Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah . . . has conquered . . . Revelation 5:5
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ . . . Galatians 6:14
You have been very angry with your Anointed One. Psalm 89:38
For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2
Let the motto upon your whole ministry be - "Christ is All!" - Cotton Mather

Monday, June 17, 2024

"That's My King!" In Matthew 24!

Christ Jesus Is The Temple Stone
Who Would Be Killed And Overthrown
Like Him There Is No Beauty Known
He Speaks Such Words Like Never Sown
He Bore God’s Wrath For Sins Atone
Then Rose Alive God’s Glory’s Shown
So Trust In Him By Faith Alone
You’ll Be His Bride, Bone Of His Bone
God Will Adopt, Make You His Own
For When Christ Comes The Sinners Groan
And All The Wicked Overthrown
All Knees Will Bow Down To Him Prone
Gives Mercy Free To All Who’ve Flown
To Him Who Rules Upon His Throne
And Grants You Pleasures Pure Unknown!

That's my King!

Christ Jesus Is The Center Stage
Even In The End Times Rage
When Saints Argue The Coming Age
And War Like Fighters In A Cage
Christ Is All The End Times Rage
It’s All About His Coming Age
He Died And Rose, God’s Wrath Assuage
So Trust In Him, Don’t Work For Wage
He Saves From Sin That Does Outrage
He’s Coming Back To Turn The Page
To History’s Glorious, Golden Age 
He’ll Come And Conquer With Rampage
For Deepest Pleasures Set The Stage
They’re Found In Him Our Joy And Sage!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

Christ Jesus Did It! He Will Save!
Endured Unto The End He’s Brave
And Died And Rose Up Out That Grave
For God So Loved The World He Gave
His Only Son To Face The Wave
Of All His Wrath For Sin Deprave
By Faith Alone All Sins Forgave
In Christ We Are God’s Righteous Slave
All Christ’s Words Will Happen They’ve
Been Fixed Forever Like God Gave
To Warn And Love And Sinners Save
So We’ll Endure And God We’ll Crave!

That's my King!

Christ Is Preached To Every Nation
Then The End Will Come Salvation
By Faith Alone Justification
But Those Rejecting His Invitation 
God’s Wrath Will Punish With Damnation
The Abomination Of Desolation
Comes So Flee To Safe Destination
For Great Will Be The Pain Tribulation
Yet All God’s Elect From All Condemnation
Shall Be Saved Through Christ’s Propitiation
He Died And Rose And Grants Regeneration
He’s Told Us Before So Fight All Temptation
And Delight In Him Who’s Our Preoccupation
Eternal Infatuation And Holy Fascination 
Who Causes Extravagant Intoxication
More Than Anything Else In All Of Creation!

That's my King!

Christ Jesus’ Coming Shines So Bright
Like Lightning Flashing, What A Sight
From East To West They’ll See His Light
With Power, Glory, Greatest Might
He’ll Come And All His Foes Will Fright
His Words Won’t Pass, Forever Write
They Stand Eternal We’ll Recite
He Died, Endured God’s Wrathful Night
Took All Hell’s Anger At Its Height
Then Rose All Death To Crush And Right
All Wrongs And Sadnesses He’ll Fight
His Blood Shall Make Our Sin Robes White
He’ll Gather All Elect Contrite
Who Shall By Faith Alone Invite
The God-Man To Their Hearts Ignite
A Flame Of Joy He’ll Excite
Pleasures In Him, Our Great Delight!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Christ Jesus Comes When None Will Know
Except The Father Who’ll Bestow
His Grace And Mercy Down Below
Food And Drink And Marriage Though
Christ Comes To Judge, They’re Taken Low
And Swept Away In Judgment Woe
So Now Be Ready, You Must Know
That God’s Great Love In Christ He’d Show
When Jesus Died To Take God’s Woe
Then Rose Alive, God’s Mercies Flow
He Made Your Sins As White As Snow
By Faith Alone, No Works You Owe
In Christ You’re Sanctified And Grow
And To The Lost You Love And Go
To Share The Gospel, His Word Sow
For He’s Your Joy, Makes You Glow
He Comes To Conquer Every Foe
He Shall Return You Certain Know!

That's my King!

Christ Jesus Is The Faithful Slave
The Only One The Father Gave
He’s Wise And Holy, Pure And Brave
Who Died And Rose And Came To Save
There’s No One Like Him, All The Rave
God-Man Divine, No Traits He’d Waive
But Took On Flesh Our Way To Pave
Crushed By His Father’s Anger Wave
Then Rose Alive Up Out That Grave
And Though We’re Evil, Sin Deprave
By Faith Alone Our God Does Save
And Sanctify Like Christ Behave
On God’s Strong Hands Our Names Engrave
All Your Sins Jesus Forgave
Now You’re God's Child And Holy Slave
Who Will Be Faithful, Ready, Brave
For Christ Alone You’ll Love And Crave!

That's my King! That's my King!

To learn more about the great and true Triune God, the God-ManJesus Christ, and His glorious Gospel message and everlasting Kingship, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.

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