We all need to repent
We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of GodWe have not lived the righteous life that God requires
We deserve hell
But there is One Who never needed to repent
His name is Jesus, and He never repented of anything!
We need to repent
Adam and Eve repented of eating the forbidden fruit
Nakedness became shameful
They tried to hide from God
They blamed everyone but themselves
We became totally depraved
The creation was all cursed
But it was cursed in hope of the Last Adam Who would never repent
His name is Jesus, and He never had to repent!
We need to repent
Noah repented of drunkenness
Abraham repented of lying
Jacob repented of deceit
Judah repented of sexual immorality
Joseph's brothers needed to repent of hatred toward their brother
David repented of adultery and murder
Israel repented of idolatry, over and over again
The whole history of Israel is one of rebellion and disobedience to God
But Jesus, the better Israel and better everything, never had to repent!
We need to repent
John the Baptist came preaching repentance
Jesus came preaching repentance
Jesus' first message on earth and last message on earth was the same: repent!
Jesus' disciples were always having to repent of unbelief and pride
Judas should have repented for betraying His Lord
Peter did repent of denying His Lord with oaths, swearing, and cursing
Thomas repented of failure to believe that Jesus rose from the dead and called Him by Lord and my God
All of Jesus' disciples had to repent of leaving Jesus alone
All your heroes in the Bible had to repent, except One
All your other heroes in life have to repent, except One
Yes! One Man never had to repent
Jesus never had to repent!
We need to repent
Buddhists must repent because Buddha cannot save
Muslims must repent because Muhammad is a false prophet
Hindus must repent because there's only One God, and He's the Triune God: Father, Son, And Holy Spirit
Jews must repent because Jesus is the Messiah
But Jesus never had to repent!
We need to repent
But Jesus never had to repent
Jesus didn't need to repent of always doing His Father's will perfectly
Jesus didn't need to repent of perfect faith
Jesus didn't need to repent of perfect hope
Jesus didn't need to repent of perfect love
Jesus didn't need to repent of conquering every temptation of Satan
Jesus didn't need to repent of overcoming every obstacle and challenge thrown at Him
Jesus didn't need to repent of allowing Himself to be beaten, spit on, stripped naked, mocked, and crushed and killed under the full weight of the wrath of God
No! We need to repent!
But Jesus never had to repent!
We need to repent
But because Jesus never had to repent, He rose up from the dead! He is risen! He is risen indeed!
He's alive so that He might grant you all the gift of true repentance!
He causes you to repent by the power of His Spirit!
He alone can grant you true repentance as a free gift that leads to eternal life!
Because Jesus never had to repent!
Now we do repent!
We repent of lies
We repent of selfishness
We repent of pride and arrogance
We repent of lust
We repent of adultery and all forms of sexual immorality
We repent of drunkenness and drug use
We repent of unbelief
We repent of worry and anxiety
We repent of the love of money
We repent of disobeying parents and authorities
We repent of lovelessness and hate
We repent of all sin
We believe in Jesus and delight in Jesus and trust in Jesus!
We hate sin!
We turn from sin and fight sin!
We seek to live faithfully and do whatever He calls us to do!
We seek to make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey all that Jesus has commanded!
We are enabled and empowered by His Spirit to obey all that He has commanded us for the glory of God!
We are being conformed into the image of Christ day by day for the glory of our King!
And even now He prays and intercedes for us according to the will of God!
His name is Jesus, and He never had to repent!
Christ Never Needed To Repent
For Us, By God, The God-Man’s Sent
He’s Perfect, Sinless, Full Extent
He’s Righteous, Pure, In God Content
Yet On His Head God’s Wrath Was Spent
God’s Anger On That Cross Torment
To Horrible, Tragic Death He Went
To The Dead He Made Decent
Then Rose Alive, Crushed Death’s Intent
In Glory-Power Made Accent
So Trust Him Now, By Faith Assent
All Your Sins Hate, Weep, Lament
He Died So Now You Can Repent
And Be For Him All That God Meant
For Christ Is All! Him Represent
For Love, All This, He Underwent!
God And The Gospel
To learn more about the great and true Triune God, the God-Man, Jesus Christ, and His glorious Gospel message and everlasting Kingship, please watch American Gospel: Christ Alone. You can watch the full documentary here with a free, 3 day trial.