Monday, December 30, 2024
Christ Jesus Is Elohim Come For Salvation!
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Christ Jesus Is The Perfect Incarnation!
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Christ Jesus Is God’s Blessed Grace!
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
The Necessity Of Church Membership For Genuine Christians: Why You Should Be A Church Member
1 Corinthians 12:27: Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.
Yes! The word "member" is actually in the Bible! And just like the Holy Spirit, through the Apostle Paul, speaks of God's people as members of a physical body that they are actually connected to (fingers connected to hands, hands connected to arms, arms connect to shoulders, etc), we Christians are actually supposed to be connected to the body of Christ - the church. Does Jesus require every Christian to be a member of His body? Yes! Cyprian (210-258 AD) was absolutely right:
No one can have God for his Father, who does not have the Church for his mother.
John Calvin agreed with Cyprian:
I will begin with the Church, into whose bosom God is pleased to collect his children, not only that by her aid and ministry they may be nourished so long as they are babes and children, but may also be guided by her maternal care until they grow up to manhood, and, finally, attain to the perfection of faith. What God has thus joined, let not man put asunder (Mark 10:9): to those to whom he is a Father, the Church must also be a mother. This was true not merely under the Law, but even now after the advent of Christ; since Paul declares that we are the children of a new, even a heavenly Jerusalem (Gal. 4:26). (Institutes 4.1.1)
I agree with Pastor Ricky Jones when he writes:
Every letter in the New Testament assumes Christians are members of local churches. The letters themselves are addressed to local churches. They teach us how to get along with other members, how to encourage the weak within the church, how to conduct ourselves at church, and what to do with unrepentant sinners in the church. They command us to submit to our elders, and encourage us to go to our elders to pray. All these things are impossible if you aren’t a member of a local church. (See 1 and 2 Corinthians, James, Ephesians, 1 and 2 Timothy, and 1 Peter for references.) Asking where the Bible commands you to be a church member is like asking where the USGA rulebook for golf insists you be a human. The whole book is addressed to the church.
She – I'm not going to tell you her name or the country from which she hails, and you’ll understand why after I tell you the story. She is a student . . . at the Master's College in California . . . And she is technically a student in computer sciences, because she is from a Muslim country where it is not allowed for citizens of that country to study things pertaining to Christianity. So she is studying computer sciences and technologies. But what she really is enjoying studying at the Master's College is Bible and Greek. Now listen to me: she's 17 years old. She speaks four languages fluently. She's brilliant in languages, and she's devouring the study of New Testament Greek because she wants to translate the Bible into some of the languages and dialects of the people from whom she came. She heard the gospel, embraced Christ, was baptized, and joined [the] church. Now her family is Muslim, and she comes from a Muslim country, and it is against the law in that country for a Muslim to convert to Christianity, be baptized, and join a Christian church. Fortunately, her father loves her very much, and he is an open-minded man, and he did not abuse her or expel her or kill her for what she had done, and he even allowed her to go (and because of his position in his country, he was able to allow her to get a visa to come to the United States) to study in California. Just a few months ago she went home on a break to be with her family. And when she got there at the airport, she was arrested and questioned by the local police as to what she had been doing here in the United States. And after a day or so she was released to her family, and when she got home, her dad was not there. He was away at another meeting. But her uncle was there. Her uncle asked her if it was true that she had been baptized and had joined a Christian church. She said it was. He began to beat her. He beat her until she fell to the floor almost semi-conscious . . . with his fists . . . and then he picked up a chair, and he began to beat her with the chair. Just before he killed her, her father came home, stopped his brother from killing his daughter, and got her to the doctors. She still went and met with local Christians. I think there are only 150 Christians that she knows of in the country from which she comes. And her father immediately put her on a plane and got her out of the country and sent her back to the Master's College. After she recovered, Pastor MacArthur went to visit her, and talked with her about this experience. In the course of talking with her, he said, "Can I ask you a question? I know I don't even have a right to ask this question. Would you permit me to ask you a very, very personal question?" She said, "Yes, Pastor." "What were you thinking when your uncle was in the process of almost beating you to death?" And she said, "I was thinking that this man has a religion that he would kill for, and I have a Savior that I would die for." And that's a 17 year old girl. Church membership is something that she embraces at the peril of her life.
God’s love is constrained by God’s holiness, like water is constrained by the pipe through which it flows. Of course, that means that God’s holiness ultimately serves the purposes of his love, as the pipe does water. God's Love Divides: It’s this holy affection or holy love that divides the universe in two. And there’s a bright and clear boundary line in between the two sides, one as clear as the boundary between the inside of the garden of Eden and the outside, the inside of Noah’s Ark and the outside, the inside of a house covered by a smear of blood on the night of the Passover and the outside, the inside of the Israelite camp in the wilderness and the outside, the inside of the Promised Land and the outside. It’s a boundary as clear as the Jordan River. On one side of the line is the holy; on the other side is the unholy. On one side are to be those who bear a God-centered love; on the other side are those who love idols. On one side are those who listen to God’s Word and God’s law; on the other side are those who listen to other voices (see Gen. 3:17). When Paul refers to God’s chosen people as “holy and beloved” (Col. 3:12), he’s not talking about two unrelated things. The local church that chooses to emphasize God’s love but not God’s holiness is a church that doesn’t actually understand what God’s love is, because God’s love is wholly fixed upon God and his glorious character in all its aspects. Such a church has probably substituted an idol in place of God’s love. As such, the church that hesitates to draw sharp membership borders or to practice church discipline because these things don’t seem loving needs to know that it’s been duped into a man-centered caricature of love. It’s been co-opted by the culture. It may well be worshiping an idol.
The people of God are not called the people of God for their own sake. They exist as the people of God to please & glorify God. In other words, the distinction between them & the world is not simply ontological (though it is not less than that), it is also ethical and teleological. Christ calls the church to be salt & light in a dark & decaying world. He tells Christians not to conform to the evil desires they had when they were not God’s people, but to be holy as God is holy. And he has saved the church so that it might display the eternal glory & wisdom of God to the universe. As such, a clear line of membership helps to make these ethical & teleological goals a reality in the life of the church. It marks out these people as a display of his mercy & kindness to the surrounding world – all to his glory. Throughout Scripture, we see a pattern of God making his people visibly distinct from the world. When the local church practices meaningful church membership, it simply participates in what God has been doing all along. One day, the Lamb’s book of life will be the only membership roll, & the reading of that roll will be dreadful & awesome. Until that day, churches, by keeping lists, show love for those on the inside & those on the outside. However imperfect these earthly lists might be, they prepare everyone for the final reading of the list that bears no mistakes.
What does the word translated “join” . . . mean? The Greek word is kollaô, the semantic range of which includes “to bind closely,” “to join together,” and “unite.” This same word occurs in 1 Corinthians 6:17 to refer to the union that occurs between a believer and Christ. At the very least, the use of the word “join” in Acts 5:13 refers to more than casually showing up, as you or I might speak of “joining the dinner party for dessert.” It indicates some sort of formal connection . . . .
The verb translated “enroll” (katalageô) can be either specific (“to put on a list”) or general (“to consider as part of a certain group”). The former meaning would make the point more marked in that the church was clearly keeping an accessible list of widowed members. Yet even the latter meaning would mean that the church was distinguishing between people in a way consistent with the practice of church membership. Why mention the widow’s list? It’s difficult to imagine the church keeping a list of widows but not keeping a list of members. If it didn’t keep the latter list, what group of widows would even be consider for inclusion on the former list? Any widow in the entire city of Ephesus? The widow who showed up three times four years ago? Of course not. The church would have some specified pool that it was drawing from.
. . . the clear evidence of Scripture is that the church should keep a roll of members. The supreme model for our membership roll is the membership roll of heaven (Exodus 32:32,33; Daniel 12:1; Luke 10:20; Philippians 4:3; Revelation 13:8; 20:12,15). The Biblical pattern is for new believers to be "numbered" or "added to" the rolls of the local church (Acts 2:41,47; 6:7; 1 Timothy 5:9). Members could be taken away from the roll (1 Corinthians 5:2)- this indicates more than being physically barred, since even unbelievers could attend Christian worship (1 Corinthians 14:23) -- or reinstated (2 Corinthians 2:6-7); it is impossible to have coherent discipline without such a roll. There was a widow's roll for diaconal purposes (1 Timothy 5:9). Elders are to know their sheep, and are accountable for the care of the flock entrusted to them -- this demands knowing who they are; that is, it demands a list or roll (Hebrews 13:7,17-18; 1 Thessalonians 5:11- 14; I Peter 5:2; Acts 20:28). The apostolic church utilized letters of transfer or commendation (Acts 18:27; Romans 16:1-2; 2 Corinthians 3:1; 8:23-24); examples of these letters include Philemon and 3 John. Interchurch business was conducted by people with reference letters (1 Corinthians 16:3; 2 Corinthians 8:16-24). We conclude therefore that requiring professed believers to be enrolled as members of an evangelical church as a condition for taking the Lord's Supper is consistent with sound Biblical practice.
God has a list of members of the saints' names in heaven, and the church should have the same on earth:
Exodus 32:32-33: "But now, if you will forgive their sin - but if not, please blot me out of your book that you have written." But the LORD said to Moses, "Whoever has sinned against me, I will blot out of my book.
Daniel 12:1: At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time. But at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone whose name shall be found written in the book.
Luke 10:20: Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.
Philippians 4:3: Yes, I ask you also, true companion, help these women, who have labored side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.
Revelation 20:12, 15: And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done . . . And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.
This is the first of two times Jesus uses the word church. Here he is talking about the universal church: the assembly of all Christians from all ages who will gather at the end of history. Jesus will build this end-time assembly. How will he build it? He will build it "on this rock." What rock? Theologians have long debated whether the rock is Peter or Peter's confession. In fact, I think you have to say both. Theologian Edmund Clowney writes, "The confession cannot be separated from Peter, neither can Peter be separated from his confession." Jesus will build his church not on words, and not on people, but on people who believe the right gospel words (like the Word himself who became flesh). Jesus will build the church on confessors. Jesus then gave Peter and the apostles the keys of the kingdom, which gave Peter the authority to do what Jesus had just done with him: to act as God's official representative on earth for affirming true gospel confessions and confessors. The interactions between heaven and earth in this passage are amazing to consider. Peter rightly confessed who Jesus was, and Jesus said that Peter's right answer came from the Father in heaven. Though Jesus was on earth, he spoke on behalf of heaven. Then, in the very next breath, he authorized Peter to do the same thing - to represent what's bound and loosed in heaven by binding and loosing on earth! Bible scholars sometimes talk about "binding and loosing" as a judicial or rabbinic activity, which is helpful for understanding this phrase. For instance, a rabbi might decide whether some law applied to - bound - a particular person in a certain set of circumstances. Jesus essentially gave the apostles this kind of authority: the authority to stand in front of a confessor, to consider his or her confession, to consider his or her life, and to announce an official judgment on heaven's behalf. Is that the right confession? Is that a true confessor? In other words, the apostles had heaven's authority for declaring who on earth is a kingdom citizen and therefore represents heaven. I'm not saying that Jesus established a "church membership program" in Matthew 16, but he indisputably established the church (which is its members), and he gave it the authority of the keys to continue building itself - effectively the authority to receive and dismiss members. The authority of the keys is the authority to assess a person's gospel words and deeds and to render a judgment. Two chapters later, where Jesus uses the word church for the second and last time, we see those keys put into action:
If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them. (Matthew 18:15-20)
The passage begins with the picture of a brother sinning, and his sin is out of step with his confession of faith. Jesus then recommends four rounds of confrontation. In round 1, the confrontation is kept private. If the sinner repents, his confession of faith regains its credibility and the confrontation stops. His life matches his confession. He is, once more, representing Jesus rightly. In round two, the confrontation expands to include two or three witnesses, as in Old Testament judicial setting. In round three, the whole church or assembly becomes involved. If the sinner still does not repent, round four ensues, which involves removing the individual from the covenant community - treating him like an outsider. Sometimes this is called church discipline or excommunication. Jesus then invokes the keys of the kingdom again: whatever the church binds on earth with be bound in heaven, and whatever the church looses on earth will be loosed in heaven. And Jesus is not addressing the apostles or the universal church here. He's envisioning a local church. The local church, it appears, has been given the apostolic keys of the kingdom. As a result, the local church has heaven's authority for declaring who on earth is a kingdom citizen and therefore represents heaven. Jesus has authorized the local church to stand in front of a confessor, to consider the confessor's confession, to consider his or her life, and to announce an official judgment on heaven's behalf. Is that the right confession? Is this a true confessor? It's just like Jesus did with Peter. And it will do these things with the ordinances that are established in Matthew 26 and Matthew 28 - the Lord's Supper and baptism. Matthew 18, which is filled with even more earth and heaven talk than Matthew 16, presents a crystal clear picture of this authority in the context of church discipline. But the ability to remove someone from membership presupposes an overarching authority to assess a person's gospel words and deeds and to render a judgment. This authority begins the moment a person shows up in the church building doors claiming, as Peter did, that Jesus is the Christ. The state's representative authority, we said in chapter 1, is seen most clearly in its ability to end a person's life. Likewise, the church's representative authority in Christ's kingdom is seen most clearly in its ability to remove a person from citizenship in Christ's kingdom. In both cases, the full extent of institutional authority is indicated by the power to decisively end a person's membership, through death in one case and excommunication in the other. Yet it's the same authority that is exercised when "two or three gather in [Jesus's] name" (Matt. 18:20) and baptize a person "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matt. 28:19), licensing the person as an official, card-carrying disciple. As such, when it comes to a Christian's discipleship to Christ, the local church is the Christian's highest authority on earth. No, it's not an absolute authority, any more than the state is. But Christ does mean for Christians to submit to the oversight of local churches by virtue of their citizenship in his kingdom. Will the local church exercise the keys perfectly? No. It will make mistakes just as every other authority established by Jesus makes mistakes. As such, the local church will be an imperfect representation of Christ's end-time gathering. But the fact that in makes mistakes, just as presidents and parents do, does not mean it's without an authoritative mandate. Does all this mean that what a local church does on earth actually changes a person's status in heaven? No, the church's job is like an ambassador's or an embassy's. Remember what I said about visiting the US Embassy in Brussels when my passport expired. The embassy didn't make me a citizen; it formally affirmed it in a way I could not myself - so with a local church. (Pages 58-62)
God has given us four pictures of the church, not one. This is not just to emphasize and prove the point by repetition, but also to say four different things about what it means to be a member of a church. To be a stone in his temple means to belong to a worshiping community. To be part of a body means to belong to a living, functioning, serving, witnessing community. To be a sheep in the flock means belonging to a community dependent on him for food, protection, and direction. To be a member of a family is to belong to a community bound by a common fatherhood. Put together you have the main functions of an individual Christian. Evidently we are meant to fulfill these not on our own but together in the church. Now can you see the answer to the question why you should join a church?
1) It’s where Christians go public to declare our highest allegiance2) It’s the outpost or embassy, giving a public face to our future nation3) It’s where we worship our King4) It’s where our King enacts His rule through preaching, the ordinances, and discipline5) It’s where God publicly makes His people known and marked off – where He draws a line between the church and the world.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Christ Jesus Is The Center Of This Meal He Has Showered!
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Christ Jesus Is God's Image True!
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Christ Jesus’ Blood Was Full Out Poured!
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Christ Jesus Brought Life From The Womb!
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
God's Faithful Men Speak Truth To Power And Defy Tyrants
Exodus 5:1: Afterward Moses and Aaron went and said to Pharaoh, "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, 'Let my people go, that they may hold a feast to me in the wilderness.'"
2 Samuel 12:7: Nathan said to David, "You are the man!"
1 Kings 18:17-18: When Ahab saw Elijah, Ahab said to him, "Is it you, you troubler of Israel?" And he answered, "I have not troubled Israel, but you have, and your father's house, because you have abandoned the commandments of the LORD and followed the Baals."
1 Kings 22:24-26: Then Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah came near and struck Micaiah on the cheek and said, "How did the Spirit of the LORD go from me to speak to you?" And Micaiah said, "Behold, you shall see on that day when you go into an inner chamber to hide yourself." And the king of Israel said, "Seize Micaiah . . . ."
Jeremiah 22:1-2: Thus says the LORD: "Go down to the house of the king of Judah and speak there this word, and say, 'Hear the word of the LORD, O King of Judah, who sits on the throne of David, you, and your servants, and your people who enter these gates.'"
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego:
Daniel 3:16-18: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego answered and said to the king, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up."
John the Baptist:
Matthew 3:7: But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism, he said to them, "You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?"
John the Baptist:
Matthew 14:3-4: For Herod had seized John and bound him and put him in prison for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife, because John had been saying to him, "It is not lawful for you to have her."
Luke 13:31-32: At that very hour some Pharisees came and said to him, "Get away from here, for Herod wants to kill you." And he said to them, "Go and tell that fox, 'Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I finish my course.'"
Matthew 23:33: You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?
John 19:11: Jesus answered him, "You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above."
Peter and the apostles:
Acts 5:29: But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than men."
Acts 16:35-37: But when it was day, the magistrates sent the police, saying, "Let those men go." And the jailer reported these words to Paul, saying, "The magistrates have sent to let you go. Therefore come out now and go in peace." But Paul said to them, "They have beaten us publicly, uncondemned, men who are Roman citizens, and have thrown us into prison; and do they now throw us out secretly? No! Let them come themselves and take us out."
Elizabeth Rundle Charles referring to Martin Luther:
If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved, and to be steady on all the battlefield besides, is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.
Saturday, October 19, 2024
The Melodic Line Of The Book Of Revelation
Books of the Bible have a coherent and sustained message. It's like the unique melody of a song. It unites the whole book. And every passage will be related to the melodic line in some way.
During one of our large group teaching sessions, we brainstormed to get a rough draft of the melodic line of the book of Revelation. We came up with something like this:
Keep these words of Jesus Christ, the worthy Lamb Who was slain, conquer and endure as He conquered and endured, and you will be blessed. (See more on melodic line here and also here.)
I was moved to put the melodic line in poetic form:
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Christ Jesus Is Our Sumptuous Feast!
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
A Concern About The Way Pastor Kevin DeYoung Writes About The Cross In His New Daily Doctrine Book
It is a cry of real, objective, God forsakenness . . . Jesus felt forsaken because He was, at that moment, forsaken . . . God was angry, at this moment, with His Son. (A Cry, a Curtain, and a Confession, Mark 15:33-39) Kevin DeYoung
In his human consciousness, Christ experienced a true feeling of God-forsakenness . . . according to à Brakel, Christ was not forsaken by the Father . . . . (Page 201)
I realize Pastor Kevin and à Brakel are seeking to protect the truth that the Godhead did not disassemble on the cross. I agree with them that there was no intra-trinitarian disruption, conflict, or separation - yes, the Trinity was not broken apart in that sense. But we must also be very clear that in history as the Mediator, there is a mysterious sense in which Jesus Christ was truly and objectively forsaken by God His Father on that cross: there's no hope without it! I wish Pastor Kevin had been more clear that Jesus felt forsaken because He was, in some sense, truly forsaken. I've written about this point here: Forsaken Or Felt Forsaken?
In the cry of Jesus we are dealing not with a subjective but with an objective God-forsakenness: He did not feel alone but had in fact been forsaken by God. His feeling was not an illusion, not based on a false view of his situation, but corresponded with reality. (Reformed Dogmatics: Sin and Salvation in Christ, Vol. 3, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2006, 389)
Joel Beeke is right:
Outside an emergency room in a California hospital is a drop-off box for unwanted babies. The thought of abandoning one’s baby like dropping mail in a mailbox makes us shudder. Yet, when believers feel forsaken, it is like that: a feeling that does not correspond with reality. They lose the sense of God’s presence, but not this presence itself. With Christ this loss was both feeling and fact. He felt forsaken because He was forsaken. He endured the essence of abandonment . . . . (Christ Forsaken!)
Robert Letham (who sort of understands the Trinity) is right:
To fathom the depths of what Christ endured we would need to spend eternity in hell. He was rejected by humankind, abandoned by God, subject to the full curse of the law and more besides . . . He endured the holy judgment of God against the unrighteous. He was made sin. He experienced the fearsome fate of falling into the hands of the living God, who is a consuming fire. He took our place as the guilty, the accursed, the covenant breaker. He was abandoned. He cried, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (The Work Of Christ, Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1993, 133 & 142-143)
Ligon Duncan is right:
The suffering of David and the people of Israel - rejection, curse, and judgment - were ultimately and consummately experienced by David's greater son, the servant of the Israel, the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus experienced Psalm 89:38-45. And by that suffering Jesus restored the throne of David and saved the people of God . . . Psalm 89 gives us hope ultimately because it points us to the one who endured a suffering far beyond anything we will ever know. He was mocked and shamed and forsaken of God, so that we might be God's precious inheritance into eternity.
"Christ was the Son of love, and as such God was not angry with Him. God was wrathful toward sin, however, and in righteously executing justice as Judge, caused Him who had taken sin upon Himself to feel this wrath." (Page 201)
That God should never be more angry with his Son than when he was most pleased with him, for so it was when Christ hung upon the cross, God did find a sweet-smelling savour of rest and satisfaction even when he cried out, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Thomas Goodwin, The Works Of Thomas Goodwin, Volume 4, Chapter 2, Glory Of The Gospel (Tanski Publications: Eureka, California: 1996), 275.)And also this offering up himself was so sweet a smelling sacrifice to God (as Eph. V. 2), that although God expressed never so much anger against Christ as when he hung upon the cross, yet he was never so well pleased by him as then . . . . (Thomas Goodwin, Christ Our Mediator, (Sovereign Grace Publishers, Grand Rapids: 1971), 136.)
Mark Jones is right:
Let us remember the salient fact that the Father would soon abandon His beloved Son in Whom He found such delight . . . In relation to His death on the cross, God was never more pleased with His Son than when He was most angry with Him. (Knowing Christ, Page 82)
Stephen Wellum and Donald Macleod are right:
In saying that the Son bears the Father's wrath for us, we must never forget that the unity of the triune persons remains unbroken. Macleod rightly notes: "Even while the Father is angry with the Mediator, the Son is still the beloved and still fully involved in all the external acts (the opera ad extra) of the Trinity." (Christ Alone: The Uniqueness of Jesus as Savior: What the Reformers Taught...and Why It Still Matters (Five Solas), Page 209)
You have been very angry with Your Anointed One. Psalm 89:38
Ligon Duncan is right:
One Final Hope: The Gospel Of Jesus Christ . . . Ultimately, we'll never appreciate this psalm fully until we see how it points to our Savior. "But now you have cast off and rejected; you are full of wrath against your anointed" . . . Psalm 89:38-45 is a picture of the dashed hopes of the people of God. They were promised that David and his line would reign forever, but now that promise seems to have failed . . . This description of David and his line cannot be exhausted by the experiences of David and his sons. Instead, these words are true, in the fullest sense, of David's greater son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
. . . it seems difficult to make sense of Jesus saying that he would drink of the cup (since in the OT "the cup" was the cup of wrath against the wicked) or of the terminology of propitiation if God's anger wasn't upon the Son in some important way. I agree with you that there's mystery here, although I think the explanation can be reasonably clear if we distinguish the eternal intratrinitarian relationship of Father and Son (in which it's impossible to think of one being angry with the other) from the historical relationship between the Father and the incarnate Son. Still mysterious, to be sure, but if we locate God's wrath against Christ in the latter we can avoid problems with our Trinitarian theology.
If Christ is called "a curse," why cannot damnation be ascribed to him? (Francis Turretin, Institutes Of Elenctic Theology, Vol. 2, Trans. George Musgrave Giger, Ed. James T. Dennison, Jr., (Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing, 1994), 356.)
Christ did indeed suffer eternal damnation, for eternal damnation, death, & pain consist in total separation from God, in the total manifestation of divine wrath, & all of this for such a duration until the punishment upon sin was perfectly & satisfactorily born." (Wilhelmus à Brakel. The Christian's Reasonable Service, 591.)
So then, gaze at the heavenly picture of Christ, who descended into hell [I Pet. 3:19] for your sake and was forsaken by God as one eternally damned when he spoke the words on the cross, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani!" — "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" [Matt. 27:46]. In that picture your hell is defeated and your uncertain election is made sure. (Martin Luther, Luther's Works, Vol. 42, Eds. Jaroslav Jan Pelikan, Hilton C. Oswald, and Helmut T. Lehmann, (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1969), 105.)
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
As it was all the wrath of God that lay upon Christ, so it was wrath aggravated, in divers respects beyond that which the damned themselves do suffer. (He then gives three reasons why. See this article at the end for the reasons.) (John Flavel, The Seven Utterances Of Christ On The Cross)Yea, and by reason of the incapacity of the damned in hell to take in the full measure of God's wrath due to them for their sins, therefore their punishment, though it be eternal, yet never satisfies, because they can never take in all, as Christ could and did, and so theirs is truly less than what Christ underwent. And therefore Christ's punishment ought not in justice to be eternal, as theirs is, because he could take it all in a small space, and more fully satisfy God's wrath in a few hours, than they could unto all eternity. (Thomas Goodwin, Christ Our Mediator, (Sovereign Grace Publishers, Grand Rapids: 1971), 285.)
Beloved, if Jesus was not truly and objectively forsaken by God on that cross, then we will be forsaken by God in Hell forever. If God was not angry with His Son on that cross, then He will be angry with us forever in Hell. And if God did not damn His own Son on that cross, then we will be damned in Hell forever. But Jesus was forsaken! Jesus did drink the cup of God's anger! Jesus was damned in our place! And God raised Him up from the dead so that we will never be forsaken! We will never bear God's anger! And we will never be damned! If you repent and trust in Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone, according to the Bible alone, for the glory of God alone, you shall be saved!
Pastor Kevin Has Gotten It Right Before
I miss the Kevin DeYoung who preached on Christ's cry of dereliction in Mark 15 and said what first introduced this article:
It is a cry of real, objective, God forsakenness . . . Jesus felt forsaken because He was, at that moment, forsaken . . . God was angry, at this moment, with His Son. (A Cry, a Curtain, and a Confession, Mark 15:33-39)
Amen Pastor Kevin! Hallelujah! What a Savior!
2. Forsaken, Or Felt Forsaken explains the nature of Christ's forsakenness on the cross.
3. More Thoughts On Being God-Forsaken lists numerous faithful and trusted scholars, teachers, and preachers' teachings on the forsakenness of Jesus on the cross.
4. Thomas Goodwin On The Father's Love And Anger At The Cross shows one very prominent and faithful Puritan's thoughts on how God the Father's love and His anger intersect at the cross.
5. The Bible Says God Was Angry With Jesus On The Cross explores what Psalm 89 teaches us about what Jesus suffered on the cross.
6. The Bible Says The Father Turned His Face Away From Jesus On The Cross explores what Psalm 88 teaches us about what Jesus suffered on the cross.
7. Samuel Rutherford On The Father's Love And Anger At The Cross shows another prominent Puritan's teaching on how God the Father's love and anger converge at the cross.
8. Is It Biblical To Say Jesus Was Damned By God On The Cross? answers that question with numerous faithful voices from Church history.
9. The Sufferings Of The LORD Jesus Christ On The Cross seeks to explore the different ways God's Word describes Christ's sufferings on the cross and what they mean in their Old Testament context.
10. John Calvin: Jesus Both Became A Curse AND Was Cursed By God On The Cross describes Calvin's convictions on Jesus' cursed death on the cross.
11. Dr. Klaas Schilder On The Sufferings Of Christ highlights the Dutch theologians thoughts on the horrors of what Jesus endured on the cross for His people.
12. Opposing Calvin’s Inconsistency On The Cross, The Father’s Anger Toward The Son, And The Heart Of The Gospel explores John Calvin's thought on penal substitution.
13. A poem about the sufferings of Christ: The Day The Father Was Angry With His Son
14. A new hymn celebrating what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross: Christ Our Substitute
15. Derek Rishmawy has written a very helpful article affirming the classic doctrine of God and Biblical trinitarian theology as it relates to Christ's sufferings on the cross.
16. Dr. S. M. Lockridge wrote a wonderful poem about the cross that also looks forward to the resurrection called, "It's Friday, But Sunday's Coming!"
17. We Must Get The Cross Right For The Glory Of King Jesus!