Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah . . . has conquered . . . Revelation 5:5
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ . . . Galatians 6:14
You have been very angry with your Anointed One. Psalm 89:38
For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2
Let the motto upon your whole ministry be - "Christ is All!" - Cotton Mather

Saturday, March 26, 2022

An Unborn Child's Perspective On Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's Confirmation Hearing

It's a big day for me today, but a sad day. Some of the leaders of those who have been born are getting to know one of the judges who could very well decide whether I live or die. I am scared to death, literally. Some of the biggest execution companies that put people like me to death support this judge's nomination. And she is telling the leaders that the horrific law that made it legal to chop me and others like me up in pieces is "settled law." I hope and pray for the day when this wicked law is abolished. I wonder if there have been other groups of people like me who have suffered and died under such tyrannical laws that made their murder and bondage legal? I hope this evil law is changed before I have to face my own death and they cut my head off and chop my body parts to pieces. 

The judge, Mrs. Jackson, was asked when life begins. Sadly, she answered that she does not know. I am alive! I feel pain! And even if I didn't feel pain, murder is still wrong. Won't anyone listen to my silent screams! Will anyone hear?

There are even people who claim to believe God's Word - that all human beings, even me, are made in the image of God - yet they are cheering Mrs. Jackson on and excited about her nomination. Sadly, they just view my life or death and the lives and deaths of millions like me as one more political issue among many. And they often place more importance on other issues that are more beneficial to them. It seems so many people care only about people like themselves - and not like me. People are so selfish. That's one of the reasons so many like me die. We are the most innocent, most helpless, most cruelly treated people on the face of the earth - the unborn.

There was a moment during these hearings when the judge's daughter was smiling at her. I guess she is so proud of her mother's achievements. But I wonder if her daughter understands what this achievement she is so proud of means for me? For me, this achievement means I will die soon. It means many millions more will die soon. It means death, bloodshed, genocide, mass murder, and the untold miseries, shrieks, and cries of many more like me. It means many millions of daughters will never be able to smile about anything because their mothers will continue to have the right to kill them. Why can't people see this? Sometimes I wonder if the people who are born and who profess so loudly the importance of the fact that we humans are made in the image of God really believe that this truth applies to me. They sure don't seem to act like it. They rejoice when people like Mrs. Jackson are put in power to judge. They love this because she is like them, and she is born. But for me, her confirmation means certain death. For me, her confirmation means I will never be born. For me, her confirmation means I will never be able to smile at my mother, or at anyone else. May God so work so that none of this is so. May God save Mrs. Jackson and every other judge and change their minds about abortion and change their minds about me so that I too may be able to smile one day.

Please beg the LORD in prayer, in Jesus' name, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, that He would save all these leaders and judges and change their hearts so that they would fear God, trust Jesus, obey Him, and stand up to protect my life and the millions of lives that are at stake. Please pray that this evil law that signs my death sentence will be abolished forever. Please pray that laws all over the world would be changed to protect innocent victims like me. Please pray people's eyes would be opened to see the horror of the only unthinkable sin mentioned in the whole Bible.

Please hear my cry from the womb and help me!

I am utterly alone!

I am in darkness!

No one wants me!

No one (it seems) loves me!

My father and mother have forsaken me, and even want to kill me!

No doctors will help me - they only seek to kill me!

Some of the most powerful people in the world fight against me having even the most basic human rights, like many of these most powerful judges like Judge Jackson!

Millions believe I am not even human - not worthy of life outside the womb!

Many "pastors" and "Christians" do not stand up for me!

Many who claim to love me make voting decisions that ensure I will never see the light of day!

Many who claim to trust and love God celebrate when people are put in power who make and support laws that will result in my death!

Laws are in place to ensure I continue to be utterly abused and murdered!

I am the most innocent!

I am the most persecuted!

I am the most vulnerable!

I am the most helpless!

I am the most forgotten!

I am the most alone!

I am the most widely killed, oppressed, and abused in the history of mankind!

Soon, I will face one of the most gruesome deaths imaginable - a man will use a knife to cut off my arms and legs and head - and I will scream and cry - but no one will hear me - no one will care!

I am an unborn child about to be aborted!

Please help me!

For more information about abortion, please read: To Be Pro-Choice Is To Be Pro-Murder And Anti-Christ

For an excellent presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, please watch: American Gospel: Christ Alone

You can watch the full documentary about the Gospel with a free trial here.

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