Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah . . . has conquered . . . Revelation 5:5
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ . . . Galatians 6:14
You have been very angry with your Anointed One. Psalm 89:38
For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2
Let the motto upon your whole ministry be - "Christ is All!" - Cotton Mather

Saturday, October 26, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Is The Temple Pure And Clean Who Drove The Robbers From The Scene To Grant Us Grace And Peace Serene!

For God's house He had great zeal
It ate Him up – He can't conceal
Passion for justice that He'd feel
God's glory He won't let them steal
He came the temple's end to seal
For He's the temple Who'd reveal
His death through murder – pain ordeal
Through resurrection death repeal
All so sinners He could heal
And save them from sin's death appeal
To make them righteous – strong like steel
God came as man – the Man ideal
Our Christ is all – before Him kneel
Then He will fill you with a zeal
For Him alone – with longings feel
Since He's the glory none can steal! 

That's my King! Do you know Him!?
Jesus died for every nation
Haitian, Croatian, and Galatian
He redeems from condemnation
Every tribe and tongue translation
He makes His family blood relation
He lives for their complete salvation
And makes all one – a new creation
Where Christ is all – our sure foundation! 

That's my King!

The Jewish leaders wanted to kill
They feared their idols Christ would steal
Though He came with pure goodwill
All God's Word He did fulfill
They hated Him with evil chill
And had Him killed on Calv'ry's hill
Yet through His blood that they would spill
He won the battle – what a thrill! 
So trust Him now – in peace be still
His glory this whole earth will fill!

That's my King!

Oh the temple! What a sight! 
So big and huge, robust with might! 
It's where God dwelt with glory light
Greatest wonder many write
But oh there's One Who's greater bright!
His glory shines a better light!
He enters in – the cleansing Knight
Against all sin He'll win the fight
And though He sometimes comes with fright
And doesn't always seem polite
His mercy's here for all contrite
For those who turn from sin outright
And trust in Him with all delight
For Jesus died to make you right
And rose again to kill death's bite
He's the temple great in might!
With fame and beauty out of sight!
He'll save you from your dreadful plight
And fill you full with pure delight!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Christ Jesus Is The Temple Praise
The God-Man Truth His Life Conveys
Zeal For God’s House He Loves, Obeys
He Toppled Tables In A Blaze 
Of Righteous Anger For Their Craze
For Self And All Their Sinful Ways
The Temple Is For Prayer And Praise
Of Him Who Sent His Son These Days
To Die And Rise So We Could Raise
Hosannas To Our God Always
Now Every Nation To Him Prays
He’s Healer, Wonderful’s The Phrase
That Captures What He Is Amaze
All Hail! All Hail! The King Of Praise
Who Is Our All, Our All Always
Who Saved Us From Our Sinful Ways
So He’ll Forever Be Our Craze!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Cursed The Barren Tree And Finally Came To Set Us Free For He's The Fruit – Come Taste And See!

Jesus got hungry – He wanted to eat
He had a heart with rhythmic beat
He is a man with hands and feet
And yet He's more than man we meet
He's God and man both full complete
He is Yahweh on the street
He sits as God on judgment seat
He reigns forevermore elite
He came and wanted figs so sweet
Instead He found a tree deplete
Like Israel – the chaff not wheat
She's dead and dying – sad defeat
Her sins so often on repeat
So her great pride Christ will delete
For He's true Israel complete
And yet the Christ they would mistreat
They spit on Him – His back they beat
Nailed to the cross His hands and feet
And there He died under God's heat
But rose alive – the grave defeat
And now He never will retreat
But bear much fruit – the sweetest sweet
So trust in Him – your doubt unseat
He'll make your sins all obsolete
And as your cry you will repeat
“My Christ is all! - I am complete!” 

That's my King! Do you know Him?!
Do you have leaves but bear no fruit?
Bless God and praise just for the loot?
Your praises God will finally mute
And you'll be cursed down to the root
But praise our Christ! - He's in pursuit!
To save from loves that you pollute
And grant You Him – the greatest fruit!
Who died as cursed to you impute
His righteousness just like a suit
You put Him on – your sins are moot
He rose death to condemn – refute
So now toward Him you make pursuit
Delight in Him – you'll bear much fruit!

That's my King!

Jesus was the curse upon that tree
Though He's the most fruitful you could be
He’s made a curse for you and me
He is True Israel – the Key
To true religion – love that's free
Our glorious God – the One In Three
He bids you come – from your sin flee
Trust the Son – He'll set you free
And cast your sins into the sea
The Lord is good – come taste and see!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Christ Jesus Grows The Greatest Fruit
His Perfect Holiness Salute
He Loves And Serves And Saves To Boot
There’s No One Like Him, No Dispute
From Olney, Gaza, To Beirut
Sin Does And Has And Will Pollute 
Like Israel Who Bore No Fruit
And Acted Like A Prostitute
Christ Curses All From Head To Root
But He Will Save And Death Refute
For On A Tree He’s Cursed And Mute
He Bore God’s Wrath Like Sinner Brute
He Died Our Lamb And Substitute
Then Rose Alive The Grave To Loot
Of All His Loved Ones Hot Pursuit
His Righteousness He Does Impute
By Faith Alone We’re Just, On Route
To Pray To Him And Mounts Uproot
For He’s Our All, The Greatest Fruit!

That's my King! That's my King!   

Saturday, October 12, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Knows All Things, God's Rule He Brings, And From The Crowd “Hosanna!” Rings For He's The Humble King of Kings!

Who is Jesus – what do you say?  
How you reply will fix your way
To hell or heaven where you'll stay
Oh bow to Him your God today
And trust the Son without delay
He's King of kings – you must obey
For us He died our God did slay
His only Son our debt to pay
On every enemy He'll prey
And kill them all – then dead they'll lay
Since He rose up on the third day
Back to the Father we must say
Our Jesus is the only way
So cry “Hosanna!” – shout away!
Save us our God – lead us we pray
That “Christ is all!” we might display
To live for Him and never sway!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

Our coming King makes preparation
He knows all things and their relation
Like where colts stay – their habitation
He rules o'er all things in creation
Each one He's set in its location
Like coins in fish for His taxation
Now He comes to grant salvation
He's all pleasure in summation
He'll grant peace to every nation
If they'll turn from sin's temptation
Then trust in Him as their foundation
God's Kingdom's come – the Incarnation
Bow to Him with heart prostration
And praise His Name in adoration!

That's my King!

Not a war horse does He ride
Nor carry sword down by His side
He comes for peace to spread worldwide
Humble and lowly, not with pride
This wicked city His heart eyed
And for her lost the Savior cried
His truth with evil would collide
To earn true peace He lived and died
And rose to set our sins aside
He opened heaven's closed gate wide
And soon He'll come to get His bride
But then a war horse He will ride
With eyes inflamed with every stride
A two-edged sword from His mouth plied
He'll come for war and to divide
The sheep and goats – no one will hide
Oh turn to Him – be on His side
Believe in Him – you must decide
Or He will cast you far outside
In hell forever to abide
But if you trust in Him Who died
You'll live forever by His side
For you all things He will provide
The joys will never be denied
And all your tears forever dried! 

That's my King!
Oh cry hosanna to your King
Who rules for good in everything
His Kingdom's come – salvation bring
And from His heart all love does spring
He conquered death and healed its sting
So to your Savior tightly cling
And praise His name – forever sing!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Behold Your King Must Come And Die
He Rides Upon The Donkey High
They Cheer And Cry Let Praises Fly
The Son Of David Now Draws Nigh
Yet Soon The Crowd Cries Crucify
They'll Spit And Mock And Beat He'll Die
But Yet He’ll Rise And Death Defy
When He Returns There On His Thigh
Is "King of kings!" He's LORD Most High
With Sword In Mouth And Fires In Eye
He'll Crush His Enemies Who Lie
And Rule Forever Glorify!

That's my King!

Christ Jesus Is The Coming King
Who Knows Of Colts And Everything
Supplies All Needs, From Him They Spring
And In Jerusalem They Sing
Hosannas! Praise! They’re Worshiping
The Son Of David, Glory’s Ring
And Yet He’d Die And Taste The Sting
Of Sin And Death For Man’s Offspring
A Crown Of Thorns Would Pierce This King
On Him God’s Fiery Wrath Would Spring
He’d Die So Marred Past Human Thing
Then Rise To Us Salvation Bring
Take Refuge In His Healing Wing
By Faith Alone Let’s To Him Cling
He Saves From Olney To Beijing
He Is Our God, Our Reigning King
Who Will Forever Make Us Sing
He Is Our All, Our Everything!

That's my King! That's my King!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

"That's My King!" Who Heals The Begging, Burdened Blind And Shows Them Tender Mercy Kind If They Will Truly Trust And Find All Joys And Hopes In Him Combined!

Poor blind beggars are by the road
From anguish their hearts might explode
They could not bear their heavy load
And hoped for mercy – their cries showed
The Savior stopped and looked and slowed
For from His heart compassion flowed
And on these men His grace bestowed
For Christ Himself was on the road
To bleed and die for what we owed
And wash away our sinful load
He rose alive – the grave explode
And in His life grace overflowed!

That's my King!

They cried for mercy loud and clear
“Thou Son of David turn Your ear!”
“Our cries for mercy won't You hear!”
Some followers rebuke and sneer
They will not let them come – draw near
But they won't be held back by fear
For all the louder they will cheer
And cry for Jesus to appear
From their ambition they won't veer
And finally Jesus does come near
And grants them sight – makes light appear
Oh what a Son of David's here!
He stands alone and without peer
He is the God-man we revere
Who died the worst death – so severe
And conquered death as great Premier
His love is deep and true sincere
Only in Him does life cohere
By faith in Him you must draw near
He'll grant you joy and wipe your tear!

That's my King! Do you know Him?!

Their mercy-cries made Christ stand still
To help these men was His good will
To save the poor He has a zeal
He'll cure all those He finds are ill
The sick and blind He came to heal
To do all this He climbed that hill
Where for His sheep His blood He'd spill
When on that cross they'd strip and kill
The only One Who did God's will
This sight should grip your heart and chill
The loving Son of God they'd kill?!  
But without this we'd still be ill
And since our Christ did all God's will
Then rose up from the tomb with zeal
All God desires He did fulfill
So we can be with Him and heal
In Him we'll have eternal thrill!

That's my King!

We once were blind, but now we see
It's Christ Who saved a wretch like me
Our sin does blind to great degree
Christ had to die to set us free
Amazing that the One In Three
Would come to earth – a man He'd be
And die upon that gruesome tree
His resurrection is the key
To carry out God's full decree
Confess your sins – with Him agree
Into Christ's arms by faith you'll flee
He'll cast your sins into the sea
And then to others make this plea!

That's my King! I wonder if you know Him today?!

Christ Jesus Is The God Who’d Heal
The Mercy-Heart Who’d Pity Feel
And Make The Blind To See Reveal
That He’s Messiah Come With Zeal
The Son Of David, King For Real
Who’d Take Our Hell, God’s Wrath Ordeal
He’d Die And Rise Redemption Seal
And Crush That Serpent With His Heel
By Faith Alone We’re Just And Kneel
Down Low To Christ Our LORD Ideal
He Changed Our Hearts, So Now We Feel
Compassion, Love, And Godly Zeal
For Others And For Christ Who’s Real
For He’s Our All, Our Strength, Our Zeal!

That's my King! That's my King!