He's the something greater than the temple that is here to stay because He died to pay and take our sins away that He might show us the way back to God to stay!
He's the East gate, the West gate, the North gate, and the South gate all at the same time!
He's the only gate by which you can get back to the Father!
He's the only Door through which we can enter in to be saved!
He's the inner court and the outer court Who went to court for us so we won't be condemned!
He's the Holy of Holies, the Most Holy Place, and the Holiest of the Holy come down to dwell among us and make a way for us to enter into God's joyous presence!
He's the Alter, the Priest, the Sacrifice, and the One Sacrificed to all at the same time so He could take away our sins forever!
He's the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world!
He's the Lamb without blemish Who knew no sin but was made sin that we might become the righteousness of God in Him!
That's my Temple! I wonder if you know Him today?!
He's the prince of peace Who sat down at the right hand of God!
He's the glory of the LORD Who fills the temple of the LORD Who is the Son of the LORD Who is the LORD of Lords Himself!
On that cross He was counted as the rebellious house and treated as a foreigner and an uncircumcised outcast so that you rebellious sinners could be made citizens of heaven, children of God, and the real circumcision who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh!
He's the minister of the sanctuary Who has oversight over all events in the lives of His children for their best and greatest good!
He's the slaughtered and burnt offering and sacrifice for His people so that they might be saved from God's judgment, wrath, and curse forever!
He bore the punishment we deserve, bore our shame and the abominations we have committed so that we will not face punishment, shame, or condemnation forever!
That's my Temple!
He's the great High Priest and Bridegroom Who will only marry a pure virgin, the Church, because He will make her pure in His beauty!
He's the Holy One Who will take the common and make it uncommon!
He's the Clean of cleans Who will take the unclean and make it clean!
He is the sin offering, declares the LORD!
He Himself is our inheritance!
He Himself is our possession!
He's our guilt offering and offering of every kind Who alone satisfies the heart of God on our behalf!
He'll put away all violence and oppression and execute justice and righteousness forevermore!
He'll cause the evictions of His people to cease for all time!
That's my Temple! Do you know Him?!
He has purified His people through His blood that has been splattered on the doorposts of their hearts, the gateways of their minds, and the alters of their souls!
He's all the joyous feasts and festivals combined into one man – the man of joy like no other!
He's the freewill offering!
He's the peace offering!
He's the oil of gladness!
He's the everlasting Sabbath Day!
He's the holy chamber!
He communicates holiness to His people!
He's the door of the temple!
He's the living water flowing from the threshold of the temple!
He's the river of God's delights!
He's the river that gives life to everything it touches!
He's the leaves that won't wither and the fruit that won't fail!
He's the fruit for our food and the leaves for our healing!
He's the choice portion of all that is holy to the LORD!
He Himself is “THE LORD IS THERE!”
That's my Temple!
Christ Jesus Is The Temple Stone
Who Would Be Killed And Overthrown
Like Him There Is No Beauty Known
He Speaks Such Words Like Never Sown
He Bore God’s Wrath For Sins Atone
Then Rose Alive God’s Glory’s Shown
So Trust In Him By Faith Alone
You’ll Be His Bride, Bone Of His Bone
God Will Adopt, Make You His Own
For When Christ Comes The Sinners Groan
And All The Wicked Overthrown
All Knees Will Bow Down To Him Prone
Gives Mercy Free To All Who’ve Flown
To Him Who Rules Upon His Throne
And Grants You Pleasures Pure Unknown!
That's my Temple! That's my Temple!
To learn more about the great and true Triune God, the God-Man, Jesus Christ, and His glorious Gospel message and everlasting Kingship, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.
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