He's the Rock harder than the hardest of hearts!
He's the ultimate heart-breaker Who breaks your heart of all lovers except Himself!
He's the most passionate heart-healer Who delights to bind up the broken hearted and proclaims liberty to the captives!
He's the only safe keeper of your heart because out of Him flow all the pleasures and treasures of life!
He's the Chief Cornerstone Who grinds to powder all He falls upon!
No one He finally aims to bring to Himself can harden his heart against Him and succeed!
He'll win every heart He goes after through His irresistible beauty, love, grandeur, and greatness!
He melts the hard heart with the gentle warmth of His incomprehensible love!
He was counted as the worst of the hardhearted who has ever lived on the cross and punished so that we could be saved!
He removes hearts of stone through His power to atone!
He bought hard hearts for Himself when He died on the cross and rose up from the grave!
He has the mercy-heart of mercy-hearts, and He will have compassion on you if you hope in His mercy!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
He's the ultimate demon killer!
He's the superior serpent crusher!
He's the deadliest dragon slayer!
He's the decisive devil destroyer Who came to forever set us free from the bondage of the evil one!
He came into the world to destroy the works of the devil!
He more than conquered the devil's temptations in the wilderness!
Where the first Adam failed to kick Satan out of the garden of paradise and so the world became a cursed and barren wilderness; the second Adam Jesus was victorious over Satan, bore the curse of sin in His own body on the tree, and will finally cause this sin-sick, barren world to become an unimaginable paradise forevermore!
Though the devil, through Peter, tried to turn Jesus away from His God-given purpose to die on that cross, Jesus commanded the devil to get behind Him and relentlessly, perfectly, and perpetually obeyed the will of God!
Though the devil did everything in his power to cause the Son of God, on the night He was betrayed, to pray: “My will be done! I will not become despicable sin! I will not go to that dreaded cross where I will be separated from my Father Who is the greatest lover this world has ever known!;” Jesus more than conquered the devil and cried to His Father: “Not My will but Yours be done!”
Though the devil thought he won by entering Judas and moving him to betray his lord and master, it was through Jesus' apparent defeat, defamation, and destruction on that cross that He won salvation for all those who would ever repent and believe in Him!
He's the strongest Strong-Man Who bound the strong man once and for all!
He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer!
He's the strongest Strong-Man Who bound the strong man once and for all!
He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer!
Though the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour; Jesus is the greater Lion of the tribe of Judah Who rose up from the grave so that He might roar both death and the devil all the way into the lake of fire where the torment will burn hot day and night forever and ever!
Oh my friends! When Jesus roars, the beasts of the field are silent! When Jesus roars, the devil's roar sounds like a kitten's whimper!
That's my King! That's my King!
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