the world! 
Go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is Lord!

That's my King!  That's my King!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

"That's My King!" Who's The All In All God Man!

He saved His people by His blood, and He Who saved His people by His blood is God!
He's the Bridegroom, and the Bridegroom is God!
He gives life to the dead, and He Who gives life to the dead is God!
He's worshiped by angels, and He Who's worshiped by angels is God!
He's the Almighty, and the Almighty is God!
He's addressed in prayer, and He Who's addressed in prayer is God!
He's the light, and the light is God!
He's the great I AM, and the great I AM is God!
His Word stands forever, and the Word that stands forever is God's!
He's the Word, and the Word is God!
He's the Holy One, and the Holy One is God!
He calmed the storming seas, and the storming seas are calmed by God!
He's the I AM He, and the I AM He is God!
He's the First and the Last, and the First and the Last is God!
He's the Alpha and the Omega, and the Alpha and the Omega is God!
He's the Beginning and the End, and the Beginning and the End is God!
He's the Rock, and the Rock is God!
He's the One Husband, and the One Husband is God!
He's the One Master, and the One Master is God!
He's the Lord of Lords, and the Lord of Lords is God!

That's my King!  I wonder if you know Him today?!

He's the One Shepherd, and the One Shepherd is God!
He's the One Savior, and the One Savior is God!
He's the One Redeemer, and the One Redeemer is God!
He's the Worthy One, and the Worthy One is God!
He receives glory, honor, and power, and glory, honor, and power are received by God!
He's the Lord and God, and the Lord and God is God!
He alone must be worshiped and adored, and He alone Who must be worshiped and adored is God!
He's the Wonderful Counselor, and He Who is wonderful in counsel is God!
He's the Mighty God, and the Mighty God is God!
He's everlasting, and He Who's everlasting is God!
His throne is forever and ever, and He whose throne is forever and ever is God's!
He built the house, and He Who built all things is God!
He's the God over all, and the God over all is God!
He raised Himself from the dead, and He Who raised Jesus from the dead is God!
He dwells in believers, and He Who dwells in believers is God!
He sanctifies believers, and He Who sanctifies believers is God!
He searches the heart of man, and He Who searches the heart of man is God!
He owns all believers as His own, and He Who owns all believers as His own is God!
He reigns over believers as slaves, and He Who reigns over believers as slaves is God!
He's the great God, and the great God is God!

That's my King!

He had a way prepared for Him, and a way was prepared for God!
He's the Lord our righteousness, and the Lord our righteousness is God!
His is the only name you can and must call upon to be saved, and the only name you can and must call upon to be saved is God's!
Every knee must and will only bow to Him, and every knee must and will only bow to God!
He's present everywhere, and He who's present everywhere is God!
He searches minds and hearts and knows all things, and He Who searches minds and hearts and knows all things is God!
He's the same yesterday, today, and forever and does not change, and He Who's the same yesterday, today, and forever and does not change is God!
In Him dwells the fullness of deity bodily, and the fullness of deity dwells in God!
He must be believed, and if you've believed in Jesus then you've believed in God!
He commands you to believe in Him, and the One you must believe in is God!
He must be honored just like His Father, and He Who must be honored just like the Father is God!
He gives eternal life to all those who have Him, and all those who have eternal life have God as their God!
In Him all things hold together, and all things hold together in God!
He tread upon the raging waves of the sea, and He who tread upon the raging waves of the sea is God!
He's the Holy, Holy, Holy One Whose glory fills the whole earth, and the Holy, Holy, Holy One Whose glory fills the whole earth is God!
He's called the everlasting Father, and the everlasting Father is God!

That's my King!  Do you know Him?!

He possesses all authority on heaven and on earth, and all authority on heaven and on earth belongs to God!
If you know Him, then you know the Father, and if you know the Father, then you know God!
He possesses an everlasting dominion, and everlasting dominion belongs to God!
He healed by His Word, and He Who healed by His Word is God!
All things were created for Him and through Him, and all things created are from, through, and to God!
He alone can forgive sins, and He alone Who forgives sins is God!
We must all appear before His judgment seat, and He Whose judgment seat we must all appear before is God's!
He judges everyone, and He Who judges everyone is God!
In Him, people are made new creations, and He Who makes all things new is God!
He's the One Creator, and the One Creator is God!
He's the Sower of the new covenant, and the Sower of the new covenant is God!
He's the King of Kings, and the King of Kings is God!
He reconciled the world to Himself, and He Who reconciled the world to Himself is God!
He's the King of Israel, and the King of Israel is God!
He's the temple in heaven, and the temple in heaven is God!
He's the One they looked on, on Him Whom they have pierced, and the One they looked on, on Him Whom they have pierced is God!
He must be everyone's only boast, and everyone's only boast must be in God!

That's my King!  That's my King!

Friday, June 22, 2012

"That's My King!" Who's The Good-Heart Of Good-Hearts Causing The Word Of God To Flourish!

He hears the Word!
He hopes in the Word!
He humbles Himself under the Word!
He holds fast to the Word!
He hungers for the Word!
His heart stands in awe of the Word!
He believes the Word!
He fears the Word!
He keeps the Word!
He obeys the Word!
He pays careful attention to the Word!
He observes the Word!
He remembers the Word!
He does the Word!
He listens to the Word!
He stores up the Word in His Heart!
He trusts in the Word!
He rejoices in the Word!
He sings about the Word!
He trembles at the Word!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

He receives the Word!
He considers the Word!
He abides in the Word!
He gives ear to the Word!
He receives the Word with much affliction and with the joy of the Holy Spirit!
He accepts the Word as the Word of God and not of men!
He's trained by the Word!
He follows the sound pattern of the Word!
He holds firm to the trustworthy Word!
He bears with the Word!
He walks in the Word!
He confirms the Word!
He knows the Word!
He gives Himself to the Word!
He studies the Word!
He understands the Word!
He turns back to the Word!
He greatly delights in the Word!
He meditates on the Word day and night!
He's refreshed by the Word!
He has the Word within His heart!
He beholds wondrous things in the Word!

That's my King!

He's taught by the Word!
He treasures the Word more than thousands of pieces of gold and silver!
He loves the Word!
He weeps because others do not obey the Word!
He magnifies the Word!
He fulfilled the Word!
He upholds the Word!
He submits to the Word!
He seeks out the Word!
He fixes His eyes on the Word!
He runs in the way of the Word!
He does not delay to keep the Word!
He learns the Word!
He loves the Word above gold, yea above fine gold!
He longs for the Word!
He keeps the Word as the apple of His eye!
He reveres the Word!
He finds the Word sweet to the taste, sweeter than honey in the mouth!
He is the Word come in the flesh!
He taught, explained, parablized, preached, proclaimed, and promiscuously provided the Word!
He was slain on that cross for the Word!
He rose up from the grave exactly according to the Word!
He bore more fruit than anyone who has every crossed the horizon of this world!
He's still bearing fruit right now all over world as He saves sinners from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation!
And He'll bear fruit for all eternity like no other heart ever would, should, or could because His heart's so good!

That's my King! That's my King!

To learn more about the great and true Triune God, the God-ManJesus Christ, and His glorious Gospel message and everlasting Kingship, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

"That's My King!" Who's Got The Name Above All Names!

- Isaiah 26:8: Your name and remembrance are the desire of our soul. 
- Psalm 9:10: those who know Your name put their trust in You
- Proverbs 18:10: The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe. 
- Psalm 8:1: O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! 
- Psalm 5:11: But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; Let those also who love Your name Be joyful in You.

The names of God reveal His attributes, nature, and character, and they help describe His relationship with His people.

According to Philippians 2:5-11, the name that is above all names is the name of Jesus, Whom God has exalted and given the name that belongs only to God: "Lord." Jesus is Lord! Jesus is God! He is the LORD Jesus Christ! He has that name which is above all names!

What is the name that Jesus received: "Lord" or "Jesus"? Moule (1970: 270) gives us a satisfactory answer: "Because of the incarnation, the human name, 'Jesus' is acclaimed as the highest name; and the Man Jesus thus comes to be acclaimed as Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Peter T. O'Brien writes:

The name greater than any other that God conferred on Jesus as a gracious gift is his own name, ("Lord"), in its most sublime sense, that designation used in the LXX to represent the personal name of the God of Israel, that is, Yahweh.

The name "Jesus" means: "Yahweh (the LORD) saves".

The Bible is full of names for Jesus! These (over 200!) names of Jesus were compiled by Clinton N. Howard after he was challenged by a Muslim nobleman whose rosary included 99 names for Allah. Mr. Howard published these names in 1925 under the title Pearls of Paradise, at the request of William Jennings Bryan. The names were also published by Greater Europe Mission as a bookmark.

He's Jesus Christ the Righteous!
He's Savior!
He's Immanuel!
He's Teacher!
He's Rabboni!
He's Master!
He's Governor!
He's Law Giver!
He's Forerunner!
He's Redeemer!
He's Messiah!
He's Shiloh!
He's Deliverer!
He's Mediator!
He's Intercessor!
He's Prince!
He's Mighty to Save!

Now that's my King!

He's Surety of a Better Testament!
He's The Just One!
He's The Holy One!
He's The Holy and The Just!
He's The Holy and Righteous One!
He's The Holy One of God!
He's The Faithful and True Witness!
He's The Witness to the People!
He's The Leader and Commander of the People!
He's The Consolation of Israel!
He's The Lion of the Tribe of Judah!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

He's Jesus!
He's The Young Child!
He's Thy Holy Child!
He's The Nazarene!
He's Jesus of Nazareth!
He's Lord!
He's The Lord from Heaven!
He's The Lord of Glory!
He's The Lord Our Righteousness!
He's The Lord of the Holy Prophets!
He's Lord and Savior!
He's My Lord and My God!
He's The Holy One of God!

That's my King!

He's The First Fruits!
He's The First Begotten!
He's The Elect of God!
He's The Branch of Righteousness!
He's The Second Adam!
He's The Last Adam!
He's King of Zion!
He's King of the Jews!
He's The King of Israel!
He's The King of the Saints!
He's The Prince of the Kings of the Earth!
He's The King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, God Manifest in the Flesh!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

He's The Righteous Judge!
He's The Judge of Israel!
He's The Judge of All the Earth!
He's The Desire of All the Nations!
He's The Signal of the People!
He's The Captain of the Lord's Army!
He's a Banner upon the High Mountain!

That's my King!

He's The Messenger of the High Covenant!
He's The Minister of the Sanctuary!
He's The Author and the Finisher of Our Faith!
He's our Advocate!
He's our Peace!
He's our Ransom!
He's our Passover!
He's our Great High Priest!
He's High Priest Forever after the order of Melchizedek!
He's King of Righteousness!
He's King of Peace!
He's King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

He's Jesus Christ!
He's Lord and Christ!
He's The Lord's Christ!
He's The Christ of God!
He's The Lord Jesus Christ!
He's Lord of Sabaoth!
He's Lord of Hosts!
He's Lord of the Sabbath!
He's Lord of Heaven and Earth!
He's Jesus Christ our Lord!
He's our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
He's The Saviour of the World!

That's my King!

He's The Man Christ Jesus!
He's a Man Approved of God!
He's our Elder Brother!
He's The First Born among many brothers!
He's a Friend Who sticks closer than a brother!
He's The Master!
He's your Master!
He's your Lord and Master!
He's The Good Master!

That's my King!

He's The Horn of Salvation!
He's The Captain of Our Salvation!
He's The Brightness of the Father's Glory!
He's The Glory as of the Only Begotten!
He's The Image of the Invisible God!
He's The Express Image of His Person!
He's The Fullness of Deity Bodily!
He's The Bridegroom!
He's The Beginning of the Creation of God!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

He's The Way!
He's The Truth!
He's The Life!
He's The Tree of Life!
He's The Light of Life!
He's The Word of Life!
He's The Bread of Life!
He's The Prince of Life!
He's Life Eternal!
He's The Water of Life!
He's The Living Water!
He's The Living Bread!
He's The Bread which came down from Heaven!
He's The True Bread from Heaven!
He's The Hidden Manna!

That's my King!

He's The Door!
He's The Door of the Sheep!
He's The Chief Shepherd!
He's The Good Shepherd!
He's The Shepherd and Bishop of your souls!
He's The Lamb without Spot or Blemish!
He's The Lamb Who was Slain!
He's The Vine!
He's The True Vine!
He's The Root of Jesse!
He's The Root and Offspring of David!
He's The Prophet of Nazareth!
He's a Prophet mighty in word and deed!
He's The Prophet of the Highest!

That's my King!

He's The Morning Star!
He's The Day Spring from on High!
He's The Heir of All Things!
He's The Tried Stone!
He's The Living Stone!
He's The Sure Foundation!
He's The Stone Chosen of God and precious!
He's The Spiritual Rock!
He's The Rock of Ages!
He's The Faithful and True Witness!
He's The Apostle and High Priest of our Profession!
He's The I AM!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

He's The Man of Sorrows!
He's The Friend of tax collectors and sinners!
He's The Gift of God!
He's The Unspeakable Gift!
He's God Blessed Forever!
He's The Light of the world!
He's a Quickening Spirit!
He's The First Fruits of them that sleep!
He's The First Begotten of the Dead!
He's The Resurrection and the Life!

That's my King!

He's The Chief Cornerstone!
He's The Head of the Church!
He's The Head of Every Man!
He's The True Light Who enlightens everyone Who has come into the world!
He's The Rose of Sharon!
He's The Lily of the Valley!
He's The Altogether Lovely!
He's The Fairest among Ten Thousand!
He's The Bright and Morning Star!
He's The Power of God!
He's The Wisdom of God!
He's The Word of God!
He's The Image of God!
He's The Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world!
He's God's Elect!

That's my King!

He's The First and the Last!
He's The Beginning and the End!
He's The Alpha and The Omega!
He's The Ancient of Days!
He's The Blessed and Only Potentate!
He's God with Us!
He's God Our Savior!
He's The Only Wise God Our Savior!
He's The Lord Who Is, Who Was, and Who Is to Come!
He's The Almighty!
He's Wonderful!
He's The Counselor!
He's The Mighty God!
He's The Everlasting Father!
He's The Prince of Peace!
He's The Branch!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

He's The Son of Mary!
He's the Son of Man!
He's The Son of David!
He's The Son of Abraham!
He's The Son of the Blessed!
He's The Sun of Righteousness!
He's The Son of the Highest!
He's The Son of God!
He's The Son of the Living God!
He's God's Dear Son!
He's The Son of His Love!
He's The Only Begotten Son of God!
He's God's Beloved Son in Whom He was, is, and forever will be well pleased!
He's has The Name that Is Above Every Name!

That's my King! That's my King!

For the significance of knowing the name of God, see this excellent study: Why Study The Names Of God?; And see more on Jesus Name Above All Names here.

God And The Gospel

To learn more about the great and true Triune God, the God-ManJesus Christ, His cross, and His glorious Gospel message and everlasting Kingship, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

"That's My King!" Who's The Greatest Care, The Most Precious Riches, And The Most Passionate Desire In All The Universe!

He's the Care of all cares!
He's the one care of this world Who will save you from caring about anything else!
In Him you can cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you!
He lavishes you with more love than any lover could ever duplicate, replicate, or that you could find in any Kate!
He tenderly cares for you like no mother could ever nurture, nurse, or nourish!
He pays attention to you like no poppa could ever provide, protect, or pastor!
He's got your back like no friend could ever help you, hold you, or handle all your problems!
He's the big brother Who takes up for you, took the blame for you, and tells you all you need to know!
He's the One Who says:  “Peace to you.  I will care for all your desires!”
Your relationship to Him and His opinion of you should be the greatest care and concern of your life!
You ought to be careful to trust Him!
Careful to always listen to Him!
Careful to talk to Him!
Careful to love Him!
Careful to please Him!
Careful to obey Him!
Careful to delight in Him!
Careful to cherish Him!
Careful to treasure Him!
Careful to never offend Him!
And careful to go to Him for mercy every time you fail to be careful around Him in all those ways!
He most carefully cared for all those who would ever repent and believe in Him on that cross when He bore the careless sins of the world in His body on the tree!
He crushed all the curse ridden cares of His people when He conquered sin, death, and hell by rising from the grave!
He's so beautiful, loving, and satisfying that you constantly ought to have a love sickness for Him that takes your breath away!
He's the One Who, when you meet Him, you forget all the cares of the heartbreaks in your past as if they'd never happened!
He's the One Who, When you meet Him, songs rise up in your heart, the sky is bluer, the grass is greener, life is better, and all the cares of this world just fade away!
He perpetually ought to fill your stomach with more butterflies than ten thousand of your most cherished lovers!

That's my caring King!  I wonder if you care about Him today?!

He's the Riches of all riches!
He's the most valuable, precious riches in all the universe Who will never ever deceive you!
He only tells the truth!
Loves the truth!
Speaks the truth!
Lives the truth!
Shows the truth!
And He be the truth incarnate – He is the way, the truth, and the life!
He's loaded!
He's wealthy!
He's filthy rich!
He's prosperous!
He's upscale!
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills!
He's more precious than thousands of pieces of gold and silver!
He's the Pearl of great price!
He's the treasure in the field worth selling everything for so that you can have Him!
He's worth more than all the riches and wealth of trillions of worlds!
He made everything, owns everything, sustains everything, and He is everything to those He came to save!
Though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, suffered and died on that cross, and rose up from the grave so that you, by His poverty might become rich forever and ever!
He's the riches of glory made known to God's vessels of mercy!
He's the merciful riches of forgiveness for all manner of poor, impoverished sinners!
He's the immeasurable riches of God's grace and kindness!
His riches are unsearchable, unknowable, unfathomable, uncontainable, unstoppable, and unbelievable!

That's my Riches in glory!  Have you found your treasure in Him today?!

He's the Desire of all desires!
He's the Desire of the nations!
He's the joy of all desiring!
He's good for food, a delight to the eyes, desirable to make us wise, and if you eat Him you'll be saved, safe, and satisfied forever!
His desire is for His people only to bless them, care for them, and do them good for all eternity!
He alone can satisfy all your hearts desires!
He does all that He desires in heaven and on earth!
He's worthy to be sought after with the whole desires of our hearts, minds, souls, and strength!
He Himself is the desire of every longing heart whether they know it or not!
His chief desire is to do His Father's will!
He's admirable!
He's ambitious!
He's appetizing!
He's attractive!
He's the craze of all our covetous craving!
He's fascinating!
He's the all consuming preoccupation and insatiable infatuation of all time!
He's the Living Water Who alone quenches all your thirsts!
He's the Bread of Life Who alone satisfies all your hungers!
He's captivating!
He's enthralling!
He's exhilarating!
He's propitiating – He satisfied the wrath of God against us on that cross and rose up from the grave so that we could be reconciled to God and enjoy our hearts' greatest desire for all eternity!
All people, pleasures, positions, power, glory, girls, and gold that you have ever desired cannot compare with Him!
He compels us to cry out with the Psalmist:  "There is nothing on earth that I desire besides you!"
He's the Joy of joys, the Passion of passions, the Longing of longings, and the Delight of all delights!

That's my Desire!  That's my King!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

May Christ Be Great, Not Us!

Spurgeon wrote:
Young person, seeking great things for yourself, Christ counsels, "Do not seek them."  I remember that as a young man I was ambitious.  I was seeking to go to college, to leave my congregation in the wilderness that I might become something great.  As I was out walking, this text came with power to my heart, "Do you seek great things for yourself?  Do not seek them" (Jer. 45:5).  "Lord," I said, "I will follow Your counsel and not my own plans."  I have never had cause to regret that decision.  Always take the Lord for your guide, and you will never be wrong.
Charles Spurgeon, Beside Still Waters, Ed. Roy Clarke (Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 1999), 361. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

"That's My King!" Who's The Supreme, Sovereign, Indomitable Root Of Joy!

He's the biggest, deepest, strongest, most enduring root of joy that has ever sprouted in this world!
He's the most joyful of the joyous!
He possesses joy like no other in the everlasting bliss of the Holy Trinity:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!
We sing:  “Joy to the world!  The Lord has come!  Let earth receive her King!”
He's joy to the world!
He's joy in the world!
He's the joy of the world!
He's the universe's joy Whose songs of praise are heard in every corner of the world, and will be heard in every tribe, tongue, language, people, and nation for all eternity!
He's the ultimate source of all joy in every pure enjoyment of this world!
He's the all satisfying, blazing sun Who gives heat and light to the all the lesser sunbeam pleasures of this universe!
Without Him there's no true, deep, lasting joy to be enjoyed in all the joyful joys you ever have enjoyed, ever are enjoying, or ever will enjoy!
Throughout His life and especially on that cross He faced the greatest tribulation and persecution this world has ever seen and more and triumphed over it all for the joy that was set before Him!

That's my Root of Joy!  I wonder if you know Him today?!

He creates in us unshakable, enduring roots of joy that last forever in the face of all manner of tests, trials, temptations, and traumatic tribulations!
He Himself is the joy Who is our strength!
He's worthy of more wonder than any wine or woman!
He accumulates more adoration than any accolade or achievement!
He measures out more mirth and merriment than any marriage or ministry!
He's treasured above all toys or triumphs!
He's coveted more than any children or champion!
He's more satisfying than any sport or serenade!
He generates more gaiety, glee, gladness, and gratification than any greatness, gold, or glory!
He produces more permanent pleasure and peace of mind than any prestige or power!
He IS the joy above all joys!
This great Joy of joys Himself became joyless on that cross when the very joy of His happy heart, His heavenly Father, punished Him for the joy-killing sins of all those who would ever repent and believe in Him!
But God raised Him up from the dead, ushering in everlasting joy for His people that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has conceived of since the foundation of the world!

That's my King!  That's my King!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

"That's My King!" Who Humbles Hard Hearts And Destroys The Deeds Of The Devil!

He's the Rock harder than the hardest of hearts!
He's the ultimate heart-breaker Who breaks your heart of all lovers except Himself!
He's the most passionate heart-healer Who delights to bind up the broken hearted and proclaims liberty to the captives!
He's the only safe keeper of your heart because out of Him flow all the pleasures and treasures of life!
He's the Chief Cornerstone Who grinds to powder all He falls upon!
No one He finally aims to bring to Himself can harden his heart against Him and succeed!
He'll win every heart He goes after through His irresistible beauty, love, grandeur, and greatness!
He melts the hard heart with the gentle warmth of His incomprehensible love!
He was counted as the worst of the hardhearted who has ever lived on the cross and punished so that we could be saved!
He removes hearts of stone through His power to atone!
He bought hard hearts for Himself when He died on the cross and rose up from the grave!
He has the mercy-heart of mercy-hearts, and He will have compassion on you if you hope in His mercy!

That's my King!  Do you know Him?!

He's the ultimate demon killer!
He's the superior serpent crusher!
He's the deadliest dragon slayer!
He's the decisive devil destroyer Who came to forever set us free from the bondage of the evil one!
He came into the world to destroy the works of the devil!
He more than conquered the devil's temptations in the wilderness!
Where the first Adam failed to kick Satan out of the garden of paradise and so the world became a cursed and barren wilderness; the second Adam Jesus was victorious over Satan, bore the curse of sin in His own body on the tree, and will finally cause this sin-sick, barren world to become an unimaginable paradise forevermore!
Though the devil, through Peter, tried to turn Jesus away from His God-given purpose to die on that cross, Jesus commanded the devil to get behind Him and relentlessly, perfectly, and perpetually obeyed the will of God!
Though the devil did everything in his power to cause the Son of God, on the night He was betrayed, to pray:  “My will be done!  I will not become despicable sin!  I will not go to that dreaded cross where I will be separated from my Father Who is the greatest lover this world has ever known!;”  Jesus more than conquered the devil and cried to His Father:  “Not My will but Yours be done!”
Though the devil thought he won by entering Judas and moving him to betray his lord and master, it was through Jesus' apparent defeat, defamation, and destruction on that cross that He won salvation for all those who would ever repent and believe in Him!
He's the strongest Strong-Man Who bound the strong man once and for all!
He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer!
Though the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour; Jesus is the greater Lion of the tribe of Judah Who rose up from the grave so that He might roar both death and the devil all the way into the lake of fire where the torment will burn hot day and night forever and ever!
Oh my friends!  When Jesus roars, the beasts of the field are silent!  When Jesus roars, the devil's roar sounds like a kitten's whimper!

That's my King!  That's my King!