Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah . . . has conquered . . . Revelation 5:5
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ . . . Galatians 6:14
You have been very angry with your Anointed One. Psalm 89:38
For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2
Let the motto upon your whole ministry be - "Christ is All!" - Cotton Mather

Monday, December 31, 2018

"That's My King!" Whose Years Have No End Though In Death He'd Condescend To Show A Love You Can't Comprehend!

But You are the same, and Your years will have no end. Hebrews 1:12

This year has come and ends
But from eternity past His life extends
And unlike your resolution that toward failure tends
He always accomplishes everything He intends
On Him your life and hope depends
On that cross He became what offends
So that sinners to God through Christ commends
And all their evil He suspends
For He rose up to make Divine amends
Against all your enemies He defends
And for your faith always contends
As your only Friend of friends
Whose love and beauty all things transcends!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

He's the same yesterday, today, and forever
He fulfills with perfection every endeavor
If you believe in Him, He'll save whosoever
For on that cross His Father did sever
But He rose from the tomb to die again never
In the new year may He be your greatest treasure!

That's my King!

Crown Him the LORD of all your years
He owns your past and future fears
He'll take away your lonely tears
Turn them into praising cheers
And make sure sadness disappears
He reigns o'er all your earthly spheres
And every sin He paid and clears
His tender, loving, attentive ears
Your cries for mercy always hears
He cares much more than all your peers
We hope and pray His coming nears
When He returns our joy appears
As we crown Him the LORD of years!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him in this new year?!

All your times are in His gracious, sovereign hand
Each event at His perfectly timed command
Even when you don't fully understand
Nothing He does is done unplanned
We know His plans for you are grand
He's told us in His Book firsthand
"All things for good!" His Word will stand
His glory through your life expand
All your enemies He'll withstand
And hold you in His loving hand!

That's my King!

May delight in Him be your resolution
He's worthy for us to endure persecution
He's the only true solution
To all earth's sin pollution
Not the constitution
Or other government revolution
For on that cross He embraced execution
And took our sinful, godless prostitution
By enduring God's wrath by substitution
Where He took God's angry retribution
In order to make full restitution
To save us from all prosecution
He rose up from death and dissolution
To establish His Bride – the Church institution!

That's my King! Do you know my King today?!

He's the center of all joy and celebration
So stay up late and praise the Incarnation
Of His worship there shall be no cessation
For He's the Lamb Who was slain to save from damnation
And grant us such a great salvation
Winning for Himself everlasting admiration!

That's my King! That's my King!

To learn more about the great King Jesus and His glorious Gospel message, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.

A Great New Year Prayer

O Love Beyond Compare,
Thou art good when Thou givest,
when Thou takest away,
when the sun shines upon me,
when night gathers over me.
Thou hast loved me before the foundation of the world,
and in love didst redeem my soul;
Thou dost love me still,
in spite of my hard heart, ingratitude, distrust.
Thy goodness has been with me another year,
leading me through a twisting wilderness,
in retreat helping me to advance,
when beaten back making sure headway.
Thy goodness will be with me in the year ahead;
I hoist sail and draw up anchor,
With Thee as the blessed pilot of my future as of my past.
I bless Thee that Thou hast veiled my eyes to the waters ahead.
If Thou hast appointed storms of tribulation,
Thou wilt be with me in them;
If I have to pass through tempests of persecution and temptation,
I shall not drown;
If I am to die,
I shall see Thy face the sooner;
If a painful end is to be my lot,
grant me grace that my faith fail not;
If I am to be cast aside from the service I love,
I can make no stipulation;
Only glorify Thyself in me whether in comfort or trial,
as a chosen vessel meet always for thy use.

–Arthur Bennett, ed., “Year’s End,” in The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1983), 111.

Friday, December 21, 2018

"That's My King!" In Isaiah 9:6!

For Unto Us A Child Is Born
The Son Who Is Salvation's Horn
He's Mighty God Whom We Would Mourn
For He'd Be Killed His Body Torn
The Prince Of Peace Sinners Would Scorn
Yet Then He Rose Crushed Every Thorn
Now He's Our Joy As God Has Sworn
The Everlasting LORD Was Born!

That's my King! That's my King!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

"That's My King!" Who Alone Loved His Neighbor As He Loved Himself!

Jesus Greatest Laws Defined
Love God With All Your Heart And Mind
And Love Your Neighbor As Entwined
This Love We've Failed To Give We're Blind
We've Hated God And All Mankind
But Jesus Loved Our Wicked Kind
For Us He Died And Was Maligned
Then Rose By Death Was Not Confined
So Now We Love All Groups Combined
And Leave Our Ethnic Hate Behind
For Christ Is All In Him We Find
Our Joy And Love As He Designed!

That's my King! That's my King!

"That's My King!" Whom We Call On To Keep His Promises!

In Jesus' Name We Pray And Call
He Is Our God And LORD Of All
He Died To Take Our Curse And Gall
Then Rose Alive Reversed The Fall
Call On His Name Both Great And Small
He'll Save Your Soul And Be Your All!

That's my King! That's my King!

"That's My King!" In Isaiah 40!

Jesus Comforts We Proclaim
He's LORD And God Who Took Our Shame
He Died And Rose To Highest Fame
His Word Shall Last He Overcame
Wait On Him New Strength To Claim
His Might And Power None Can Tame
Behold Your God And Praise His Name!

That's my King! That's my King!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

"That's My King!" In Proverbs 15!

The Softest Answer Jesus Gave
"Father Forgive" He Died To Save
Forsaken Son Who's Made A Slave
On Him God's Wrath Crashed Like A Wave
But Then He Rose And Crushed The Grave
Now With Soft Answers We Behave!

That's my King!

Jesus' Tongue Did Knowledge Spread
He's Wise, Our God, Our Living Head
By Fools To Slaughter He Was Led
And For Our Foolish Sins He Bled
Our Wicked Words Had Left Him Dead
But Then He Rose And On Death Tread
Now Pure, Wise, Righteous Words We Spread!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

Jesus' Eyes Watch Every Place
All Hearts Are Open To His Face
The Righteous Ones Their Prayers Embrace
Far From All Wicked Men He'll Race
He Died And Rose To Save By Grace
Our Sins Are Gone He Left No Trace
And Soon All Death He Will Erase
With Mercy All Our Days He'll Chase!

That's my King!

Jesus Has All Authority To Command
The Father's Discipline Lovingly Planned
Parent's Must Learn From The Father's Hand
May Righteousness, Wisdom, And Holiness Stand
Christ Died To Meet Justice's Demand
And Rose To Win The Victory Grand
So Parents' Love Will Grow – Expand
Christ's Love We've Witnessed Now Firsthand!

That's my King!

Jesus' Delight Was His Father's Instruction
He Heeded His Word And Turned From Seduction
Though Perfect He'd Bear Our Severe Destruction
He Died And Then Rose To Start Reconstruction
And Make Us Like Him – Holy Lives In Production
So Listen To Him And Obey God's Instruction!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Christ Our Treasure Is Good And Right
Yet On Him Fell Our Sinful Plight
He Died And Rose In Pow'r And Might
His Sacrifice Our LORD's Delight
Now Hate The Bribe And Love The Light
Our Prayers He'll Hear Our Cries Invite!

That's my King!

Jesus' Sorrows Make Hearts Glad       
For Sinners Crushed And Counted Bad
Our Sin So Great His Father's Mad
He Took The Mad And Made God Glad   
Propitiation Heals What's Sad
He Is Risen Now We're Clad
With Righteousness And Joy Add!

That's my King!

Jesus' Little Was The Best
He Feared The LORD With Zeal And Zest
Yet Trouble Came And Wrath Oppressed
For Us He Died That We'd Be Blessed
Then Rose To Show He Passed The Test
Now In His Righteousness We're Dressed
So Humble Wisdom Is Our Quest!

That's my King! That's my King!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

"That's My King!" Of Flexin' Every Skin Complexion!

God is the ultimate One Who's flexin' our complexion
Creator of all skin tones with a deep love and affection
All our different shades highlight His beauty and perfection
From one man all created in God's image His reflection
Every tribe and tongue and nation we were chosen by election
Jesus died and rose for all who trust in Him and His protection
He's perfection Who needed no correction but took our rejection
To stop our insurrection, fix our imperfection, and give us an everlasting God connection
So now our lives have a new direction and we praise Him for every single skin complexion
And above all we're flexin' the Son and His death and resurrection!

That's my King! That's my King!

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

"That's My King!" In Proverbs 14!

Jesus Is God And Man All Wise
Infinite Knowledge None Can Size
Yet For Us Fools He Died With Cries
But On That Third Day He Did Rise
To Be Our Everlasting Prize
In Him We're Wise And Turn From Lies
On Him For Wisdom Fix Your Eyes!

That's my King!

Christ Feared The LORD And Walked Upright
He Lived Perfection Shining Bright
Strong Confidence He Had With Might
A Refuge Strong He Won The Fight
He Died And Rose To End Death's Fright
He Is Our Fountain, Life, And Light!

That's my King!

Christ's Lips Are Wise And Tell No Lies
His Heart Will Never Compromise
He's Truth And Faithfulness Yet Dies
God's Rod Of Wrath He Took With Cries
But On That Third Day He'd Arise
In Him We're Wise And Tell No Lies
Since He's Our Prize We Love Likewise!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

Jesus Came To Fix Our Mess
He Entered Into Our Distress
He Toiled And Worked And Died In Stress
Then Rose In Righteousness To Dress
He'll Multitudes Of Nations Bless
Our King Of Glory Will Impress
So Follow Him For True Success!

That's my King!

Jesus' Heart Knew Bitter Ache
Our Sins And Griefs He Came To Take
He Died And Rose To Crush The Snake
Backslider Turn And Now Awake
He'll Give You Joy And Envy Break
He'll Satisfy Your Deep Heartache
All For His Father's Great Name's Sake!

That's my King!

Jesus' Way Was Right And True
Upright He Was And Flourished Too
Yet Death Destroyed The Perfect Jew
Who Never Went Astray Like You
He Died And Rose To Us Pursue
With Steadfast Love And Mercies New
He'll Wickedness And Sin Subdue
So Righteousness Will Be Your Hue!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Jesus Slow To Anger, Mild
Great Understanding As A Child
But Money-changer's Greed Went Wild
And Finally Jesus' Temper Riled
In Anger He Was Not Defiled
But For Our Sins He Died Reviled
And On That Cross For Us Exiled
Then Rose Alive On Him God Smiled
And Now When Riled We Don't Go Wild
For With Our God We're Reconciled!

That's my King!

Jesus Who's Rich Beyond All Splendor
For Us He Was Counted A Poor Sin Offender
No Folly He Knew And God's Wisdom He'd Render
He Died And Then Rose To Be Crowned Our Defender
Now Riches And Wisdom To Us He's The Sender
So Bow To The King And To Him All Surrender!

That's my King! That's my King!

Monday, June 4, 2018

"That's My King!" In Proverbs 13!

The Wisest Son His Father Heard
And Did His Will The Perfect Word
Rebukes To Him Would Be Absurd
Yet For Our Sins God's Wrath Incurred
Then Rose For Us New Life Transferred
So Walk With Him Wisdom's Secured!

That's my King!

Christ's Mouth Produces Greatest Fruits
He Hates What's False And Lies Refutes
Yet Ruined Was His Life By Brutes
For On That Cross God Executes
His Only Son To Kill Sins Roots
But Now Our Risen King Recruits
His Righteousness To Us Imputes!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

Christ Is Our Joy And Deep Desire
Pure Diligence Who'll Never Tire
Our Tree Of Life Who Saved From Mire
Sweetness To Our Souls None Higher
He Died And Rose To Life Acquire
He's Satisfaction Set On Fire!

That's my King!

Christ Is The Righteous Blameless Way
Our Light Our Joy Our Hope Our Stay
The Word Who Did All God Would Say
Yet For Our Wickedness He'd Pay
Destruction On Himself Would Prey
Disaster, Death, And Ruin Slay
Then Rose Triumphant On His Day
Now Righteous We By Faith Won't Stray!

That's my King!

Christ Our King Who Never Pretended
Rich With All Glory And Nothing But Splendid
He Became Poor And Humbly Descended
To Die On That Cross For All That Offended
Then Rose From The Dead Just As He Intended
Now Mercy To All Who Believe Is Extended
Death Ended God Befriended Grace Comprehended!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Jesus Needed No Rod Of Correction
He Did No Wrongs But Lived Out Perfection
So Loved By God Having All His Affection
Yet For His Enemies Took God's Rejection
Crushed Death Once For All At The Resurrection
Now We Bow Before Him In Utter Subjection
And Use The Rod To Give Firm Direction!

That's my King! That's my King!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

"That's My King!" Who Is Our Redeemer Who Lives And Stands Upon The Earth!

Jesus Was Abhorred, Despised
Rejected, Crushed For Us Chastised
Crucified, Died, With Wrath Baptized
But On That Third Day All Surprised
Our Wicked Death He Pulverized
He Lives Forever To Be Prized!

That's my King! That's my King!

"That's My King!" On Palm Sunday!

Behold Your King Must Come And Die
He Rides Upon The Donkey High
They Cheer And Cry Let Praises Fly
The Son Of David Now Draws Nigh
Yet Soon The Crowd Cries Crucify
They'll Spit And Mock And Beat He'll Die
But Yet He'll Rise And Death Defy
When He Returns There On His Thigh
Is "King of kings!" He's LORD Most High
With Sword In Mouth And Fires In Eye
He'll Crush His Enemies Who Lie
And Rule Forever Glorify!

That's my King! That's my King!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

"That's My King!" Who Serves Us Like No Other!

Jesus Christ Is The Most Dignified
Not Double-Tongued – He Never Lied
No Greed Or Sin But Blameless Died
He Served A Bride That Crucified
Then Rose And Now We're Justified
To Love And Serve With Him Inside!

That's my King! That's my King!

"That's My King!" Who's The Elder Of All Elders!

Jesus Christ Our Elder Brother
He's Overseer Like No Other
Blameless, Perfect, Humble Lover
Died And Rose Our Sins To Cover
Look To Him And You'll Discover
The Key To Serving One Another!

That's my King! That's my King!

"That's My King!" Who's Married To The Church!

Christ's Bride Makes God's Great Wisdom Known
She Is His Very Flesh And Bone
All Peoples Who Had Hearts Of Stone
Were Saved By Trusting Christ Alone
He Died And Rose To Take The Throne
It's Through The Church That God Is Shown!

That's my King! That's my King!

Monday, February 19, 2018

"That's My King!" Who Ran The Perfect Race!

Jesus Ran The Perfect Race
He Won The Prize And Set The Pace
Disqualified For Us Disgraced
Upon That Cross He Died Debased
Then Rose And Conquered Warrior Face
So Now We Run And Strive By Grace!

That's my King! That's my King!

"That's My King!" In 1 John 5

Jesus Was Born Of God It's True
But Not Like Sinners Me And You
The Spirit On The Virgin Jew
Conceived The God-Man Through And Through
He Died And Rose For Me And You
So Born Again We Love, We're New!

That's my King!

All In Jesus By Him We Know
What It Means To Love Bestow
He Obeyed Yet Took Our Woe
And Rose To Make God's Mercies Flow
Now Born Of God In Him We Show
God's Love To All That All May Know!

That's my King!

Jesus' Witnesses Testify
The Water, Blood, And Spirit Cry
He's God The Son The LORD Most High!
Up From The Waters Split The Sky
And Went To Save And Bleed And Die
Then Rose Eternal Life To Buy
For All Who Have The Son Shall Fly
To God With Joy And Never Die!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

In Christ, Eternal Life You Know
Is Yours, Forever Grace He'll Show
Your Prayers, He'll Hear And Yes Bestow
When You Pray His Will Below
He Died And Rose To Overthrow
All Death, So Joy Shall Overflow!

That's my King!

Jesus' Love Led To Death For All Our Sin
Our Lust For Skin, Gin, And Evil Within
He Took Away When He Died And Rose Again
With Love And Prayer We Pursue Those In Sin
To Turn Them To Him And New Life Begin
He's Our Champion Who Will Always Win!

That's my King!

Jesus Protects And Never Sinned
Yet He Was Beaten, Bruised, And Skinned
And To That Cross For Us Was Pinned
Then Rose To Bring Death To Its End
He's Born Of God – Saves Like The Wind
The Evil One To Hell He'll Send!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

The Son Of God Has Come And Gave
Understanding To All He'd Save
We Are In Him And In Him Brave
He Died And Rose And Crushed The Grave
Eternal Life The True God Gave
We Turn From Idols – Him We Crave!

That's my King! That's my King!

Monday, January 8, 2018

"That's My King!" Of Israel!

Remember Jesus Christ Our King
God And Man Who Came To Bring
Salvation – Let His Praises Ring
He Died And Rose To Crush Death's Sting
For All Who Trust And To Him Cling
Remember Him And You Will Sing!

That's my King! That's my King!

"That's My King!" At His Birth!

We Celebrate The Christ Child Birth
Jesus – God Saves And Fills With Mirth
To Save From Sin He Came To Earth
A Miracle: The Virgin Birth
Immanuel – God Here On Earth
Then Died And Rose – He’s Priceless Worth!

That's my King! That's my King!