He's the God Who does some of His greatest works in the universe while men are asleep!
He created Adam's bride while he was asleep, and she, like all faithful brides, points to the most beautiful, multiethnic, blood bought bride of Christ!
While Abram was asleep, God made a covenant with him, and promised to slaughter Himself if the covenant should not come to pass.
And He did slaughter Himself on that cross where all of the covenant curses Israel and we deserve fell upon Him!
While Jacob was asleep, God confirmed His covenant promises to him and showed him a ladder going up to heaven!
My King Jesus is the ladder to heaven – He's the only way we can ever enter paradise – the way, the truth, and the life!
When He revealed His glory on the mount of transfiguration, Peter and the others where falling asleep – but boy did they wake up when Jesus' brightness shown like the sun!
In one of His greatest times of distress and need in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus' own disciples fell asleep while He wrestled with His Father in prayer over the greatest event that has ever occurred in the history of this world!
While Peter was sleeping, the Lord God broke Him out of jail so that he could continue preaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified to the whole wide world!
That's my King! I wonder if you're awake enough to know Him today?!
He always keeps His people and will never sleep nor slumber!
When He slept as a baby in the manger He still upheld the universe by the Word of His power!
He slept in the boat during the great storm because He's always got everything all under control!
He gives sleep to His beloved because He can handle all their fears, cares, and worries all by Himself!
Unless He's working in whatever you're doing, you're doing it in vain, you're awake in vain, you're sleeping in vain, and all of life is vanity, vanity says the Preacher!
He arises and awakens justice for His people, and since He is for us, no one can successfully be against us!
Because of His life, death, and resurrection when He returns for us we'll awake from the dead, behold His face in righteousness, and be eternally satisfied with His likeness!
He can accomplish everything in the universe that should, would, or could happen for good while you're in your bed terrified about what's happening in the hood!
He's the greatest lover of all lovers, Who excites you so much that sometimes you can't sleep at night, and even if you do sleep, your heart stays awake meditating on His love and glorious beauty that's out of sight!
He moves your heart to spontaneously awake and sing for joy!
That's my King!
He made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, and He does not live in temples made by man, nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything!
He can accomplish all His magnificent purposes in this universe all by Himself!
He's totally self-sufficient, self-sustaining, self-reigning, and God all by Himself!
He's absolute!
He's independent!
He's self-determining!
He's self-governing!
He's self-reliant!
He's self-ruling!
He's self-supporting!
He's sovereign!
He's unaided!
He's got no needs!
He's unconstrained!
He's uncontrollable!
He doesn't need us!
But He loves us and chooses to use us to accomplish His perfect plan for this world!
God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through Him Who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with Him!
He constantly stirs up and awakens more love in us for both Himself and others because this always pleases Him!
That's my King! That's my King!
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