God planted His vineyard and expected fruit
Israel – His beloved, tender shoot
But sadly her leaders had no root
Glory and money was their pursuit
Their sin and rebellion was acute
They killed the prophets – truth dilute
His vineyard pure they did pollute
And took the wicked, murderous route
So when Christ came, Him they'd refute
And cut Him down – His voice mute
But He's the Christ – He won't be mute!
He ended death and killed its root!
For He's Messiah – God's True Shoot!
The Israelite Who'd bear much fruit!
To save His bride was His pursuit
And all her wickedness refute
So trust Him now – He will recruit
And put you on a God pursuit!
That's my King!
God's patience runs with sinners long
In spite of all that they've done wrong
He cries: “Please turn and come along!
Follow Me where you belong!
I don't delight in judgment strong!
That's why I sent My Son along!”
God made Him who knew no wrong
To be the wrong and suffer long
So He could save – make us belong
So trust the Savior Who is strong
His mercy-heart is your new song!
That's my King! Do you know Him?!
If the Christ you do reject
Against God's wrath He won't protect
And only curse you can expect
For Christ alone can wrath deflect
Since on that cross He hung erect
And took God's wrath Himself direct
He alone can saved the wrecked
Since He'd die then resurrect
And all our blessings there collect
Against all foes He will protect
So trust Him now and you're elect
His glory then you will reflect
And from your sins He will perfect
Of joy He'll be your great object!
That's my King!
Christ, above all, is the most precious Stone!
No diamond compares with the glory He's shown
Breathtaking beauty that leaves your mind blown
He's the greatest reality to ever be known
All your enemies He'll master and own
Since He gave His life for your sin to atone
Rejected by men and God all alone
In the dark on that tree He died with a groan
Then conquered the grave – and death's overthrown
He's alive not dead – from the tomb He's flown
Now He rules over all upon His throne
Come to Him now – no longer postpone
Believe in the Savior and bow to this Stone
His Word in your heart will ever be sown
He'll give you a love – a love unknown
Your joys shall rise in Christ alone
And you He'll hold tight and never disown!
That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!
Christ Jesus Is The Son And Stone
Of The Corner Best That’s Known
Marvelous In Our Eyes Shown
So Beautiful That Minds Are Blown
God’s Done This We Are His Own
By Christ’s Rejection Died Alone
Spit On, Beaten To The Bone
Bore God’s Wrath For Sins Atone
Died And Rose To Victory Own
Now With All Power On His Throne
He Rules O’er All The Cornerstone
Shows Mercy To All Those He’s Known
Who Trust In Him By Faith Alone
But Crushes Sinners, Down They’re Thrown
Who Reject His Rule And Groan
So Trust The Son He Won’t Disown
All Those By Grace To Him Have Flown!
That's my King! That's my King!