Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah . . . has conquered . . . Revelation 5:5
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ . . . Galatians 6:14
You have been very angry with your Anointed One. Psalm 89:38
For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2
Let the motto upon your whole ministry be - "Christ is All!" - Cotton Mather

Thursday, December 24, 2015

"That's My King!" Who's The Christmas Celebration, The God-Man Incarnation, And The Holy Causation Of Our Great Salvation!

Jesus is the Incarnation
The God on earth Visitation
The God-Man Summation without separation
Savior of every nation
The "all-of-life" Foundation
Without Whom there's no salvation
Who saves from condemnation
And is worthy of our most faithful dedication, infinite admiration, and eternal appreciation!

That's my King!

Through the virgin birth
He came down to earth
He fills with joy and mirth
By granting rebirth
And He Himself is infinite worth!

He's truly God and truly man
According to God's perfect plan
He saves sinners from every tribe and clan
His mercy has no bounds or span
From Bhutan to Japan
Kazakhstan to Sudan, or Iran
He's the only saving Man
Who's also the God Who can!

That's my King!

He humbled Himself to be born in a manger
Though all around He was surrounded by danger
To the likeness of sinful flesh He's no longer a stranger
But lived and died to be the sin for righteousness Exchanger
He rose up from the grave to be the only great world Changer
He'll live in you to be your whole life's Rearranger!

Hark the herald angels sing
Glory to the newborn King
Who comes with healing in His wing
All by Himself He's the greatest Thing
He's the everlasting Spring
Who alone can make your heart ring
To you salvation He will bring
If to Him by faith alone you'll cling!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

Let every heart prepare Him room
He's God Who's come from the virgin's womb
All sin and death He will consume
He saves from wrath and judgment doom
He died on Friday – there was gloom
But Sunday He rose up from the tomb
Now He is our everlasting Groom!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

For unto us a Child is born
Of true salvation, He's the Horn
He'll make His people cease to mourn
Joy to the world He will adorn
He came to save from sin and porn
By being Kinged with crown of thorn
In His body sins were borne
On that cross He was forlorn
He took on all our sin and scorn
At His death the curtain's torn
Yet He rose just as was sworn
So those who trust could be reborn!

That's my King!

Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns
He came to save from all our pains
From every sin He'll break those chains
If you'll seek to die like grains
Then you'll find your fruit remains
In holiness you'll make great gains!

He came to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found below
Though your sins are red you know
He died to make them white as snow
He took upon Himself your woe
And now your clean from head to toe
Behind His back your sins He'll throw
Just trust in Him, nothing you owe
In your heart good things He'll sow
Through His Spirit you will grow!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

He shall save His people from their sins
That's were Matthew starts and ends
Trust in Him - your life begins
He's the Warrior-King Who always wins
And makes His enemies God's friends!

Immanuel is His glorious name
He's "God with us!" we must proclaim
In the manger our weakness He became
Go tell it on the mountain without any shame
May this good news set our world aflame
On that cross He took our blame
Forever banished all our shame
And rose from the grave all death to tame
The world will never be the same
Sadness for joy He'll reclaim
For the glorious fame of His beautiful name!

That's my King! That's my King! 

Will you trust Jesus Christ as your King today?!

The idea for this poem structure is based on S. M. Lockridge's poem "That's My King!"

My Other Christmas Blog Posts

For more information about King Jesus' Gospel message, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone.

You can watch the full documentary here with a free trial.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Will Intoxicate - He'll Leave You In A Ravished State - Delights Unknown For You Await - His Love Is Best And More Than Great - He Died And Rose On Him Fixate - He'll Satisfy With Joy Elate!

My King is the Lover of all lovers of all time!
He's the Valentine of valentine's!
His love far surpasses your ability to even understand or comprehend how much He loves!
His love surpasses knowledge!
His love is the only love that satisfies the deepest longings of the human heart!
His love was enough to satisfy the infinite, everlasting Father and Holy Spirit for all eternity – so how much more must it satisfy your finite, frail human heart?!
He's enough for God! Oh how much more than enough is He for you!
He loved so much that He took on human flesh
lived a perfect life
died the most horrifying death this universe has ever seen
suffered the pains of myriads of hells in place of sinners
rose up from the grave triumphant over sin, death, and Satan
and ever lives to plead mercy for His beautiful, blood-bought Bride!

That's my all-satisfying King!

My King is more precious than more than 999 trillion universes of gold!
And every other good gift in this life compared to Him is worth less than a penny!
He commands me to hate everything else in comparison to the love I must have for Him!
And He's worthy of all that kind of love and all that kind of hate!
He's more valuable than the most precious gold and the most priceless diamond!
His value far exceeds 999 trillion worlds with all their riches and pleasures!
Whatever you love and value most in this life – Jesus exceeds that value in ways that are incomparable!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

He's the King of all beauty!
He's the Beauty of beauties!
He's more beautiful than the most beautiful sunset because He made the sunset!
He's more beautiful than the most breathtaking scenery in the universe because He made the universe and upholds it by the Word of His power!
He's more beautiful than the most stunning flower of the field because He made them all and sustains them all!
He's more beautiful than all the starry hosts and the most amazing phenomenon in the galaxy because the heavens are telling His glory, and He placed all the stars in the heavens to magnify His own beauty!
He's more beautiful than the most gorgeous woman who has ever crossed the horizon of this world because:
she is created, but He created her
she is sinful, but He is perfect
she is finite, but He is infinite
she is the image, but He is the real thing!
If the art work of woman is so amazingly, breathtakingly, gloriously, speechlessly beautiful (and she is!), oh how much more amazingly, breathtakingly, gloriously, speechlessly beautiful must my King the Artist be?!
Oh but He is so beautiful!
More beautiful than we could ever dream or imagine!

That's my King! That's my Lover! Do you know Him?!

He made you in His own image!
He loves you with an everlasting love!
He chose you before the creation of the world to be His very own!
He will never leave you nor forsake you!
He is always for you! 
And if He is for you, then no one can successfully be against you!
He takes great delight in you like no one else ever will!
He quiets you with His love!
He rejoices over you with singing - with loud shouts of joy and delight! 
He loves you like no one else will ever love you!
He loves you more than the best mother, father, son, daughter, sister, brother, lover, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife ever could!
His love for you is deeper than the ocean!
His love for you is vaster than 10 million galaxies!
His love for you stretches as far as the east is from the west!
His love never ends!
His love never changes!
His love never grows cold!
His love lasts forever!
He will never leave you alone!
He will cause your joy and delight in Him to increase forever throughout all eternity!
You will be fully saved, safe, and satisfied in Him one day very soon and all things sad will become untrue! (Thanks John Piper & J. R. R. Tolkien for those lines!)
The best days of your life are always in the future with Him, and He will do you good all your days forever!
He's pursuing and chasing you down with goodness and mercy all the days of your life, and you shall dwell in His house forever!

That's my King!

He's the Lover Who will never let you down!
He always desires you just how you want to be desired!
He always gives you just what you need!
He's always excited to be with you!
He always delights over you!
He sings over you with loud shouts of great joy!
He always passionately and purposefully pursues you with passionate, pleasing pleasures!
He not only loves you like no other, but He makes you feel loved like no other!
He's always the most desirable of all lovers!
You'll long for Him like you've longed for no one else!
He'll take your breath away!
He'll make you jump and shout and turn all about!
He'll fill your stomach with joy and butterflies like no one you've ever met!
You'll be so in love with Him that your body would explode if He didn't first give you a new, glorified body to experience all that love and all that joy and all that pleasure!
He alone gives you the deepest, best, and longest lasting intense pleasures that have ever crossed the horizon of this world!
The most intense pleasures this world or any other lover in this world could ever offer you are only tiny candles compared to the blazing, infinite sun of our pleasure-giving, ravishing, all-satisfying God!
In His presence is fullness of joy, and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore!
He will give you pleasures that are out of this world for all eternity beyond what you could ever dream or imagine!
May He be our Preoccupation, Infatuation, and holy Fascination, for He causes intoxication more than anything else in all of creation!

That's my King! That's my King!

To learn more about the great Triune God, the God-ManJesus Christ, and His glorious Gospel message and everlasting Kingship, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Created Sex Of Human Pleasures It's Apex In Love He Gives It Specs and Checks So His Great Beauty It Reflects!

The forbidden woman will bring you down
Though she wears a beautiful gown
Never has a frown
Speaks of you with great renown
And gives your heart an unspeakable meltdown
She'll make of you a foolish clown
And bring you down low to the ground
And even lower further down
Because in flames of hell you'll drown
So turn and trust the Son – be found!
For He will never be brought down
He rose in power – great renown
She never made of Him a clown
He has conquered every frown
He died –  in flames of wrath was drown
In darkness to the tomb went down
Then rose – was given every crown
To clothe you in a clean, bright gown
All the devil's work shutdown
Now Christ's the greatest Site in town
He'll give your heart the true meltdown
Oh ravish us with Your renown!

That's my King! Do you know Him?

From Jesus' pure and precious lips
The best and sweetest honey drips
Your heart His loving passion grips
For His compassion never slips
He saves you from apocalypse
Away from you all evil strips
All other lovers He'll eclipse
So trust His Word from precious lips
From Him eternal pleasure drips!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

"That's My King!" Who Will Keep Your Heart He's Perfect From The Very Start From Righteous Paths He Won't Depart His Speech Is Straight And Clear And Smart In Him Springs Life That's Off The Chart!

Jesus Christ is the righteous Path
He's the only One Who saves from wrath
So in His blood come take a bath!

He did not walk in the way of sin
For living water flows within
He's the holiest that's ever been
On Him no sin you'll ever pin
So walk with Him – you'll always win!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

He is the Heart Keeper  
Who crushed the grim reaper
The perfect righteousness seeker
Over Jerusalem weeper
The “it's all gone!” sin sweeper
In Him there's no joy deeper
And no glory ever steeper!

That's my King! That's my King!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Christ Is All In Preaching!

Oh to be the most Christ exalting preacher you could ever be! I want to pant for Him, to lust for Him, to long for Him, to delight in Him, to be satisfied with Him, to be obsessed with Him, to be captivated by Him, to be fascinated by Him, to be in awe of Him, to be preoccupied with Him, to be ravished by Him in the pulpit and on the street! Oh Father, you must grant it! For Jesus' sake!