Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah . . . has conquered . . . Revelation 5:5
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ . . . Galatians 6:14
You have been very angry with your Anointed One. Psalm 89:38
For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2
Let the motto upon your whole ministry be - "Christ is All!" - Cotton Mather

Saturday, December 21, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Came From Mary's Virgin Womb And Faced His Father's Wrathful Doom Then Resurrected From the Tomb To Be Our Everlasting Groom!

Why do you live upon the earth? 
What's your treasure – greatest worth? 
What fills your heart with sweetest mirth?  
Oh may it start with virgin birth! 
When God the Son came down to earth!  
He is our life's most precious worth!

That's my King!

Sadducees denied the resurrection
They came with a question for insurrection
But were overwhelmed by Christ's objection
He shut their mouths with truth correction
To His church He gives protection
From false teachers' death infection
On that cross He faced rejection
Even though He was perfection
Took on Him our sin collection
But gave the tomb the great ejection
For He's the life and resurrection! 

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

He's worthy of life-long reflection! 
He alone is our connection
To the God of all complexion
He'll give your life a new direction
Fill your heart with pure affection
You will never face rejection
For He's the God of your election
And He'll bring you to perfection!

That's my King!

Jesus told them they were wrong
Though they've read the Word lifelong
They don't know it – sounding gong
They deny that God is strong
He'll raise the dead and life prolong
To His family you'll belong
And in your heart He'll put a song
Join the everlasting throng
And praise His name with voices strong!

That's my King!

Marriage on earth will face cessation
Then – eternal celebration
The Lamb's our Spouse – our perfect relation
The church is His bride at the consummation
From every tongue and tribe and nation
He'll love and support without accusation
He'll protect and provide with no frustration
He satisfies your deepest aspiration
He's worthy of every and all adoration
Because on that cross He saved from damnation
To bring us the joys of eternal salvation
He's God of the living with no condemnation
Trust in Him now with no reservation
He'll fill you with fullness of joy's elation
And thus we praise the incarnation
The Word made flesh in combination
Let us adore in admiration!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Christ Jesus Is Our Life Resurrection
Our Holy Groom Of All Affection
There’s No Human Marriage And No Rejection
In Heaven Where Christ Is Every Perfection
He’s God Of The Living And Our Protection
Astonishing All With His Bold Correction
He Died On That Cross Under Wrath Subjection
Then Rose Up Alive In Power Projection
Now All That’s In Marriage, That Human Connection
You’ll Find It In Him Our Treasure Collection
God Chose Us In Him Through Sovereign Election
Because Of His Life We Change Our Direction
And Live From His Smile For Glory Reflection
For He’s Our Resurrection, Affection
And Perfect Perfection!

That's my King! That's my King!

To learn more about the great King Jesus and His glorious Gospel message, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Owns All Things, Bold Truth He Brings, And Caesar Bows To The King of Kings!

Jesus reigns over everything supreme! 
He's the King Who rules over every regime
He, above all, deserves highest esteem
He shed His own blood – a pure, healing stream
And rose from the grave – our lives to redeem
In His Father's eyes, He's the brightest gleam
By faith in Him you can share this gleam
Forgiven and righteous and all you don't seem
He saves the worst of sinners extreme
Of the greatest story ever told – He's the theme of themes
So bow to Him now as your joy supreme!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

The Devil tries our Christ to trap
False teachers flatter with their yap
The question they hope will soon unwrap
All His success and planning snap
He'll take and all their evil scrap
Their plans He stops and now we rap
His answer causes us to clap
He put this sentence on the map
Our Christ no one will ever trap!

That's my King!

We give to Caesar what we owe
God gave to him to rule below
Authority did God bestow
On kings and rulers high and low
For through this rule God's blessings grow
Even if man's rule below
God's good commandments out they throw
Against this rule will come God's woe
For He will punish every foe
And soon someday though time seems slow
Justice like waters down will flow
And righteousness o'er all He'll sow
For Christ did die once long ago
Upon Himself He took God's woe
That you deserve who were God's foe
He died to make you clean like snow
Then rose alive – death's sting forgo
Now o'er all death He shouts a "No!" 
And on your life mercies bestow!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

God bought you – now you are His own
His image on yourself is shown
He ripped right out your heart of stone
And makes you more like Christ full grown
You owe Him all you've ever known
All this since Christ was overthrown
He let Caesar Himself to own
And died upon that cross alone
For all our sins He did atone
Then rose to rule upon His throne
So look to Him and bow down prone
And find in Him delights unknown!

That's my King!

Christ Jesus Reigns And You Belong
To Him Alone, So Don’t Prolong 
Your Death To Self, But Come Along
To Him Who Died And Rose Up Strong
He Bore God’s Wrath For All Your Wrong
Redeems From Olney To Hong Kong
So Now Salvation Is Your Song
To Him Your Life, Your All Belong
You’ll Pay Your Taxes Full Lifelong
Submit To Caesars Who Do Wrong
For He’s Your Joy And Your Song
Your Marvel Who Can Do No Wrong!

That's my King! That's my King! 

Monday, December 2, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Was Single All His Life And Conquered Every Strife Then Gave His Precious Life So We Could Be His Wife!

The pleasures of marriage, Jesus never knew; He lived and died – the single Jew; There are joys in sex and intimacy true; But from a greater joy He drew; His Father's the greatest pleasure He knew; Pleasures forevermore and joys through and through! His delights in the Father flourished and grew; The pleasures of sin away He threw; No lust His heart would ever pursue; For God's beauty itself is the greatest view; His heart was crushed when this Beauty withdrew; For on that cross God's wrath would spew; Forsaken by God He paid our due; He became sin – for me and for you; Though no sin to Him would ever accrue; Then He arose and made all things new! To bring you to God – a bride clean and true; Come to Him now – your desires He'll subdue; You'll cry from your heart:  "All my joy is You!"
Oh Father please come – my need seems dire; Please come help me fight overwhelming desire; Oh God you alone can put out the fire;  Turn my eyes upon You and lift me up higher; To trust and obey all that You require; May I find "Christ is all!" –  my great King and Sire; And delight in Him – our greatest Desire!

That's my King!  I wonder if you know Him today?!

God's Word says singleness is the best way; And you'll be happier if single you stay; All your attention on God you can lay; He'll fill all your thoughts – to Him you can pray; He wants you alone with Him everyday; A Lover Who's jealous and won't let you stray; He's the fountain of all delight so survey; His glory about beauty on full display; He died to take all your sins away; And lives to give you life His way; So trust in Him and fight to obey; He'll grant you contentment – come what may!
One day you'll be married for eternal duration; This fact is certain – God's declaration; For all who trust in Christ for salvation; Will marry the Lamb in the new creation; His bride you will be from every nation; You'll marry the King – the best combination; Most loving, most kind, your closest relation; The greatest Spouse – beyond all expectation!  If you have Him, fear no deprivation; You'll know all is good at the consummation; Where joys in Him pass all imagination; And grow forever in great adoration; The Husband-King is all compensation; So find in Him life's full celebration!

That's my King!  That's my King!