Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah . . . has conquered . . . Revelation 5:5
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ . . . Galatians 6:14
You have been very angry with your Anointed One. Psalm 89:38
For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2
Let the motto upon your whole ministry be - "Christ is All!" - Cotton Mather

Thursday, December 24, 2015

"That's My King!" Who's The Christmas Celebration, The God-Man Incarnation, And The Holy Causation Of Our Great Salvation!

Jesus is the Incarnation
The God on earth Visitation
The God-Man Summation without separation
Savior of every nation
The "all-of-life" Foundation
Without Whom there's no salvation
Who saves from condemnation
And is worthy of our most faithful dedication, infinite admiration, and eternal appreciation!

That's my King!

Through the virgin birth
He came down to earth
He fills with joy and mirth
By granting rebirth
And He Himself is infinite worth!

He's truly God and truly man
According to God's perfect plan
He saves sinners from every tribe and clan
His mercy has no bounds or span
From Bhutan to Japan
Kazakhstan to Sudan, or Iran
He's the only saving Man
Who's also the God Who can!

That's my King!

He humbled Himself to be born in a manger
Though all around He was surrounded by danger
To the likeness of sinful flesh He's no longer a stranger
But lived and died to be the sin for righteousness Exchanger
He rose up from the grave to be the only great world Changer
He'll live in you to be your whole life's Rearranger!

Hark the herald angels sing
Glory to the newborn King
Who comes with healing in His wing
All by Himself He's the greatest Thing
He's the everlasting Spring
Who alone can make your heart ring
To you salvation He will bring
If to Him by faith alone you'll cling!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

Let every heart prepare Him room
He's God Who's come from the virgin's womb
All sin and death He will consume
He saves from wrath and judgment doom
He died on Friday – there was gloom
But Sunday He rose up from the tomb
Now He is our everlasting Groom!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

For unto us a Child is born
Of true salvation, He's the Horn
He'll make His people cease to mourn
Joy to the world He will adorn
He came to save from sin and porn
By being Kinged with crown of thorn
In His body sins were borne
On that cross He was forlorn
He took on all our sin and scorn
At His death the curtain's torn
Yet He rose just as was sworn
So those who trust could be reborn!

That's my King!

Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns
He came to save from all our pains
From every sin He'll break those chains
If you'll seek to die like grains
Then you'll find your fruit remains
In holiness you'll make great gains!

He came to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found below
Though your sins are red you know
He died to make them white as snow
He took upon Himself your woe
And now your clean from head to toe
Behind His back your sins He'll throw
Just trust in Him, nothing you owe
In your heart good things He'll sow
Through His Spirit you will grow!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

He shall save His people from their sins
That's were Matthew starts and ends
Trust in Him - your life begins
He's the Warrior-King Who always wins
And makes His enemies God's friends!

Immanuel is His glorious name
He's "God with us!" we must proclaim
In the manger our weakness He became
Go tell it on the mountain without any shame
May this good news set our world aflame
On that cross He took our blame
Forever banished all our shame
And rose from the grave all death to tame
The world will never be the same
Sadness for joy He'll reclaim
For the glorious fame of His beautiful name!

That's my King! That's my King! 

Will you trust Jesus Christ as your King today?!

The idea for this poem structure is based on S. M. Lockridge's poem "That's My King!"

My Other Christmas Blog Posts

For more information about King Jesus' Gospel message, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone.

You can watch the full documentary here with a free trial.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Will Intoxicate - He'll Leave You In A Ravished State - Delights Unknown For You Await - His Love Is Best And More Than Great - He Died And Rose On Him Fixate - He'll Satisfy With Joy Elate!

My King is the Lover of all lovers of all time!
He's the Valentine of valentine's!
His love far surpasses your ability to even understand or comprehend how much He loves!
His love surpasses knowledge!
His love is the only love that satisfies the deepest longings of the human heart!
His love was enough to satisfy the infinite, everlasting Father and Holy Spirit for all eternity – so how much more must it satisfy your finite, frail human heart?!
He's enough for God! Oh how much more than enough is He for you!
He loved so much that He took on human flesh
lived a perfect life
died the most horrifying death this universe has ever seen
suffered the pains of myriads of hells in place of sinners
rose up from the grave triumphant over sin, death, and Satan
and ever lives to plead mercy for His beautiful, blood-bought Bride!

That's my all-satisfying King!

My King is more precious than more than 999 trillion universes of gold!
And every other good gift in this life compared to Him is worth less than a penny!
He commands me to hate everything else in comparison to the love I must have for Him!
And He's worthy of all that kind of love and all that kind of hate!
He's more valuable than the most precious gold and the most priceless diamond!
His value far exceeds 999 trillion worlds with all their riches and pleasures!
Whatever you love and value most in this life – Jesus exceeds that value in ways that are incomparable!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

He's the King of all beauty!
He's the Beauty of beauties!
He's more beautiful than the most beautiful sunset because He made the sunset!
He's more beautiful than the most breathtaking scenery in the universe because He made the universe and upholds it by the Word of His power!
He's more beautiful than the most stunning flower of the field because He made them all and sustains them all!
He's more beautiful than all the starry hosts and the most amazing phenomenon in the galaxy because the heavens are telling His glory, and He placed all the stars in the heavens to magnify His own beauty!
He's more beautiful than the most gorgeous woman who has ever crossed the horizon of this world because:
she is created, but He created her
she is sinful, but He is perfect
she is finite, but He is infinite
she is the image, but He is the real thing!
If the art work of woman is so amazingly, breathtakingly, gloriously, speechlessly beautiful (and she is!), oh how much more amazingly, breathtakingly, gloriously, speechlessly beautiful must my King the Artist be?!
Oh but He is so beautiful!
More beautiful than we could ever dream or imagine!

That's my King! That's my Lover! Do you know Him?!

He made you in His own image!
He loves you with an everlasting love!
He chose you before the creation of the world to be His very own!
He will never leave you nor forsake you!
He is always for you! 
And if He is for you, then no one can successfully be against you!
He takes great delight in you like no one else ever will!
He quiets you with His love!
He rejoices over you with singing - with loud shouts of joy and delight! 
He loves you like no one else will ever love you!
He loves you more than the best mother, father, son, daughter, sister, brother, lover, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife ever could!
His love for you is deeper than the ocean!
His love for you is vaster than 10 million galaxies!
His love for you stretches as far as the east is from the west!
His love never ends!
His love never changes!
His love never grows cold!
His love lasts forever!
He will never leave you alone!
He will cause your joy and delight in Him to increase forever throughout all eternity!
You will be fully saved, safe, and satisfied in Him one day very soon and all things sad will become untrue! (Thanks John Piper & J. R. R. Tolkien for those lines!)
The best days of your life are always in the future with Him, and He will do you good all your days forever!
He's pursuing and chasing you down with goodness and mercy all the days of your life, and you shall dwell in His house forever!

That's my King!

He's the Lover Who will never let you down!
He always desires you just how you want to be desired!
He always gives you just what you need!
He's always excited to be with you!
He always delights over you!
He sings over you with loud shouts of great joy!
He always passionately and purposefully pursues you with passionate, pleasing pleasures!
He not only loves you like no other, but He makes you feel loved like no other!
He's always the most desirable of all lovers!
You'll long for Him like you've longed for no one else!
He'll take your breath away!
He'll make you jump and shout and turn all about!
He'll fill your stomach with joy and butterflies like no one you've ever met!
You'll be so in love with Him that your body would explode if He didn't first give you a new, glorified body to experience all that love and all that joy and all that pleasure!
He alone gives you the deepest, best, and longest lasting intense pleasures that have ever crossed the horizon of this world!
The most intense pleasures this world or any other lover in this world could ever offer you are only tiny candles compared to the blazing, infinite sun of our pleasure-giving, ravishing, all-satisfying God!
In His presence is fullness of joy, and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore!
He will give you pleasures that are out of this world for all eternity beyond what you could ever dream or imagine!
May He be our Preoccupation, Infatuation, and holy Fascination, for He causes intoxication more than anything else in all of creation!

That's my King! That's my King!

To learn more about the great Triune God, the God-ManJesus Christ, and His glorious Gospel message and everlasting Kingship, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Created Sex Of Human Pleasures It's Apex In Love He Gives It Specs and Checks So His Great Beauty It Reflects!

The forbidden woman will bring you down
Though she wears a beautiful gown
Never has a frown
Speaks of you with great renown
And gives your heart an unspeakable meltdown
She'll make of you a foolish clown
And bring you down low to the ground
And even lower further down
Because in flames of hell you'll drown
So turn and trust the Son – be found!
For He will never be brought down
He rose in power – great renown
She never made of Him a clown
He has conquered every frown
He died –  in flames of wrath was drown
In darkness to the tomb went down
Then rose – was given every crown
To clothe you in a clean, bright gown
All the devil's work shutdown
Now Christ's the greatest Site in town
He'll give your heart the true meltdown
Oh ravish us with Your renown!

That's my King! Do you know Him?

From Jesus' pure and precious lips
The best and sweetest honey drips
Your heart His loving passion grips
For His compassion never slips
He saves you from apocalypse
Away from you all evil strips
All other lovers He'll eclipse
So trust His Word from precious lips
From Him eternal pleasure drips!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Will Keep Your Heart He's Perfect From The Very Start From Righteous Paths He Won't Depart His Speech Is Straight And Clear And Smart In Him Springs Life That's Off The Chart!

Jesus Christ is the righteous Path
He's the only One Who saves from wrath
So in His blood come take a bath!

He did not walk in the way of sin
For living water flows within
He's the holiest that's ever been
On Him no sin you'll ever pin
So walk with Him – you'll always win!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

He is the Heart Keeper  
Who crushed the grim reaper
The perfect righteousness seeker
Over Jerusalem weeper
The “it's all gone!” sin sweeper
In Him there's no joy deeper
And no glory ever steeper!

That's my King! That's my King!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Christ Is All In Preaching!

Oh to be the most Christ exalting preacher you could ever be! I want to pant for Him, to lust for Him, to long for Him, to delight in Him, to be satisfied with Him, to be obsessed with Him, to be captivated by Him, to be fascinated by Him, to be in awe of Him, to be preoccupied with Him, to be ravished by Him in the pulpit and on the street! Oh Father, you must grant it! For Jesus' sake!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Is Your Life So Prize Him More Than Any Wife He Died And Rose To End All Strife And Give You Everlasting Life!

He is the prize of greatest size
The only One Who is all wise
He came to crush all Satan's lies
And finally cause his great demise
Christ died for sinners, then would rise
Now gives us pleasures – greatest highs
Give praise and thanks with loudest cries
For Him alone we idolize
Since He's our everlasting Prize!

That's my King! That's my King!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

He Is The Greatest Of All The Greatest's!

The greatest beauty you've ever seen with your eyes . . .

The greatest taste you've ever tasted with your mouth . . .

The greatest music you've ever heard with your ears . . .

The greatest sensation you've ever felt with your body . . .

The greatest feelings you've ever felt in your heart . . .

The greatest thoughts you've ever had in your mind . . .

The greatest experiences you've ever had in your life . . .

The greatest love you've ever known with your whole being . . .

The greatest wealth you could ever have . . .

The greatest glory you could ever imagine . . .

The greatest joys this world could ever offer . . .

. . . are as nothing compared to the pleasure that is found in God the Father, through Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Combine all those "greatest's" together and multiply them by infinity - that is something of what the joy in God in heaven will be like.

". . . in Your presence there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore." Psalm 16:11

Lord I believe! Help my unbelief!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Is Our Peace He Makes All Hostile Feelings Cease He Died And Rose The Centerpiece To Make Us One – His Masterpiece!

He brought us near to God and made us one by His blood!
He purchased us with His blood!
He removed the wrath of God with His blood!
He justified us by His blood!
He enacted the New Covenant with His blood!
He redeemed us through His blood!
We have peace through His blood!
He purified our conscience through His blood!
We draw near to God through His blood!
He sanctified us by His blood!
He cleanses us from all sins by His blood!
He freed us from our sins by His blood!
By His blood He ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

He Himself is our peace!
He's the Prince of peace!
He's the King of peace!
Only He gives a peace of which there shall be no end!
He's the only one Who can give you perfect peace!
Upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His stripes we are healed!
He said: “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
If we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ!

That's my King!

Jesus Christ Is The One New Man
And Those Divided By A Ban
Even Blacks And Former Klan
Are Saved – Made One – It Was His Plan
The Cross Brings Peace To Bridge The Span
He Died And Rose – It All Began
To Reconcile – Oh Yes He Can!
And Love Between All Nations Fan!

That's my King! That's my King!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

We All Are One In Christ Our King!

Tune: My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less

There is a plague upon our land
The racist heart that evil planned
We need new hearts both clean and free
Christ died and rose so we could see!

Refrain: We all are one in Christ our King!
Forever praise to Him we'll sing!
Forever praise to Him we'll sing!

In all the world this wicked hate
Has caused a pain of greatest weight
But life will come through Him Who died
To save His interracial Bride!

We all are born from Adam's bone
God's image from one man alone
There truly is only one race
The human race that's saved by grace!

The thickest blood that's ever been
Is not an ethnic blood so thin
Christ's blood is thickest blood of all
And makes us one so we can't fall!

Copyright: Olney Baptist Hymns, 2015

Saturday, November 7, 2015

"That's My King!" Who's My Only Desire In Him There Is No Joy Higher If You Have This Great Supplier No Other Good You Must Acquire!

Jesus is the King of desire!
He's the Desire of all desires!
He's the only desire on earth because He's the most desirable of everything desirable by an infinite distance!
The greatest love you've ever known? – Jesus' love is infinitely better!
The greatest life you've ever known? – Jesus' life is infinitely better!
The greatest glory you've ever known? – Jesus is infinitely more glorious!
The greatest wealth you've ever known? – Jesus is infinitely more wealthy!
The greatest beauty you've ever seen? – Jesus is infinitely more beautiful!
The greatest power you've ever known? – Jesus is infinitely more powerful!
The greatest satisfaction you've ever known? – the satisfaction Jesus gives is infinitely better!
The greatest happiness you've ever known? – Jesus gives infinitely better happiness!
The greatest friendship you've ever known? – Jesus is an infinitely better friend!
The greatest family you've ever known? – Jesus is an infinitely better family – the greatest Elder Brother ever!
The greatest desire you've ever experienced? – Jesus is an infinitely deeper desire – the Desire of all desires!

That's my King! Do you know Him!?

Jesus alone fulfills your desire for beauty!
He alone fulfills your desire for community!
He alone fulfills your desire for love!
He alone fulfills your desire for fulfillment!
He alone fulfills your desire for greatness!
He alone fulfills your desire to be desired, wanted, and accepted!
He alone fulfills your desire to be saved, safe, and satisfied!
He alone fulfills your desire to be holy, happy, and whole!
He alone fulfills your desire for peace, pleasure, and paradise!
He alone fulfills your desire for rest, reconciliation, and radiance!
He alone fulfills your desire to be delivered from God's wrath, curse, and judgment!
Since He died on that cross and rose up from the dead, He alone fulfills your desire for everlasting life where there is fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore in the very presence of God Himself!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

"That's My King!" Who's The Only Pope And He Alone Can Give You Hope!

Jesus said call no man father on earth
For only God can give new birth
So turn from all this papal dearth
And find in Christ the greatest worth!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

The Word of God always comes first
And then the church, don't be reversed
His Word creates like lightening burst
And saves poor sinners who were cursed
Because our Jesus took what's worst
So now for God alone we thirst!

That's my King!

We're justified by faith alone
It's Christ alone Who did atone
Christ alone – the Cornerstone
Christ alone did die and groan
His Father crushed and did disown
But Christ alone removed that stone
And rose alive – fresh wind cyclone
He conquered death like nothing known
Now rules and reigns upon the throne
So bow and worship, lay down prone
Our only hope is Christ alone!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

"That's My King!" Who's The Greatest Desire He's The Tree Of Life We Must Acquire His Worth And Beauty Can't Be Higher He's Wisdom's Glory All Entire!

Hold wisdom tight to be so blessed
A tree of life to pass the test
She'll give you peace: eternal rest
And save you from sin's death request
Our wisdom is the Christ Who's best
More precious than every treasure chest
He is the King in Whom we're dressed
He is the One Who passed the test
Though they would arrest, jest, and strip undressed
He was on salvation's quest
His Father's perfect love expressed
When He died: God's wrath addressed
He rose to save all those oppressed
Who trust in Him: “He's Lord!” confessed
He now gives peace to those distressed
And pleasantness to those depressed
By His riches we're impressed
With highest honor He'll invest
Long life forever filled with zest
So with His wisdom be obsessed
And then you truly will be blessed!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

"That's My King!" Who's The Most Beloved Son Yet By God's Wrath He Was Undone So Of This Judgment We'd Have None Discipline Not Wrath He Won No Curse Or Judgment For You Son!

God disciplines you as His dear son
His love for you can't be undone
His loving heart is second to none
Into His arms commit to run
His delight in you shines like the sun!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

God only gives what's good and best
If in His righteousness your dressed
Since Jesus died – was killed oppressed
Then conquered death and life possessed
If “Christ is Lord!” your lips confessed
God raised Him up – He passed the test
If that you believe within your breast
He's working all for good – you're blessed
There's no condemnation when your pressed
No wrath or judgment is expressed
But only love to you professed
For our great God is on a quest
To make you more like Christ impressed
And make you holy, sin detest
The key to this is this request
With Christ alone become obsessed!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

"That's My King!" Who's Your Wealth And Great Possession He Died For Every Transgression And Rose To End All Oppression So Now He's Your Heart's Obsession!

In every expression
With your every possession
Do you express your obsession
With the Christ without question?

With Him there's no great depression
Or even a slight recession
For He owns every possession
And died for every transgression
Then rose from death's oppression
Like a lion with much aggression
To you He makes a love profession
So may "Christ is all!" be your bold confession!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Give to the LORD all honor and praise
In all of life and all your days
By what you think and all your ways
With every penny your boss pays
It cannot be a passing phase
For when God sets your heart ablaze
The fire remains and always stays
So honor God Who shall amaze
And now forever be your craze!

My God will supply your every need
If His Word you read and heed
Confess the truth of Christ our Creed
Deny yourself and die to greed
To motivate you this I plead:
A Savior Who for you did bleed
To pay for every wicked deed
Then rose to win all God decreed
So from all sin you now are freed
On this great Christ please come and feed
He'll give you pleasures that exceed
Your every hope or dream indeed!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Is Our Great Reward He's The Everlasting LORD All Treasures Of Wisdom In Him Are Stored And In His Presence You Can't Be Bored!

Jesus is the greatest Treasure
He blesses us without measure
With Himself as our deepest pleasure!

He's the Reward
That no one can afford
He can't be ignored
And all things in Him will be restored!

He alone gives length of days
He rose from the dead to all amaze
Now us He'll raise to eternal praise!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

He grants true favor and success
Though He doesn't always say yes
He'll give you what is best to bless
So trust in Him, your sins confess
Don't transgress
And find in Him your righteous dress!

He'll make your paths straight
Everything bad negate
Make a way for you to enter heaven's gate
Took all your sin weight
Then rose as the greatest Great
So on Him wait
And your heart He'll forever elate!

Your bones He'll refresh and your flesh He will heal
And fill you with a godly zeal
His love you'll feel
He'll make your backbone like steel
To Him alone you'll kneel
His truth and love you won't conceal!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Kept God's Commands With All His Heart From Every Evil He'd Depart And Love And Faithfulness Impart!

He's the perfect Son Who never forgot
He did God's will in every jot
He turned from evil's every plot
And tied the devil in a knot
Had not one lust with passion hot
He wasn't drunk with liquor shot
He never gambled on the slot
He is perfection on the dot
Every righteous prize He got
And though our sins would kill and rot
He took upon Himself our spot
And bore our wrath and judgment lot
All our sins away He'd blot
And say to condemnation, "Not!"
He rose new life to us allot
This all because He never forgot!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

Obey and love and do His will
And turn away from evil still
We follow Christ – He is our thrill
We're made into His image till
He returns – all things fulfill
We have in us His life of zeal
To do the Father's perfect will
He died on Calvary's bloody hill
The Prince of life they'd mock and kill
But then He rose – victory to seal
Now for His glory use your skill
He'll take your every loss and heal
With everlasting joy fill!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

"That's My King!" Whose Presence We Desire There Is No Longing Higher He's All That We Require The Everything Supplier Our Righteousness Attire And All In All Entire!

In all your ways, please strive to know
The Lord to Whom your life you owe
He saved your soul from every foe
For on that cross Christ took your woe
Then rose to make all blessings flow
Throughout your life His power He'll sew
You won't be weak – tossed to and fro
Conviction from Him makes you grow
Comfort He'll bring when you're low
Courage in your heart bestow
At Him all hopes and dreams just throw
Desire His presence now below
And soon in heav'n all joys He'll show
And then all things you'll have you'll know!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

"That's My King!" On Him Alone You Should Lean In Him Is Wisdom Seen For He Died To Make You Clean And Grant You Peace Serene!

Don't be wise in your own eyes
Because often you tell yourself lies
Of every imaginable size
Which leads you to compromise
The perfect wisdom God supplies
He doesn't want your demise
So He sent His Son to die and rise
To save you from sin's compromise
And grant you highs beyond sin's lies
For He's your everlasting Prize!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Don't lean on what you understand
Your Godless thoughts are sinking sand
Every one so canned and bland
Compared to mighty God so grand
Just lean on His everlasting hand
His Son met every demand
He died and rose just as He planned
So you might obey His every command
And all the wicked sin withstand
Then He will all your joy expand
You'll finally see His face firsthand!

That's my King!

Jesus on His Father leaned
And to His side by prayer He cleaved
Great joy, wisdom, power received
To do His perfect will achieved
Died and left all sad, bereaved
But rose all fear and tears relieved
Lost sinners reconciled, retrieved
Salvation for all who've believed
To give a joy beyond conceived!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

"That's My King!" Whom You Should Trust He Died For Sinners Filled With Lust And Rose To Make His People Just Through His Spirit Hearts Combust To Burn For Him This Is A Must!

The world is falling apart
It's been falling apart ever since sin entered the world
But we trust in the Lord our God!

The world is falling apart
Authority in the highest places is being abused
Good is being called evil and evil is being called good
Evil is being celebrated and rejoiced in
But we trust in the Lord our God!

The world is falling apart
Racist people are still hating and killing
Radical Islamic terrorists are killing and raping
People are shooting up movie theaters
Police brutality is harming the helpless
Pastors are disqualifying themselves from ministry through sexual immorality
But we trust in the Lord our God!

The world is falling apart
False doctrine is running wild in the church
Money is loved more than God
False prophets are proclaiming a false Jesus
Many pastors are lovers of money rather than lovers of God
But we trust in the Lord our God!

The world is falling apart
The White House is arrayed in rainbow colors
Sexual immorality is celebrated all over our land
Those who stand for truth may suffer greatly in the near future
But we trust in the Lord our God!

The world is falling apart
Planned Parenthood is dismembering babies
And selling their hearts, heads, livers, and lungs
Children are being enslaved, used, and abused all around the world
The poor are starving
Unreached people don't have access to the Gospel
Our neighbors in Olney still don't know Jesus
But we trust in the Lord our God!

The world is falling apart
We are falling apart because of our sin
The greatest enemy you face is your own sin
Sin separates you from God
Sin leads to death
Sin messes up your life
Sin will send you to hell forever
God will send you to hell forever because of your sin
But there is a sin bearer named Jesus Who came to save us from our sin!
Jesus paid it all – all to Him I owe!
Jesus died on that cross for sinners and rose from the dead so that you might be saved!
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved!
And so we trust in the Lord our God!

The world is falling apart!
But Jesus our God-Man Champion has come!
Jesus our God-Man Champion has perfectly obeyed!
Jesus our God-Man Champion has perfectly loved!
Jesus our God-Man Champion has perfectly trusted!
Jesus our God-Man Champion has died!
Jesus our God-Man Champion has risen!
Jesus our God-Man Champion is coming back!
And so, no matter what, we trust in the Lord our God!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Never Leaves And Won't Forsake God's Covenant He'll Never Break The Paths Of Righteousness He'll Take And Make You Good For His Name's Sake!

Her looks can kill and you entrance
She speaks of love and deep romance
She melts your heart with just one glance
Her words are smooth your self enhance
Her attention makes you dance
But wisdom warns of her advance
Death is in her wicked manse
Where hell-fire burns in wide expanse
So turn to Christ and find romance
New life in Him your soul entrance
Give Him alone your every glance
He's here to give you one more chance
So trust in Him and life advance
He'll give you pleasures in God's manse!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

Christ is God's pure virgin Son
He had no sin nor lust, no none
He lived a life of love and won
Grace and peace for all who shun
The foolish sin that we've all done
Oh trust in Christ and to Him run
He's pure like light beyond the sun
His beauty your eyes simply stun
He died and rose – His work is done
Yet work in you has just begun
He'll make your sin be no more fun
And make you good just like the Son!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Will Change Your Heart From Evil Men He'll Set Apart And Be Your Joy From The Start!

The Bible says there's no one good
Who's done the justice as he should
But if God's wisdom's understood
You'll walk the good path as you should
Because with joy now you would
Wisdom's in your heart for good
Because He died upon that wood
Then rose – in victory He stood
To save in every Philly hood!

That's my King!

Knowing God delights your soul
His pleasant truth will make you whole
His captivating love control
And all your pain and loss console
Our God Himself is the great goal
Not His gifts or a money roll
So trust in Him – His name extol
He died and rose to save your soul!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

From wicked men you'll turn away
Their joy in evil has no sway
You've found a joy more than gay
To follow Jesus and obey
Perversity and lies they say
But you've been raised to brightest day
To walk with Christ – He is the Way
Yet evil men would mock and slay
Hit and spit and Christ betray
He wasn't guarded from the fray
He took God's wrath on judgment day
But death won't get the final say
His body would not see decay
He rose to conquer men who stray
And put His grace on full display
With Christ you'll never go astray!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

"That's My King!" Who's Wisdom's Treasure He's Knowledge And Instruction Without Measure So Seek In Him Your Greatest Pleasure!

Jesus is always the most upright
Blameless with integrity out of sight
Yet He would take our wicked plight
And suffer God's eternal smite
No shield to guard Him from the bite
Endured sin's bitter, darkest night
But then He rose as hope's great light
He's our strong and fighting Knight
Has all might
Saves from any plight
Forever will excite
As heaven's Height
And purest Delight
So trust in Him and live upright!

That's my King! Do you know Him?

God's precious Words you must receive
Remember, treasure, and believe
Then God's Spirit you won't grieve
A wise and holy life achieve
You'll follow Christ and never leave
The lies of sin will not deceive
You'll run to Him by faith and cleave
From all your fears He will relieve
Full joy in Him you can't conceive!

That's my King! That's my King!

Monday, June 22, 2015

"That's My King!" Who's The Rock Of Our Salvation!

I've taken this excellent description of Jesus Christ by William Plumer and put it in the form of Dr. S. M. Lockridge's "That's my King!" It comes from Plumer's chapter, Christ All In All, in his book, The Rock Of Our Salvation.

Jesus Christ is a wonderful, a glorious Person!
His names and titles are as important as they are significant!
Every one of them is as ointment poured forth!
His people sit under His shadow with great delight!
His fruit is sweet to their taste!
He is altogether lovely!
He is our Advocate!
The Angel of the covenant!
The Author and Finisher of our faith!
He is as the Apple-tree among the trees of the forest!
He's the Alpha and the Omega!
He is our Beloved!
He's the Shepherd and Bishop of souls!
He's the Bread of Life!
He's the Righteous Branch!
He's the Bridegroom!
He's the express Image of His person!
He is a Bundle of myrrh!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

He's the Creator!
He's the Captain!
He's the Counselor!
He's the Covenant!
He's the Cornerstone!
He's a Shelter from the storm!
He's the Chief among ten thousand!
He is to His people as the Dew!
He's the Door into the fold!
He's the Day-star!
He's the Deliverer!
He's the Diadem, and the Desire of all nations, ranks, and generations of pious men!
In their eyes He is the Elect, Emmanuel, the everlasting Father and eternal life!
He is a Fountain of living waters to thirsty souls!
He is a Fountain of joy to troubled souls!
He is the Foundation on which His people of all ages safely build their hopes of heaven!
He is the Father of eternity!
The Fir-tree under whose shadow the saints rejoice!
The First and the Last!
The First Fruits of the greatest harvest ever gathered!
The First-born among many brethren, and the First-begotten from the dead!

That's my King!

To His chosen He is as the most fine Gold!
He's a Guide!
He's a Governor!
He's a Glorious Lord!
He's God!
He's the true God!
He's God over all blessed forever!
He is the Head of the church!
He's the Health, the Hope, the Husband, the Heritage, the habitation of His people!
He is the horn of their salvation!
He rides upon the heavens by His name JAH!
He is the Jehovah, the Inheritance, Judge, and King of His saints!
He is their Light, their Life, their Lord, their Leader, their Lawgiver, their Atoning Lamb, the Lily of the Valley, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah!
He is the Man Christ Jesus!
He's the Master!
He's the Mediator!
He's the Messenger of the covenant!
He's the Minister of the true sanctuary!
He is the mighty God of Isaiah!
He's the Michael of Daniel!
He's the Melchisedek of David and of Paul!
He's the bright and morning Star of John!
He's the Messiah of all the prophets!
He is the Only-begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth!
He is at once the Root and the Offspring of David!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

He is the Peace!
He's the Prince!
He's the Priest!
He's the Prophet!
He's the Potentate!
He's the Purifier!
He's the Physician of souls!
He's the Plant of renown!
He's the Power of God unto salvation!
He's the Passover of all saints!
He is a Polished Shaft in the quiver of God!
He is the Rock!
He's the Refuge!
He's the Ruler!
He's the Refiner!
He's the Righteousness and the Resurrection of all who walk in the light!
He is the Rose of Sharon!
He is the Seed of the woman!
He's the Seed of Abraham!
He's the Seed of David!
He's the Stem of Jesse!
He's the Son of God!
He's the Son of Man!
He's the Shield!
He's the Strength!
He's the Surety!
He's the Shiloh!
He's the Sacrifice!
He's the Sanctuary!
He's the Salvation!
He's the Sanctification!
He's the Sun of Righteousness to all believers!

That's my King!

He is the Truth!
He's the Treasure!
He's the Teacher!
He's the Temple!
He's the Tree of Life!
He's the great Testator of His Church!
He is the Way!
He's the Well of salvation!
He's the Word of God!
He's the Wisdom of God!
He's the Faithful Witness!
His person is one!
His natures are two!
He is both human and divine!
He's finite and infinite!
He's created and uncreated!
He was before Abraham, though not born for ages after that patriarch slept with His fathers!
He was dead, and behold He is alive forevermore!
On earth He had no where to lay His head, yet He disposes of all diadems!
By Him kings rule and princes decree justice!
He has the arm of a God, and the heart of a brother!
To Him all tongues shall confess and all knees bow!
Yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered!
None loves like Him, none pities like Him, none saves like Him!

That's my King!

It is not surprising that such a person lives and reigns in the hearts of His people!
No marvel that the virgins love Him!
The saints praise Him!
The martyrs die for Him!
The confessors are not ashamed of Him!
The sorrowing sigh for Him!
The penitent lie at His cross and pour out their tears before Him!
The humble trust in Him!
The believing lay fast hold of Him and will not let Him go!
His frown shakes the frame of universal nature!
His smile gives life!
His presence converts dungeons into palaces!
His blood cleanses from all sin!
His righteousness is the white robe of the redeemed!
If men would be safe, or wise, or holy, or happy, or useful, or strong, or victorious - let them look to JESUS!
Let them look to none else!
Let them walk in Him, abide in Him, glory in Him, and count as loss all things besides!
You may look at the law until the spirit of bondage overwhelms you with terrors and torments!
You may go about to establish your own righteousness until you can boast, and sin, and perish like a Pharisee!
You may weep until the fountain of your tears has gone dry!
You may have all gifts, understand all mysteries, bestow all your goods to feed the poor, and yield your body to be burned!
But all these things will not atone for sin, will do nothing toward regaining the lost favor of God, will not make you fit for the inheritance of the saints in light!
"None but Christ! None but Christ! None but Christ!" has been the cry of the faithful witnesses of all ages when truth has triumphed, when sinners were converted, when saints shouted for joy, when the Word of God mightily grew and prevailed!

That's my King!

We are cleansed through His blood!
We are clothed in His righteousness!
We are purified by His Spirit!
We meet the demands of the Law of this day of grace when we walk as He walked and have the same mind that was in Him!
In proportion as men are truly pious, they make Jesus the foundation and the top-stone, the sum, and substance, and center of all their hopes and rejoicings before God!
He is accepted and believed on in the world, not merely because there is no other Savior, but because His way of saving sinners precisely suits their case, and because it brings glory to God in the highest!
The true believer not only trusts in Christ, but makes his boast in Him!
He not only makes mention of Him; he admits none into comparison with Him!
To all the ends, parts, and purposes of salvation, Christ stands alone!
There is none like Him!
There is none with Him!
There is none before Him!
There is none after Him!
There is none beside Him!
He had no predecessor!
He has, and shall have no successor!
He has no vicegerent!
He has no assistant!
He wears an undivided crown, and wields a perfect sovereignty over an undivided kingdom!
If God's people exalt Him above all others, so does His holy and eternal Father!
If they crown Him Lord of all, God also has highly exalted Him, and given Him a name that is above every name!
If they surpassingly admire and extol Him, there is cause for this preference!
It is a holy, reasonable thing, to fall before Him and cry, "My Lord and my God!"
If He is the delight of his redeemed people, He is also the delight of His Father!
Listen to the voice from the excellent glory: "This is my beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased!"

That's my King! That's my King!

God And The Gospel

To learn more about the great and true Triune God, the God-ManJesus Christ, and His glorious Gospel message and everlasting Kingship, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Forgave You More Than You Could Ever Dream For From His Veins Flowed A Healing Stream And Though Our Families Cry And Scream He Rose To Be Salvation's Theme And Soon All Things He Will Redeem!

Our great King Jesus owed no debt
Was sinless, perfect by His sweat
By faith His righteousness we get
And though He worked us out of debt
He would pay the hell we fret
Take upon Himself God's threat
For at the cross He paid our debt
Where wrath and love and mercy met
So now forever we are set
There's peace and joy – no regret!
He died and rose to pay our debt!

That's my King!  Do you know Him?!

And since He showed us so much grace
We must forgive in every case
No matter how wicked and base
The sin against us in our face
That day we wish we could erase
The wicked murders based on race
But two days after manhunt chase
The ones who'd lost so much embrace
And looked the killer in the face
"We forgive" they said with grace
"You need our Christ to take your place!"
Oh friends this is amazing grace
Won't you our humble Christ embrace!
Who died for every tribe and race!
Real soon He'll take us to a place
Of sin and death there'll be no trace
He'll wipe all tears from every face
Then Him with joy we'll embrace
Forever sing and praise His grace!

That's my King!  That's my King!  

Saturday, June 13, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Cries And Pleads To Sinners Full Of Wicked Deeds And If You Turn To Where He Leads Then To Your Hearts His Mercy Speeds For Sinners Vile His Heart Still Bleeds In Him He Will Meet All Our Needs O'er All Our Sin His Grace Exceeds!

At Broad and Olney wisdom cries
While the SEPTA bus driver sighs
The Nation of Isalm's wearin' bow ties, sellin' bean pies, and tellin' lies
Jehovah's Witnesses have a different jesus who didn't bodily rise
Muslims deny the God-Man Who died and rose before all eyes
But Wisdom still cries against the lies
Because we love all the girls and guys
Both our allies and those who despise
We speak truth in love in the lows and highs
We long to see people become wise
Repent and trust in Christ so we can baptize
Jesus is worthy, even if the preacher dies
Because Jesus is the greatest prize!

That's my King!  Do you know Him?!

Jesus cried in the street
He had the most beautiful feet
Preaching the Gospel complete
He was not quiet or discrete
But He brought the light and heat
He would've made you get up off your seat
And get your phone out and tweet
About His amazing grace so sweet
He was hanged on that cross like a piece of meat
Of all God's wrath He was in receipt
Then rose from the dead, for death He beat
And every enemy He'll defeat
All your sins He will delete
If you bow down humble at His feet
And trust the Son Who's in the street!

That's my King!  That's my King!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Saves Vile Sinners That Entice They Ambushed Him For The Right Price His Death And Rising Would Suffice To Swallow Death And Every Vice!

Jesus is our preeminent example of the One Who was enticed with a huge price but did not consent nor let His knee be bent to the wicked devil's torment, but He was content with His Father's intent – He did His Father's will to any extent even to the descent of the humiliation of the cross so that He Who did not consent has made the greatest assent to the right hand of God the Father almighty!
Jesus was enticed by the devil after 40 days without food when He was very hungry, but He did not consent!
Jesus was enticed by the devil to test God and throw Himself down from the temple heights, but He did not consent!
Jesus was enticed by the devil to worship the devil and promised all the kingdoms of this world and their splendor, but He did not consent!
Jesus was enticed by Peter not to suffer many things and be killed, but He did not consent and told Peter: "Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man."
Jesus was enticed by Peter not to humble Himself and wash His disciples' feet, but He did not consent!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

Jesus was enticed in the Garden of Gethsemane not to go to the cross, but He did not consent! And said to His Father: "Not My will, but Yours be done!"
Jesus was enticed and tempted in every respect as we are, yet without sin because He did not, would not, and shall not consent!
He did not consent so that we might be saved from all our consenting!
He did not consent so that we might be forgiven!
He did not consent so that we might be adopted as the children of God!
He did not consent so that we might inherit every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places!
He did not consent so that all things work together for our good!
He did not consent so that all our needs might be met according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus!
He did not consent so that we might be totally satisfied in Him alone and have Him as our all in all!
He did not consent so that we might be made into the image of Christ!
He did not consent so that we might die to sin and not live in it any longer!
He did not consent so that we might not consent and say no to sin!
He did not consent so that we might love one another deeply!
He did not consent so that we might love our enemies, bless those who curse us, and pray for those who persecute us!
He did not consent so that we might enjoy fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore one day where there will be no more death, no more sin, no more tears, and no more pain!
He did not consent, but oh how He let Himself be ambushed by the wicked!
Oh He is the most innocent One, yet He allowed Himself to be ambushed by the greatest evil to ever cross the horizon of this world, so that He might die on that cross and rise again to save sinners from all evil forevermore!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

“That's My King!” Who's The Greatest Son, His Father's Instruction Was Perfectly Done, His Garland And Pendants Are Second To None, And With All Authority He Shines Like The Sun!

He always obeyed and never delayed
But decade after decade His beauty's displayed
And perfectly arrayed
From His Father's will He can't be swayed
From His mother's teaching He never strayed
He loved and served and always prayed
Yet by a friend He was betrayed
And all our gruesome debts He paid
With spit and mocking they'd degrade
And no one came to give Him aid
He died and in that grave He laid
But then He'd rise and death evade
So now He reigns – don't be afraid
But trust the Son Who has obeyed
His life in you will soon invade
As in His shadow you find shade!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

"That's My King!" Who's Wisdom And Instruction He Needs No Introduction Practices Righteousness And Justice Without Obstruction His Fear Of The LORD Brings Evil's Destruction And His Glorious Beauty Is Our Greatest Seduction!

Jesus is wise in the people's eyes
He's the greatest prize of infinite size
He died with forsaken cries
But then from death and pains of hell He'd rise
And our redemption buys 
To bring us unimaginable highs 
And make us wise through His supplies
So trust in Him Who dies
Then come – let us baptize
And follow Him Who is so wise!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

"That's My King!" Who's Purity Most Undefiled Yet On His Back Our Sins Were Piled And At The Cross He Was Defiled So We Could Love The Orphan Child And Care For Widows Meek And Mild!

Jesus is the most religious Man Who has ever crossed the horizon of this world!
He's pure!
He's powerful!
He's perfect!
He's passionate!
He's peaceful!
He's perplexing!
He's perpetual!
He's persistent!
He's proper!
He's prepared!
He's practical!
He's purposeful!
He's proactive!
He's protective!
He's prominent!
He's prudent!
He's popular!
He's precious!
He's preeminent!

That's my King!

He's undefiled
He's understanding!
He's unashamed!
He's unending!
He's unstoppable!
He's uncontainable!
He visited this most needy world with the only visitation that could save us from all of our sins and make everything wrong right!
He visited the blind and made them see!
He visited the deaf and made them hear!
He visited the sick and made them well!
He visited the dead and made them live!

That's my King!  Do you know Him?!

He visited the lonely widow and gave her back her son from the dead:  Luke 7:12-16: As He approached the town gate, a dead person was being carried out - the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the town was with her. When the Lord saw her, His heart went out to her and He said, "Don't cry." Then He went up and touched the coffin, and those carrying it stood still. He said, "Young man, I say to you, get up!" The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother. They were all filled with awe and praised God. "A great prophet has appeared among us," they said. "God has come to help his people."
He'll visit you and satisfy your every deepest desire and longing!
He still visits sinners and saves them from the wrath, judgment, and curse of God if they will only repent and believe in Him!

That's my King!

He loves us so much He makes us His brothers and sisters and children of His amazing Father!
He rose up from the dead and returned to His Father and our Father, and His God and our God to forever intercede for us and make sure we are perfectly and perpetually taken well care of!
He fills us with so much joy in Him and the love of God the Fahter that we overflow with love that gladly meets the needs of others and prays, adopts, disciples, gives, stands up for the unborn, and dreams and prays of ways we could never dream or imagine to visit, love, and take care of all manner of orphans and widows all over the world!

That's my King!  That's my King!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

It's Friday But Sunday's Comin'! (Spanish)

Es Viernes
Pero el Domingo se acerca!
By S.M. Lockridge

Es Viernes
Jesus está orando
Pedro esta durmiendo, Judas esta traicionándole
Pero el Domingo se acerca!

Es Viernes
Pilatos esta en aprietos
El consejo esta conspirando
La multitud esta difamando
Ellos ni siquiera saben que el Domingo se acerca!

Es Viernes santo
Los discípulos estan corriendo como ovejas sin pastor
María está llorando
Pedro esta negándo
Pero ellos no saben que el Domingo se acerca!

Es Viernes
Los Romanos golpean a mi Jesús
Lo visten de escarlata
Lo coronan de espinos
Pero ellos no saben que el Domingo se acerca!

Es Viernes santo
Mira a Jesús caminando hacia el Calvario
Su sangre chorrea
Su cuerpo tambalea
Y Su Espíritu cargado
Pero ya ves, solo es Viernes
El Domingo se acerca!

Es Viernes
El mundo está ganando
Las personas estan pecando
Y el diablo esta sonriente

Es Viernes
Los soldados clavan las manos de mi Salvador en la cruz
Ellos clavan los pies de mi Salvador en la cruz
Y luego lo levantan a la par de criminales
Es Viernes
Pero déjame decirte algo: el Domingo se acerca!

Es Viernes
Los discípulos estan cuestionando
Qué le ha sucedido Rey
Y los Fariseos estan celebrando que sus artimanas se han conseguido
Pero ellos ni siquiera saben que solo es Viernes
El Domingo se acerca!

Es Viernes
El está colgando en la cruz
Sintiendose abandonad por Su Padre
Dejado solo y muriendo
¿Puede alguien salvarlo?

Ooooh, es Viernes
Pero el Domingo se acerca!

Es Viernes
La tierra tiembla
El cielo se oscurece
Mi Rey entrega Su espíritu

Es Viernes
La esperanza esta perdida
La muerte ha ganado
El pecado ha vencido
Y Satanás esta solo riendose

Es Viernes
Jesús esta sepultado
Un soldado hace guardia
Una roca es rodada en el lugar

Pero es Viernes
Solo Viernes
Pero el Domingo se acerca!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Rose Up From The Bitter Grave And Lives – New Life To Sinners Gave For Everyone He Came To Save So We Could Be His Holy Slave, Wholly Behave And Him Alone Forever Crave!

Unless Christ comes we all will die
It could be soon – for all draws nigh
And then the living may ask why
When all we see around us cry
Our Jesus wept – His eyes weren't dry
And so let's to His mercy fly
Who's bruised and whipped and cursed He'd die
But conquer death and sin deny
All death – the enemy – defy
He is the Resurrection high
He'll be your every joy supply
But now it is OK to cry
He'll comfort you in the goodbye
All grace and mercy He'll apply
Believe His Word – on Him rely!

That's my King!

On the first day of that joy-pierced week
When everything around looked bleak
From groans and weeping they were weak
To find His corpse they came to seek
And hide with spice death's smelly reek
But oh what they would find unique
The risen Christ in full mystique
His resurrection is the peak
Of all His saving work complete
Of this salvation we must speak
And tell all sinners poor and weak
To turn from sin and future bleak
Where hell-fire burns with no retreat
He quenched these flames with bloodied shriek
And conquered death to end its streak
To save all nations Jew and Greek
From Syria to Mozambique
So come to Him and Treasure seek
Of all true pleasure He's the peak!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

The Resurrection changes everything
The bitter punch of death does swing
And to our knees in grief will bring
Sin is crushing death's deep sting
But He's the mighty risen King
Who killed all death and took its sting
And He'll forever make you sing
His beauty surpasses everything
His praises will forever ring
Up from the tomb our King did spring
By faith to Him forever cling!

That's my King!

Of this great Christ we must go and tell
So those around won't go to hell
Instead with Christ in glory dwell
Where joys increase, and all is well
To fears of speaking let's dispel
And to our silence say farewell
From the mountains let us yell
"Christ is risen!" does compel
Speak the truth in love propel
And by your actions don't repel
So some must come out of their shell
Our Christ is worthy we must tell
He suffered all the pains of hell
And rose alive to joys swell
Sends missionaries from Cornell
Oh praise His name He does excel
In every beauty we could tell!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Was Buried In A Rich Man's Tomb He Took His Father's Wrathful Doom It Seemed That Life Would Not Resume And All Men's Hearts Were Filled With Gloom But He Would Rise – All Power Assume!

Jesus was buried
Joseph of Arimathea was looking for the Kingdom
Pilate was surprised the King was already dead
Mary saw where her King was laid
But His Resurrection is comin'!

Jesus was buried
The Messiah was cursed
The corpse is lifeless
Dreams were shattered
Love was lost
Hope is dead
But His Resurrection is comin'!

Jesus was buried
His disciples are shocked
Depression, sadness, fear, and despair have set in
Deep cries of anguish are heard
Tears are flowing, and they can't be stopped
The mourners cannot be consoled
But let me tell you something
His Resurrection is comin'!

Jesus was buried
The Roman centurion confirmed that He's dead
They pierced Him with a spear
His heart is not beating
He's no longer breathing
His body is called a corpse
There's no life in Him
But His Resurrection is comin'!

Jesus was buried
All Joseph's hopes and dreams were buried with Him
He'd lose his high place among the Council
He'd lose respect
He'd lose the praise and honor of men
He'd lose money
He'd lose prestige
He'd lose popularity
He'd lose profit
He'd lose his life
But he took courage
Because Jesus is worthy
And he left everything to follow Christ
Because they don't know
That His Resurrection is comin'!

Jesus was buried
And if you believe in Him
All of you was buried with Him too
All of you died with Him too
All of you was in the grave with Him too
But that's not the end of the story
Because His Resurrection is comin'!

Jesus was buried
And Christians have been buried by faith in Him
Your sins have all been buried
Your failures have all been buried
Your mistakes have all been buried
Your abortions have all been buried
Your anger has all been buried
Your lust has all been buried
Your addictions have all been buried
Your addiction to pornography has all been buried
Your addictions to glory, girls, and gold have all been buried
Your gossip has all been buried
Your disobedience to your parents has all been buried
Your selfishness has all been buried
Your sexual immorality has all been buried
Your coveting and jealousy have all been buried
Your foolishness and poor judgment have all been buried
Your sinful thoughts, feelings, and motives have all been buried
Your failure to love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and your failure to love your neighbor as yourself has all been buried
And everything else you have done to displease God – it has all been buried in that tomb!
And in Christ all those sins have been punished with the eternal fires of God's wrath so you are free from judgment and condemnation forever!
And all those sins have been buried, never to rise again!
Because His Resurrection has come!

Jesus was buried
And dear Christian your sins have been buried with Him
So put off your sins and bury them all because they've all been buried!
Bury abortion and turn away from it to life!
Bury your anger and turn away from it to love!
Bury lust and turn away from it to purity!
Bury your addictions and be addicted to Christ alone!
Bury your addiction to pornography and seek to be pure in heart that you might see God!
Bury your addictions to glory, girls, and gold and find more in Christ than all combined!
Bury your gossip and speak only what is true, only what is loving, and only what is helpful!
Bury your disobedience to your parents and obey them for the glory of God!
Bury your selfishness and live for God and others!
Bury your sexual immorality and honor God with your bodies!
Bury your coveting and jealousy and weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice!
Bury your sinful thoughts, feelings, and motives and think thoughts that are holy, good, true, loving, and pleasing to God!
Bury your lack of love for God and for others because they have already been buried in Christ!
And you've been raised with Him to walk in newness of life forevermore!
Because His Resurrection has come and yours will come soon and very soon!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Saves And Sets The Women Free For To His Reign They Bow The Knee And From His Side They Did Not Flee But His Redemption Came To See!

Woman is the most beautiful in all God's creation
She's the glory of man who brings great elation
Her main beauty's not seen in her hair or outward presentation
Even though that takes your breath away and causes infatuation
Her beauty's most seen in a heart fixation
On the glorious King of our great salvation
He's her preoccupation, infatuation, and holy fascination
Who causes intoxication more than anything else in all of creation
Like the women in our text who viewed His propitiation
And stayed around the confrontation
When most of the twelve hid in hibernation
They looked on Jesus with great admiration
They followed Him to the end without reservation
They ministered to His needs in His life occupation
Encouraged His work for the whole duration
They're last at the cross and first at the resurrection jubilation
Where He rose from the dead to bring reformation and justification so there's no condemnation
Now His love causes intoxication
While He fashions us for total beautification
As we delight in Him – our sure foundation!

That's My King!  I wonder if you know Him today?!

To Jesus alone the women would look
As the ground beneath them shimmied and shook
For all their sins He died and took
To follow Him all things they forsook
They'd trust in Him and obey His Book
And to Christ Who is all they always look!

He said follow Me; And I hope you'll see
He'll set you free
Who died on the tree
To free you from your selfish me
To bow the knee
With joyous glee
To the great One in Three
These women didn't flee
Because He's the greatest Me
And to all satisfaction He is the Key
Who helps you to be all He wants you to be!

That's my King!

To Jesus they ministered with all their heart
They're with Him first even right from the start
And from His side they'd never depart
Because it's King Jesus Who's captured their heart!

Jesus' love for women is deep and clear
His care for them is without peer
He treats them with honor as those who are dear
And soon yet again He'll bring them near
From following Him they'll never veer
At the tomb to one He will appear
And Christ they'll worship and revere
As the God-Man Who died sincere
Then rose alive to make them cheer
He sets them free from every fear!

That's my King!  That's my King!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Was Utterly Forsaken In Darkest Cries His Heart Was Shaken The Curtain Rent Was Overtaken He's God's Son There's No Mistakin' From The Grave He Would Awaken So That We Won't Be Forsaken!

Darkness covered all the land
And judgment came just as God planned
For His justice would demand
A sacrifice for sin at hand
In the darkness He's been banned
From His Father's presence grand
We see how bad sin is firsthand
And God's holy heart's demand
He crushed His Son with His own hand
This love we cannot understand
It's past our knowing it's so grand
And through our lives it will expand
For He rose to death withstand
Empowered us – His Spirit fanned
To go and teach all He'd command
And make His children like the sand
As we take Him our joy grand!

That's my King!  Do you know Him?

On that cross He took our place
Was made our sin so low and base
Was mocked and spit on in the face
So we could have amazing grace
The curtain torn like flimsy lace
So to His arms we now can race
To enter in His holy space
Regardless of our sinful case
Our God in Christ will us embrace
And bless us with His shining face
Forgive our sins without a trace
With good and mercy He will chase
For all our lives He'll give more grace
Since His Son He did deface, debase, disgrace, and efface
But raised Him up – the graved He'd ace
The Son of God – He's full of grace
And saves from every tribe and race
So come by faith and Him embrace!

That's my King!  That's my King!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

"That's My King!" Who's The Perfect Image Of God Bearer And Never Made An Error Yet Satisfied God's Terror And Died As The Sin Bearer Then Rose To Be The Glory Sharer And Bring All Nations Together To Make Them One As His Righteousness Wearer – There's Truly No One Fairer!

The racism in America we've had
From the beginning has been bad
Native Americans pushed out mad
Slavery leaving families sad
Segregation to this add
What wicked hearts vile men have had
But there's a way to change this bad
To take the mad and make them glad
And to the sad great joy add
If Christ is all we hope we had
Dressed in His righteousness we're clad
Then all the bad and mad and sad
He'll take away and make us glad!

That's my King!

In God's image we've been made
The crown of all His work displayed
In every color, type, and shade
For His glory we've been made
And so we love and don't degrade
His image that we see portrayed
But we've all sinned His Word evade
And in His image sin pervade
But Jesus came to give us aid
He died and for our sins He paid
In the grave He dead was laid
But rose so death and hell were slayed
And now we're in His image made
That we'd be one just like He prayed!

That's my King!  I wonder if you know Him today?!

God made from one man every nation
Chinese, Korean, American, Jamaican, and Haitian
He made us look different in all creation
He delights in all our culture and color manifestation
We're made in His image for glorification
To spread His fame to every nation
And take dominion over all creation
"Christ is all!" is our foundation
To do away with racial segregation and frustration
And all the sin done on the plantation
Jesus died as our propitiation
Then rose for our justification
To give us salvation
And make us ONE in blood relation
The blood of Christ is our common celebration
And now we're family without segregation
With Christ as our holy fixation
As we turn from all racial degradation
And love like family without separation
Since Christ is all our preoccupation
And in us all as our life animation
We turn from every hateful temptation
And live for Him – our great contemplation!

That's my King!  That's my King!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Taught Us How To Pray But First He Led And Showed The Way Then Told Us What To Ask And Say So We Would Never Go Astray But Seek To Obey And Put His Glory On Display So Let's Bow Down To Praise And Pray!

Jesus prayed and took the lead
To show us how to beg and plead
To ask our Father without greed
For daily bread and every need
But in this prayer He'd plant the seed
To show the world its greatest need
It's Him – His holy name indeed
Our Father is our all we read
Hallowed be His name agreed
May all His will be done succeed
His Kingdom come as it's decreed
Please come Lord Jesus with all speed!
For You did die and for us bleed
Then rose so in Your name we'd plead
And all Your Words obey and heed
So lead from every evil deed
Let no temptation life impede
But make our joy in You exceed
Since I'm Your child it's guaranteed!

That's my King!  Do you know Him?!

Our Father knows what's always best
He'll give you what will make you blessed
Even though right now you're stressed and depressed
Since He knows all – He's never guessed
And loves with deepest love confessed
He only, always gives what's best
So trust your Father's hand and rest
He's never oppressed
Won't leave you depressed
But shows His greatest love expressed
When with His Son your left possessed
Since He passed the test
Fulfilled His quest with zest when He died and rose impressed
To cast your sins as far as East is from West
And leave you with His glory obsessed
Then you'll know your loved and blessed by the best in the Holy One Who grants your request!

That's my King!  That's my King!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Jesus Is Lord! By S. M. Lockridge

The title Lord is a mark of respect and is implied pledge of obedience.
Once Simon Peter stood before a hostile crowd and said: "God hath made that same Jesus Whom ye have crucified both Lord and Christ."

Christ represents the thing which God hath done to redeem us.
Lord represents that we ought to do because we are redeemed.

We ought to call Him Master and be His obedient servants!
We ought to call Him Owner because He possesses absolutely our lives!
In Him we live and move and have our being!
We ought to call Him Father and be obedient sons and daughters!
He is our only hope!
He is our only help!
God is our refuge and our strength . . .

Jesus is Lord!

He came down the stairway of heaven:
Born in Bethlehem!
Brought up in Nazareth!
Baptized in Jordan!
Tempted in the wilderness!
Performed miracles by the roadside!
Healed multitudes without medicine and made no charges for His services!
He conquered everything that came up against Him!
He even went up on Calvary and died there and then went down in the grave!
And there cleaned out the grave and made it a pleasant place to wait for the resurrection!
And then on scheduled time by the might of His own power He got up with every form of power in the orbit of His omnipotence!
Men have been trying to wrestle His power from Him all these years!
Then, then they are trying to wait; they think that maybe one time His power will fail!
Men have tried to destroy Him!
But don't you know you can't destroy Him!
What you gonna use for power – all power belongs to Him!

Well, if you try to destroy Him by fire, He'll refuse to burn!
If you try to destroy Him by water, He'll walk on the water!
If you try to destroy Him by a strong wind, the tempest will lick His hand and lay down at His feet!
If you try to destroy Him with the Law, you'll find no fault in Him!
If you try to destroy Him with the seal of an empire, He'll break it!
If you try to destroy Him by putting Him in the grave, He'll rise!
If you try to destroy Him by rejection or ignoring Him, before you know it you'll hear a still, small voice saying behold I stand at the door and knock!
If a man open the door I'll come in and sup with Him!

He's Lord!

Yes He is!  He's Lord!

He's the Pearl from Paradise!
He's the Gem from the Glory Land!
He's the true fairest of the Jewel!
He's time's choicest Theme!
He's life's strongest Cord!
He's light's clearest Ray!
He's purity's whitest Peak!
He's glory's stateliest Summit!

He's Lord!

His name stands as a synonym for free healing, friendly help, and full salvation!
He blessed!
His blessed name is like honey to the taste!
It's like harmony to the ear!
It's like help to the soul!
It's like hope to the heart!

I'm trying to tell you – He's Lord!  Yes He is!

He is higher than the heaven of heavens!
And He's holier than the Holy of Holies!

He's Lord!

In His birth is our significance!
In His life is our example!
In His cross is our redemption!
In His resurrection is our hope!

He's Lord!

At His birth men came from the East!
At His death men came from the West!
And the East and the West met in Him!

He's Lord!  Yes He is!  Hallelujah!  He's Lord!

And the Lord God omnipotent reigneth!

And He, yes He will!  He's gonna reign, and you don't have to worry!
There will come a time when every knee is gonna bow!
Not only at the name but to the name!
And every knee is gonna bow in the name!
What!  Every knee is gonna bow and every tongue is gonna confess!
I confess that He's my Lord!
I love to call Him my Lord!
The Lord is love!
The Lord is my light and my salvation!
The Lord is the strength of my life!
The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want!
I shall not want for rest, for He maketh me to lie down in green pastures!
I shall not want for refreshment, for He leadeth me beside still waters!
I shall not want for forgiveness, for He restoreth my soul!
I shall not want for companionship, for yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for Thou art with me!
I shall not want for comfort, for Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me!
I shall not want for sustenance, for Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies!
I shall not want for joy, for Thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over!
I shall not want for anything in this life, for goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life!
I shall not want for anything in the life to come, for I'll dwell in the house of the LORD forever!

The LORD is my Shepherd I shall not want!
The LORD is my light and my salvation!

Is He yours?!

You can crown Him King in your own heart right now!

You can crown Him Lord of all in your heart right now!

Jesus Christ is Lord!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

"That's My King!" The Warrior Word Salvation Brings When Wisdom's Stirred So Now We Worship Undeterred And Good Works Do Through Grace Conferred!

The Bible is God's Word breathed out
Each word is perfect and devout
On every page find Christ the route
To grace and love with joyous shout
The Christ is what it's all about
He's more than all your greatest doubt
With Him all things you can do without
He's the stoutest of the stout
And owns all the greatest clout
So stop your selfish sadness pout
And end your Bible-reading drought
Then seek to find the Christ throughout
New wings of faith will grow and sprout
He'll crush your sinful, sluggish doubt
Please trust and cling to Christ all out
His glory's what it's all about!

That's my King!  Do you know Him?!

The Word makes us wise for salvation
And saves us from damnation
Through the grand propitiation
Of our greatest Preoccupation
Who's the God-Man Incarnation
He died and rose for our justification
And saves sinners from every nation
Who will worship in adoration
Die to sin and flee temptation
Fight false teaching by negation and without negotiation
And do good works with great elation
To all peoples from every relation
Because we're all a new creation
With one holy, bold fixation
The Son of the God-breathed narration
Our joy's great summation
So live and die for Him in humble jubilation!

That's my King!  That's my King!