Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah . . . has conquered . . . Revelation 5:5
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ . . . Galatians 6:14
You have been very angry with your Anointed One. Psalm 89:38
For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2
Let the motto upon your whole ministry be - "Christ is All!" - Cotton Mather

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"That's My King!" In Psalm 119!

My King's way is blameless because He always walked in the law of the LORD!
He sought God with His whole heart and never did anything wrong!
His way is steadfast!
His eyes were fixed on God's commandments!
He had an upright heart full of praise to His God!
He kept His way pure by guarding it according to God's Word!
He stored up God's Word in His heart so that He wouldn't fall into any sin!
He fills the heart with more delight than the joys of owning all the riches of this world!
He's so great that people daydream about Him all day long and even into the night watches!
He deals bountifully with all His servants!
He opens blind eyes to see the truth!
He's the most wonderful thing contained in all of the Word of God!
He's so attractive that He consumes His people with unquenchable longing at all times!

That's my King! I wonder if you're consumed with unquenchable longing for Him today?!

He's our delight and counselor!
He gives life!
He chose the way of faithfulness!
If you cling to Him you will not be put to shame!
He enlarges hearts!
He teaches us all we need to know to be saved, safe, and satisfied!
He gives understanding!
He turns us away from selfish gain!
He's priceless!
He's good!
He's full of steadfast love and salvation!
He's our comfort in affliction!
He was seized by the hot indignation of His Father on the cross because He was made the wicked one, though He knew no wickedness!
He's our song, and the joy of all our desiring!

That's my King!

He's our portion!
He's worthy of praise at midnight and all the time!
The earth is full of His steadfast love!
It's good for us to suffer and be afflicted in this life so that we might know Him better!
He's more precious than thousands of pieces of gold and silver!
His mercy comes to us so that we might live!
He's the supreme longing of every holy, happy eye!
His word is forever and firmly fixed in the heavens!
His faithfulness endures to all generations!
His perfection is limitless!
He's exceedingly broad in beauty, bounty, and blessing!

That's my King! Do you know Him today?!

He's our meditations all the day!
He makes us wiser than all our enemies!
He's ever with us and never leaves us alone!
He's sweeter than honey!
He's a lamp to our feet!
He's a light to our path!
He's our heritage forever!
He's the joy of our hearts!
He's our hiding place!
He's our shield!
He holds us up so that we may be safe!
He's more lovely than gold, more precious than fine gold!

That's my King!

He's wonderful!
He gives light!
He imparts understanding to the simple!
Hearts and mouths pant for Him and His glory!
He conquered all sin!
He redeems us from man's oppression!
He's just!
He's true!
He's from forever, and He has no end!
He's the Redeemer!
His mercy is great!
He causes hearts to stand in awe of everything about Him!
He moves us to rejoice in Him!
He's the great peacemaker and the only peace giver between God and man!
He's unfathomable, unconquerable, unshakable, and unforgettable all at the same time!

That's my King! That's my King!

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