He's the Lion of the tribe of Judah Who roars and all the rulers of the world hush silent!
And at the same time He's the Lamb slain for the sins of the whole world!
There is in Him an admirable conjunction of diverse excellencies like no other being this world has ever seen!
He excels in strength and majesty, and also in meekness and patience!
In Him do meet together infinite highness and infinite condescension!
He's God Himself!
He's infinitely great and high above all!
He's higher than all the kings of the earth!
He's higher than the heavens, and higher than the highest angels of heaven!
He's so great that all men, kings, potentates, princes,and presidents are as worms of the dust before Him!
Before Him all nations are as drops in a bucket!
The angels themselves are as nothing before Him!
He's so high that He's infinitely above any need of His creatures!
He's the Creator and great Possessor of heaven and earth!
He's sovereign Lord of all!
He rules over the whole universe and does whatever He pleases!
His knowledge is without bound!
His wisdom is perfect!
His power is infinite and none can resist Him!
His riches are immense and inexhaustible!
His majesty is infinitely amazing!
That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!
And yet He's One of infinite condescension!
He takes notice of the lowest of the low and cares for them with the most tender love!
He condescends to help the poorest creatures of this universe!
He loves the despised!
He accepts the rejected!
He takes notice of beggars!
He cares for the little children that no one else wants to touch!
He condescends to take gracious, merciful notice of the most unworthy, sinful creatures who deserve nothing good but only deserve suffering and hell!
He condescends to become the friend of sinners!
He becomes the companion of the wicked and unites His soul to the ungodly in spiritual marriage!
He became like one of us so that He could become one with us!
He exposed Himself to shame and spitting!
He endured the most horrific death that has ever crossed the horizon of this world!
He humbled Himself like no other has ever humbled himself in the history of this world!
And He did all this for sinners like you and me - the low, the despicable, the unworthy!
That's my King!
In Him do meet together infinite justice and infinite grace!
He's infinitely holy and just!
He hates sin like no other!
He'll execute punishment for all sin!
He's the Judge of all the world!
He's the infinitely just Judge over all!
He won't at all acquit the wicked or by any means clear the guilty!
Yet He's infinitely gracious and merciful at the same time!
His justice is so strict with respect to all sin, and every breach of the law!
Yet He has grace sufficient for every sinner - even the chief of sinners!
He can bestow the greatest good upon the greatest of sinners!
He does good to sinners!
He works all things for good on behalf of sinners!
He suffered for sinners!
He suffered the most extreme death for sinners!
He suffered the infinite wrath of God on the cross so that sinners might be saved!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
In Him do meet together infinite glory and lowest humility!
Infinite glory, and the virtue of humility, meet in no other person but Christ!
He's both fully God and fully man!
He must be honored just as the Father is honored!
He must be worshiped, adored, and bowed down to!
Yet He's the lowest of all in humility at the same time!
He's the humblest of the humble!
He was perfectly content with His lowly outward circumstances!
He lived in poverty, born into a poor family, born in the feeding trough of a cow!
He washed His disciples' feet!
He took the form of a servant!
He humbled Himself to the point of death, even death on that cross!
That's my King!
In Him do meet together infinite majesty and transcendent meekness!
These meet together in no other person but Christ!
Being both God and man, He possesses infinite majesty and superlative meekness!
He's mighty, riding on the heavens and His excellency on the sky!
He's awesome out of His holy places!
He's mightier than the noise of many waters, yes, than the mighty waves of the sea: before whom a fire goes, and burns up His enemies round about!
At His presence the earth quakes, and the hills melt!
He sits on the circle of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the earth are as grasshoppers!
He rebukes the sea and makes it dry and dries up the rivers!
His eyes are as a flame of fire!
From His presence and from the glory of His power the wicked shall be punished with everlasting destruction!
He's the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords!
He has heaven for His throne and the earth for His footstool!
He's the high and lofty One who inhabits eternity!
His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and of His dominion there is no end!
And yet He was also the most marvelous instance of meekness and humble quietness of spirit that ever was or ever will be!
He's the King that came, meek, and sitting on a donkey!
He's meek and lowly in heart!
There never was such an example of meek behavior seen on earth in the face of all manner of torments, reproaches, and evils!
He loved His enemies!
When He was reviled He reviled not in return!
He had the most wonderful spirit of forgiveness!
He prayed for His enemies with fervent, effectual prayers!
Against His mocking enemies He opened not His mouth but went as a lamb to the slaughter!
He's the Lion in majesty and the Lamb in meekness!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
In Him do meet together the deepest reverence toward God and equality with God!
He always appeared full of holy reverence toward the Father!
He paid the most reverential worship to Him, praying to Him with postures of reverence!
His person was in all respects equal to the person of the Father!
God the Father has no attribute or perfection that the Son has not, in equal degree, and equal in glory!
These things do meet in no other person but Jesus Christ!
There are conjoined in Him infinite worthiness of good, and the greatest patience under sufferings of evil!
He was perfectly innocent and deserved no suffering!
He deserved nothing from God by any guilt of His own, and He deserved no bad from any man!
He was not only harmless and undeserving of suffering, but He was infinitely worthy - worthy of the infinite love of the Father, worthy of infinite and eternal happiness, and infinitely worthy of all possible esteem, love, and service from all men!
And yet He was perfectly patient under the greatest sufferings that ever were endured in this world!
He endured the cross, despising the shame!
He suffered not from His Father for His faults, but for our faults!
He suffered from men not for His faults but for those things on account of which He was infinitely worthy of their love and honor, which made His patience the more wonderful and the more glorious!
He did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth: Who when He was reviled, reviled not in return, when He suffered, He threatened not, but committed Himself to Him that judges righteously: Who His own self bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we being dead to sin, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes you have been healed!
There is no such conjunction of innocence, worthiness, and patience under sufferings, as in the person of Christ!
That's my King!
In Him are conjoined an exceeding spirit of obedience with supreme dominion over heaven and earth!
Christ is the Lord of all things in two respects: He is God-man and Mediator!
His dominion is appointed and given Him of the Father!
But He's Lord of all things in another respect, namely, as He is God; and so He is by natural right the Lord of all and supreme over all as much as the Father!
He has dominion over the world, not by delegation, but in His own right!
He's not under God but to all intents and purposes supreme God!
And yet in the same Person is found the greatest spirit of obedience to the commands and laws of God that ever was in the universe!
As the Father gave Him commandment, even so He did!
He kept His Father's commandments and dwelt in His love!
Never has anyone received commands from God of such difficulty, and that were so great a trial of obedience, as Jesus Christ!
And He was thoroughly obedient in all of these commands of God!
Never was there such an instance of obedience in man or angel as this, though He was at the same time supreme Lord of both angels and men!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
In Him are conjoined absolute sovereignty and perfect submission!
This is another unparalleled conjunction!
Christ, as He is God, is the absolute sovereign of the world, the sovereign disposer of all events! The decrees of God are all His sovereign decrees!
The work of creation and all God's works of providence are His sovereign works!
It's He Who works all things according to the counsel of His own will!
By Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things!
But yet Christ was the most wonderful instance of submission that has ever appeared in the world!
He was absolutely and perfectly submissive when He had a near and immediate prospect of His terrible sufferings and the dreadful cup that He was to drink!
The idea and expectation of this made His soul exceeding sorrowful even unto death and put Him into such an agony that His sweat was as it were great drops or clots of blood, falling down to the ground!
But in such circumstances He was wholly submissive to the will of God!
In Him do meet together self-sufficiency and an entire trust and reliance on God!
He's the divine person, self-sufficient and standing in need of nothing!
All creatures are dependent on Him!
He's dependent on none, but is absolutely independent!
His proceeding from the Father, in His eternal generation, argues no proper dependence on the will of the Father; for that proceeding was natural and necessary!
But yet He entirely trusted in God!
That's my King! That's my King!
Contents taken from Jonathan Edwards' sermon: “The Admirable Conjunction of Diverse Excellencies in Christ Jesus”
And at the same time He's the Lamb slain for the sins of the whole world!
There is in Him an admirable conjunction of diverse excellencies like no other being this world has ever seen!
He excels in strength and majesty, and also in meekness and patience!
In Him do meet together infinite highness and infinite condescension!
He's God Himself!
He's infinitely great and high above all!
He's higher than all the kings of the earth!
He's higher than the heavens, and higher than the highest angels of heaven!
He's so great that all men, kings, potentates, princes,and presidents are as worms of the dust before Him!
Before Him all nations are as drops in a bucket!
The angels themselves are as nothing before Him!
He's so high that He's infinitely above any need of His creatures!
He's the Creator and great Possessor of heaven and earth!
He's sovereign Lord of all!
He rules over the whole universe and does whatever He pleases!
His knowledge is without bound!
His wisdom is perfect!
His power is infinite and none can resist Him!
His riches are immense and inexhaustible!
His majesty is infinitely amazing!
That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!
And yet He's One of infinite condescension!
He takes notice of the lowest of the low and cares for them with the most tender love!
He condescends to help the poorest creatures of this universe!
He loves the despised!
He accepts the rejected!
He takes notice of beggars!
He cares for the little children that no one else wants to touch!
He condescends to take gracious, merciful notice of the most unworthy, sinful creatures who deserve nothing good but only deserve suffering and hell!
He condescends to become the friend of sinners!
He becomes the companion of the wicked and unites His soul to the ungodly in spiritual marriage!
He became like one of us so that He could become one with us!
He exposed Himself to shame and spitting!
He endured the most horrific death that has ever crossed the horizon of this world!
He humbled Himself like no other has ever humbled himself in the history of this world!
And He did all this for sinners like you and me - the low, the despicable, the unworthy!
That's my King!
In Him do meet together infinite justice and infinite grace!
He's infinitely holy and just!
He hates sin like no other!
He'll execute punishment for all sin!
He's the Judge of all the world!
He's the infinitely just Judge over all!
He won't at all acquit the wicked or by any means clear the guilty!
Yet He's infinitely gracious and merciful at the same time!
His justice is so strict with respect to all sin, and every breach of the law!
Yet He has grace sufficient for every sinner - even the chief of sinners!
He can bestow the greatest good upon the greatest of sinners!
He does good to sinners!
He works all things for good on behalf of sinners!
He suffered for sinners!
He suffered the most extreme death for sinners!
He suffered the infinite wrath of God on the cross so that sinners might be saved!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
In Him do meet together infinite glory and lowest humility!
Infinite glory, and the virtue of humility, meet in no other person but Christ!
He's both fully God and fully man!
He must be honored just as the Father is honored!
He must be worshiped, adored, and bowed down to!
Yet He's the lowest of all in humility at the same time!
He's the humblest of the humble!
He was perfectly content with His lowly outward circumstances!
He lived in poverty, born into a poor family, born in the feeding trough of a cow!
He washed His disciples' feet!
He took the form of a servant!
He humbled Himself to the point of death, even death on that cross!
That's my King!
In Him do meet together infinite majesty and transcendent meekness!
These meet together in no other person but Christ!
Being both God and man, He possesses infinite majesty and superlative meekness!
He's mighty, riding on the heavens and His excellency on the sky!
He's awesome out of His holy places!
He's mightier than the noise of many waters, yes, than the mighty waves of the sea: before whom a fire goes, and burns up His enemies round about!
At His presence the earth quakes, and the hills melt!
He sits on the circle of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the earth are as grasshoppers!
He rebukes the sea and makes it dry and dries up the rivers!
His eyes are as a flame of fire!
From His presence and from the glory of His power the wicked shall be punished with everlasting destruction!
He's the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords!
He has heaven for His throne and the earth for His footstool!
He's the high and lofty One who inhabits eternity!
His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and of His dominion there is no end!
And yet He was also the most marvelous instance of meekness and humble quietness of spirit that ever was or ever will be!
He's the King that came, meek, and sitting on a donkey!
He's meek and lowly in heart!
There never was such an example of meek behavior seen on earth in the face of all manner of torments, reproaches, and evils!
He loved His enemies!
When He was reviled He reviled not in return!
He had the most wonderful spirit of forgiveness!
He prayed for His enemies with fervent, effectual prayers!
Against His mocking enemies He opened not His mouth but went as a lamb to the slaughter!
He's the Lion in majesty and the Lamb in meekness!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
In Him do meet together the deepest reverence toward God and equality with God!
He always appeared full of holy reverence toward the Father!
He paid the most reverential worship to Him, praying to Him with postures of reverence!
His person was in all respects equal to the person of the Father!
God the Father has no attribute or perfection that the Son has not, in equal degree, and equal in glory!
These things do meet in no other person but Jesus Christ!
There are conjoined in Him infinite worthiness of good, and the greatest patience under sufferings of evil!
He was perfectly innocent and deserved no suffering!
He deserved nothing from God by any guilt of His own, and He deserved no bad from any man!
He was not only harmless and undeserving of suffering, but He was infinitely worthy - worthy of the infinite love of the Father, worthy of infinite and eternal happiness, and infinitely worthy of all possible esteem, love, and service from all men!
And yet He was perfectly patient under the greatest sufferings that ever were endured in this world!
He endured the cross, despising the shame!
He suffered not from His Father for His faults, but for our faults!
He suffered from men not for His faults but for those things on account of which He was infinitely worthy of their love and honor, which made His patience the more wonderful and the more glorious!
He did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth: Who when He was reviled, reviled not in return, when He suffered, He threatened not, but committed Himself to Him that judges righteously: Who His own self bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we being dead to sin, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes you have been healed!
There is no such conjunction of innocence, worthiness, and patience under sufferings, as in the person of Christ!
That's my King!
In Him are conjoined an exceeding spirit of obedience with supreme dominion over heaven and earth!
Christ is the Lord of all things in two respects: He is God-man and Mediator!
His dominion is appointed and given Him of the Father!
But He's Lord of all things in another respect, namely, as He is God; and so He is by natural right the Lord of all and supreme over all as much as the Father!
He has dominion over the world, not by delegation, but in His own right!
He's not under God but to all intents and purposes supreme God!
And yet in the same Person is found the greatest spirit of obedience to the commands and laws of God that ever was in the universe!
As the Father gave Him commandment, even so He did!
He kept His Father's commandments and dwelt in His love!
Never has anyone received commands from God of such difficulty, and that were so great a trial of obedience, as Jesus Christ!
And He was thoroughly obedient in all of these commands of God!
Never was there such an instance of obedience in man or angel as this, though He was at the same time supreme Lord of both angels and men!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
In Him are conjoined absolute sovereignty and perfect submission!
This is another unparalleled conjunction!
Christ, as He is God, is the absolute sovereign of the world, the sovereign disposer of all events! The decrees of God are all His sovereign decrees!
The work of creation and all God's works of providence are His sovereign works!
It's He Who works all things according to the counsel of His own will!
By Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things!
But yet Christ was the most wonderful instance of submission that has ever appeared in the world!
He was absolutely and perfectly submissive when He had a near and immediate prospect of His terrible sufferings and the dreadful cup that He was to drink!
The idea and expectation of this made His soul exceeding sorrowful even unto death and put Him into such an agony that His sweat was as it were great drops or clots of blood, falling down to the ground!
But in such circumstances He was wholly submissive to the will of God!
In Him do meet together self-sufficiency and an entire trust and reliance on God!
He's the divine person, self-sufficient and standing in need of nothing!
All creatures are dependent on Him!
He's dependent on none, but is absolutely independent!
His proceeding from the Father, in His eternal generation, argues no proper dependence on the will of the Father; for that proceeding was natural and necessary!
But yet He entirely trusted in God!
That's my King! That's my King!
Contents taken from Jonathan Edwards' sermon: “The Admirable Conjunction of Diverse Excellencies in Christ Jesus”
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