Jesus taught His suffering was a must
Gruesome horror your stomach would disgust
On that cross He was humbled to the dust
For on that bloody tree He was made our lust
That though ungodly we could be made just
If in Him alone by faith we'd trust
And all our hopes and dreams on Him are thrust
He rose up from the dead to live robust
To save our lives from ending in the dust
Where all our treasures die and end in rust
But we will live for glory He discussed
All because our Holy King was killed and crushed!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
The greatest Lover of all had to be rejected
By His own bride He was disrespected
Through pain and suffering He'd be perfected
As Messiah this was unexpected
Upon Himself all sin was collected
Where on that cross He was erected
To suffer and die alone dejected
But rose up from death all unaffected
The King of kings was resurrected
To save all those whom God elected
God's glory He perfectly reflected
Now we're the church – in love connected
So we can live as He directed
And we'll never be neglected
For by His love we're safe protected!
That's my King!
Peter thought he should correct God's mistake
Rebuking Christ – on suffering he'd put the brake
The Messiah's mission he'd remake
Rebuking God is an insane mistake
He acted like the evil tempting snake
The suffering mission Christ would not forsake
So people could escape the fiery lake
If forsaking all, this Christ they'd take
He alone can heal your heart they'd break
For He alone can fill your life's deep ache
Since with His love He'll make you quake, shake, and all other loves forsake
Because His sight compels a double take
When to His beauty your eyes awake!
That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!
Jesus loved Peter with a stern correction
With this word He crushed Satan's insurrection
Some love's received with only thick skin protection
Peter's mind was set on man's direction
God's plan is always the best selection
The way up's the way down in God's perfection
To die is to live – Christ's life reflection
On that cross He took the greatest rejection
So you would be loved with greatest affection
He loved before time when He chose your election
From the greatest Lover, there's no more rejection
For He proved His love by death and resurrection!
That's my King!
Christ Jesus Showed Them Many A Thing
Of How He’d Suffer, Die, And Sting
From All The Hatred Men Would Bring
But On The Third Day We Will Sing
For He Shall Win Our Risen King
Forever Take Away Death’s Sting
Don’t Focus On Man’s Selfish Fling
And Be Like Satan’s Vile Offspring
But Turn To God To Christ You’ll Cling
Set Minds On God’s Great Everything
From Him All Joy And Life Does Spring
Who Died And Rose To Make You Sing!
That's my King! That's my King!
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